Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Useless Eaters; Income Tax; Food Stamps and the "Mark of the Beast"

My move to Houston, Texas was just short of not being able to bear, but I am getting through the mess and able to again take time out to continue with this blog.  I was reading something very disturbing and indeed quite alarming and it goes back to a prior blog about being micro chipped; aka, “The Mark of the Beast”. 

In times past and for some who are still living from those days; food was used as a weapon.  It was Hitler who used food rationing in order to increase production for the Nazi war machine and it was Stalin who used food as a weapon to quell the Ukraine from becoming a separate state, for which 20 million starved to death in just a two year period.

In more recent times, Henry Kissinger, along with President Gerald Ford came up with a classified plan in the reduction of what was first termed as “useless eaters” among developing nations.  What I am going to say next is going to seem outlandish, but is a direct parallel to what I stated in at least two prior blogs that there are only two things that will kill human beings; nature, which is death by old age or a natural disaster; or by the government and in this case the United States Government.  I do not want to hear that our own government would not go so far as to starve its own people because our government is not what it was prior to the end of the Civil War, as I have plainly stated and proved in my book,  “What Difference Does It Make?!”   

Well I suppose none of my readers of this blog have read it yet and I have been quite generous in supplying some of it here within these blogs, but as they say, “The Devil is in the details”, for which I have spared my readers a lengthy read, by maintaining a two-page limit to my blogs.  The United States, in general, is well-known for its generosity to all nations when disaster strikes, which by the way is all a matter of a political show and is temporary at best.  However, the overall plan is for the Corporation of the United States is to subjugate the people into a slave state, which we all are but do not realize it, only because we have certain false beliefs that have spoon fed to us generation after generation, such as; paying our far share of taxes, which by the way was never meant from its implementation of 1916 to tax individuals, because the Constitution prohibits a direct tax.

The reason we have a direct tax is that of WW II or more specifically because of the contract the IRS made with Walt Disney to produce something that would stir up patriotism and people would volunteer into contributing a mere two-percent of their paychecks for the war effort.  However, after the war that voluntary tax was not lifted and continued, but expanded to include everyone and now you have what Paul Harvey would say; “…the rest of the story.”  The whole idea of a “Federal Tax” was designed for federal employees who worked on federal property, corporate entities (because they are legal fictions authorized by the Federal Government) and those who reside within the District of Columbia would pay the tax and that was the entire extent of the intended “Federal Income Tax”. 

Now that we have “Food Stamps”, we now have about 50 million people who benefit from this particular program and if the government wanted to they could pull the rug from under all of those beneficiaries.  You say “The government would never do that!”  If you believe that then you do not believe what God says, for which I have already outlined in a recent blog about “The Mark of the Beast” and the consequences thereof.  I am only the messenger.  One might also seriously consider what is happening presently in cities across the entire nation with gatherings of the many fridge groups, who demand this and that and do not mind adding violence to the mix.  The government is not going to allow such anarchy to influence our present system of law and order.  As long as there are overt displays of violent protests, such things are accumulative and will eventually prompt the government to do something about if before it gets out of hand.

There are those in what is termed as “The Deep State”, which I have termed long before this as “The Matrix” and I use this term specifically for two reasons 1) any matrix is a created reality, for which false-flag attacks can promote certain public behavior; 2) because of the movie series with the same title, for which we are most familiar, who sincerely believe the government has all the answers and the general population be damned; our Constitution notwithstanding and that is another story, for which there is no room here to include and suggest reading my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!.  Yes, it might sound like I have been promoting this book and that assumption would be correct.  One interesting aspect of our electronic age is the fact that technology has permeated every facet of our society and this includes the printing industry, for which I was a part of back in the late seventies and all through the eighties when personal computers were in their infancy.

The United States Government has already prepared to “chip” everyone, but like I said in a prior blog to prepare us for when the specific “chip of the Mark of the Beast” will make it easier to be accepted as a way of life.  Do not be fooled, because these particular “chips” can be made to do anything; to even provide a “kill switch” to those who defy the “The State” in the smallest way.  This “kill switch” might be a simple alarm to notify the authorities of a breach; subject to an arrest and promptly executed most likely publically like the French did during the “French Revolution”; yes by guillotine, for which I know for a fact are hidden in the United States and I know of at least 4 of them that were discovered.  In the year 2000, 3 of them were discovered on a railroad flatcar and in 2010 another one was immediate discovered when offloading a container from a ship from Europe that dropped from a port crane (perhaps by a divine event) to reveal a guillotine whose recipient was a church that vehemently denied it.

I also know that President G.W. Bush ordered 109,600 railroad cars fitted with shackles; enough to “railroad” 15 million people, perhaps to any of the 600 FEMA Camps located throughout the United States; Alaska being the largest one can house up to 2 million.  From what I and others understand, it is Homeland Security who is in charge of these FEMA Camps and the hiring of those who will be administrating these camps.  So as one can plainly see, all the above has been planned for several decades.  

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My move and North Korea

Greetings to my blog readers; yeah I know it has been some time since I have written here, but I was traveling and settling into my new location and subsequent job.  The Houston area is quite large and boasts a population of approximately four million.  Oil is the driving force in this community and business, in general, is quite brisk and a welcome relief to me from the depression in the State of Connecticut.  The pay scale is lower here, but so is the cost of housing.  I enjoy what I do for work and the place I work keeps me quite busy and I love it.

Is war with North Korea Imamate?  Perhaps, but President Trump is on the same page as I have been ever since the issue existed.  All North Korea has to do is carry out its threat and we can make North Korea a mere memory.  One other less bloody alternative to revert back to the “good old days of the CIA” when they would stage assassinations and allow a more benevolent regime to take over.  This would spare the general population to be punished for the sins of at least one man and a warning to those who serve under him.  The Chinese are just as much at fault for allowing this narcissist to make such waves that could place the entire world on the alert. 

The Chinese are just as appalled as their other neighbors, but it will never show and one could hardly believe that the Chinese would allow the nuking of their biggest client, the United States.  I am of the belief that the Chinese might have a “sleeper” or possible traitor in the midst of this regime, in order to secure the economic status of the Chinese/United States trade deals.  We also know that The Chinese had firsthand knowledge of just how responsive we are to threats when dessert was served.

It might be well to the entire world that the threat of a nuclear attack from any nut who might want to make a name for him/herself.  And yes, it could mean the end of this civilization as we know it, but then again this has been something that we had to live with for the many decades following the use of nukes over 70 years ago and the dire consequences thereafter.  Yes, it ended a long and bloody war, but at the same time, the rest of the world envied the ownership of such great power.  With great power comes great responsibility and there are those who are so envious for that kind of power that the first opportunity that comes along to use it, it would be almost impossible to quell such an action, for which we are now witnesses to that possibility.

And yes, it is conceivable that North Korea can hold the world hostage, which just might be their true intent, which is not unlike past military campaigns, for which many have paid tribute, to be spared from being attacked.  But such tribute will only last as long as there is the cash to spare and thereafter all bets are off.  In saying this, I am not one to allow a hostage situation to change anything.  Life and death happen to all of us; it is just a matter of when.  We all prefer “life”, but “death” is the final destiny of all and this is why I personally do not fear death because time passes and so do we. 

Do the above give us an excuse to do whatever we want and the hell with everyone else, even if our actions cause the death of just one or more persons?  The answer is an emphatic “No”, but there are many who will do anything to get ahead despite the consequences and in the end, as time passes, they come to meet their demise, so what was gained?  We see such things on a daily basis when we view the news and what effect does this have upon us?  “Oh, it does not affect me, because I was not there.”  That being so, still, a living and breathing human being, who was loved by someone will no longer exist because of the greed of one or more persons.

The bottom line is to live out our lives as what is best for all concerned.  If we cannot do that, what makes us so much better than anyone else who desires a quiet and fruitful life?  Yes, the government does carry a high degree of responsibility, but I know for a fact the responsibility does not go beyond the creed of our government and its survival as a corporation, which is true with every government on the entire planet, which simply means the general population is expendable and we are witnesses to this as well, when cops kill more innocent people than all the terrorist acts throughout the entire world combined in any given year.  This is why I have stated in at least one prior blog that there are only two things that can kill us; “nature or the government”.  “Nature” meaning either by old age or some disease; “government” as in being in the military and sent out to fight, or by some venue of resistance.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

New Blood in the White House; Sandra Huckabee-Sanders and Police Tyranny

There is a whole lot of shaking going on… it seems the White House is going through some growing pains.  This is not so unusual for any new administration and without a doubt, the media is seeing this as a “red letter day”.  The media simply cannot get enough dirt and if possible dig up more dirt along the way.  It seems with all the “shaking” going on they might be losing their sources.  One might suppose now the “Washington Compost” will revert back to the old days of the Nixon Administration to find another “Deep Throat”. 

Personally, I am going to miss Sean Spicer and taking all the political bullets from the hostile media.  However, it seems that Sandra Huckabee-Sanders is not going to take it on the chin and can dish out some of her own rhetoric.  The Press Corps seems to want to maintain a narrative that there is still much Chaos going on in the White House, but Sandra has assured the media they are mistaken and confessed about the Chaos going on in her household with 3 preschoolers and soliciting for babysitters among the Press Corp.

Yeah, I am beginning to get back on track in keeping up with news de jour’.  However, on Thursday, I will be on my way to Houston, Texas for a new assignment and be traveling by train.  No, I refuse to fly because I will not be treated like a criminal, so my last flight was in 1999.  It presupposes does it not that such treatment by TSA is reminiscent of Nazi Germany?  “When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force.  At that point, failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty.” John Perna

We see examples of such “tyranny” daily by our police officers, who have already declared all of us as the enemy and trained to be paranoid, which simply means everyone is a suspect, until proven innocent, unless you happen to be unlucky to be killed by either a bullet or even by a Taser, for which by the way in the past 10 years 500 people were murdered by Tasers by the police and the police in the United States are responsible for more murders than all the deaths that have taken place in any one given year by terrorists, worldwide.

Yes, some were actually criminals caught in the act, but many innocent people have met their demise at the hands of our police officers.  Even if you are lawfully carrying a gun to defend yourself, you will be going to jail, because both the police officers and our courts are ignoring our rights, but if you have read many of my prior blogs, I have expounded this many times.  It might do my readers a service to view a man named Gavin on “Youtube” and get firsthand knowledge and the experience of this man when confronting the police.