Saturday, March 16, 2019


AOC has given the world 12 years of life left to get its act together in regards to so-called “Climate Change.”   By what authority does this crap emulate?  For one, there seem to be thousands of scientists who agree with this scenario, but then these same scientists are all hired by their respective governments, for which at least back in 1995, if the government hired scientists did not agree with the government narrative of the then “Global Warming,” which has changed to “Climate Change,” only because there is very little effective “Global Warming,” those same scientists were fired.  Some will agree, only because they want to keep their jobs, but they are not buying into this cataclysm.

I am going to address the absurd by being absurd, but given the human greed factor, the following might well become a reality.  Let’s assume the 12-year prediction is absolutely true and if I were full of human greed, this is what I would do; first I would go to my favorite social media outlet and declare “It’s Party Time!”  I am not only going to live it up, but I am also going to completely wallow in everything that many would engage in if they knew the end was near.  

Next, I would open my house to an “End of the World Party,” that would be a 24/7 BYOB and party favors until the so-called “end” is upon us.  No doubt the lights will be burning, and the kitchen running it course around the clock.

If I were the criminal type, I might take a chance and plan a big bank robbery, make my way to some exotic location, and surround myself with naked women.

If I were a big-time meat eater; let the cows fart, I am going to have baroque, with nothing but meat on the menu, and invite the entire neighborhood every weekend.

My readers must agree that much of the above and similar will be going on at least in the so-called “final year.”  No doubt there will be many who will commit murder, go out and rape, pillage and cause as much mayhem as can be mustered.  Why not?  So what if the authorities lock me up if caught, along with a life sentence, because all life on planet Earth will end very soon, so why not go out big time.

No matter how laudable the cause, as long as there is human greed, what is being proposed is simply not going to happen in time?   There will be too many who will not only resist but will live it up.  Then there will be those who will realize the obscurity of it all, and carry on as if the threat is not real.  The authorities can pass hundreds if not thousands of laws to make the proposal happen, but just like our present society, there will be many who are lawbreakers.  The politicians will rob us to fund the 12 year plan, well make that 10 years, and that is assuming that Trump will not buy into the “New Green Deal,” and also assuming that Trump will win the next presidential election, and whittle that 10 years down to 6 years, which is hardly no time at all to implement any one thing, because of all the political differences and most of all, the numerous unbelievers.