“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson
There is a systemic reason why President Trump is hitting stone wall after stone wall, in terms of his lawsuits, despite the fact many of the judges who are dismissing the charges, as well as the evidence—in the form of affidavits, for which there are hundreds of witnesses producing these sworn statements, for which if said affidavits were proven to be false would be perjury. And some of these judges were appointed by President Trump—head-scratcher? It might be, but most people are not aware of the oath of Masons that nullifies all other oaths, including the oath they took to gain the bench, to the Constitution.
That oath is called Kol Nidrei, which is overtly explained in my Book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” Page 26, “The Oath that Nullifies All Other Oaths.” And page 91 in the “Appendix, is the document explaining “Kol Nidrei,” by Gil Student.
One question that might come to mind— “Who are the Masons?” The Masons are a repository for the Illuminati. Our Forefathers were Masons, for which they turned on their benefactors and created the greatest nation to ever exist in all of history. 31 of the signers of the “Declaration of Independence” were all hunted down by the British Military, murdered them and their entire families. The Bank of England was taken over by the Illuminati about the middle of the 17th century. It is the golden rule of arts and sciences, “Whoever owns the gold makes the rules.” Therefore, there is much more going on behind the scenes than anyone can imagine, or willing to believe that such evils exist.
There is no doubt that this past election is rife with fraud, corruption, greed and coercion. Probably more than anything else, it is revenge for the unprecedented election of Donald Trump, for which the Demoncrats had no compunction whatsoever to pull out all the stops to win at any cost—even breaking state and federal laws. The Demoncrats wasted no time to begin their impeachment months before the inauguration, and created a hell for not only the Trump family, but all those who were loyal to his election.
Many attorneys were threatened who presented the lawsuits, for which they withdrew their support to follow-up with those lawsuits, and those who persisted the judges were also in agreement with the Demoncrats, without any regard to party affiliation or conscience, not to mention their oath of office, which was nullified by their oath of Kol Nidrei.
As you can see we have incrementally lost our once cherished freedoms, and the remainder of any freedoms we have left are now in jeopardy, with the election of Joe Biden, and his recycling of Obama boot lickers. Covid-19 is their cover for stealing everything else we have left. If there is just one ounce of dignity left in the American People, they will rise up and revolt against the negligent homicide, perpetrated by Fauci, for whom did not want President Trump to ban foreign travelers to the United States.
Fauci is responsible for the funding given to the NIH, to be forwarded to the Wuhan Lab in China, to produce Covid-19, in order to empower the Technocrats. The Technocrats tried to take over via the TPP, which President Trump knew that would be a corporate take over of the entire global economy, which they now have through Covid-19 lock downs and fear, for which all the fear generated with Covid-19 is all false, especially with masking and social distancing. How much protection can a mask afford when a Covid-19 is the size of about one micron and the holes in masks are a minimum of 20 microns?
Masking is not about protection—it is a symbolic mussel for us to be quiet about the truth. We are social creatures, for which social distancing is not and never was a normal procedure at any other time in our human history. It is also unconstitutional for such measures to be implemented. In fact, we have always been in each other’s faces, for which is what “herd immunity” is all about.
All those who died, were already death warmed over. Covid-19 was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. 80 percent of those who were forced to use ventilators also died. Even the doctor who invented the nasal test for Covid-19 stated that it is the wrong test, which is why 80 percent of all those tests performed were false positives, and the very reason why there are so many so-called “cases,” for which has skewed the numbers of actual cases to continue the false narrative of fear. “Fear is the mind killer.”
Not many in the media are not talking about all the addictions, depression and consequential suicides that have ensued because of all the fear generated by so-called “health officials,” who are part of the Technocrat takeover of the economy. When the shut downs began, I knew full well that the liquor stores would not be closed—why—because there would be rioting in the streets if people could not purchase their favorite drug—alcohol, and the authorities knew this as well, which made all liquor stores immune to closure—still true as of this date and will continue to be open for business, no matter how much further this pandemic may go.
Covid-19 has not killed more than the annual flu. All that has been done is to highlight all the negative news and not let up to continue to instill fear among us all. Ever since March of this year, I have carried on as if this virus never existed. I am 66 years old, and do no have any pre-existing condition that would make me vulnerable. I maintained a healthy diet, low in sugar, avoiding white flour products and GMO foods.
And do not be fooled by the so-called vaccines that are being touted. The only success they achieved is to do what all drugs do—masking symptoms. The disease is still there, but the symptoms are quelled, giving us a false sense of security. Returning to normal is not going to happen, so either get over it or resist any attempts to continue to quash our freedoms. A national lock down is not the answer, but what it is going to do is incite much resentment, and small business owners are going to take up arms to protect their livelihoods. If I am going to die an unnatural death, I will live with my last gasp to declare that I am still a freeman, and not a slave to the Technocrats. We have the right to protect our lives and families, and not wait for a government handout. Our Forefathers did not fear death, but embraced freedom, for the sake of those who will be free from the tyranny that is now being perpetrated upon us.