Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A Small Minority is Allowing Communism to Take Hold in America


There is a systemic problem with the general media and high tech algarots, for which they have done everything possible to hide the truth in any important matters that have instilled fear and paranoia in many Americans, in regards to Covid-19. But now a new paradigm has entered the picture—the cry of freedom and liberty by the Cuban People, for which the leftists of America has remained silent, for but one reason—because they condone the murderous regime of Cuba, all for the sake of more power to the government of the United States, which is not so “united” as many might think.

It is not entirely surprising for one reason—ignorance of history, specifically the mid-nineteenth century, for which newly formed states were deciding to be either free or slave states—1840 to 1860. And it was the election of Abraham Lincoln the tilting the balance, regarding the southern states, who dared to not to represent their states when Congress reconvenes as our legislative body of our government, if Lincoln were elected president, which at least in theory dissolved the republic of the United States, and consequently the following Civil War.

This same division is now creating this same political condition that brought us our first civil war, for which another one is looming—because of the division of blue and red states—there is no difference since those dark days of 1840-1860, for which the states went to war over a political issue, 1861-1865.

History is one of the greatest teachers for humanity, but it the woke movement that wants us to rewrite history so we can forget the reasons why we had a civil war, beginning by the removal of statues that represent what happened during those very dark days of our civil war—400,000 soldiers died and 200,000 civilians also died.

The riots during the summer of 2020 is a mere prelude of what we are facing in our very near future, but with one exception—millions of American lives will be hanging in the balance all for the sake of a single party who want to maintain and hold on to the power they have gained—again, all for the sake of political power.

Therefore, if one wants to invites a civil war, keep giving the leftists all the power they want, and continue to see this nation divide further and further from the truth, that the media, big tech and democratic politicians have suppressed the truth, and will continue to do so.

Democratic strongholds are allowing criminals to get away with murder, defunding the police, handcuffing judges and suppressing prosecutors to convict the criminals, to empower the criminals to continue their criminal activities. It will not be long before our well-armed Americans are going to be shooting down criminals that the police refuse to protect law-abiding citizens, and their constitutional right to protect themselves against the tyranny of the Democrats.

President Biden needs to back up the freedom fighters of Cuba, but many of us know that is not going to happen, because his advisors, and handlers are convincing Biden not to act in such a manner, only because those same people are applauding the Communist regime in Cuba, which is precisely what they want the United States to become—a Communist regime. Always remember—the government must lie in order to protect itself.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How to Murder People with so-called “Unintended Consequences” and at the Same Time Eliminate the Middle Class


The title sounds like some kind of thriller novel, but is in fact has happened around the world during the past year, with a created virus, known as “Covid-19”. “Covid-19” is a very weak virus, but how many viruses are in the least bit “weak”? It should be quite apparent that this virus was created to be “weak”, so as not to affect people who have not been weakened by the consumption of GMO foods.

For those of you who are ignorant of your immune system, 70 percent of the immune system is located in the gut, for which it is now known that Glysophate, or “Round-Up” has a detrimental effect upon the gut, and subsequently to the immune system. Glysophate is even in the rain water, for which the State of Louisiana discovered 70 percent of their rainfall contains Glysophate, and therefore contaminated all the soil with this poison.

One could hardly believe that just one particular state is involved with this contamination—it is all over the entire planet, just as “Covid-19” was purposely spread throughout the entire planet—to attack only the weakened people, but not to those who allowed this to happen, because their immune systems are not affected by “Covid-19”, and to those of us who resisted the purchase of genetically modified food products.

Usually when a biological weapon is created, they must also create an antidote, to protect the creators of the weapon, but also protect the government who funded it, but this time they did not create an antidote—why—because none was needed for such a weak biological weapon, and only affect those with weakened immune systems, which simply means those who died from the virus were already “death warmed over”. After 20 years, which is approximately one generation of exposure to genetically modified foods, enough people were expected to contract “Covid-19” to effectively prompt the authorities to declare a “worldwide pandemic”.

Some of us already know that the Wuhan Lab located in China produced “Covid-19”, for which the funding came from the NIH, “National Institute for Health”, what a paradox is that? The funding came from the office of Dr. Fauci to the NIH. How is it that we allow the fox to guard the henhouse?

I stated before that “Covid-19” is a feasibility study, to see how the world will react to so-called “authority”, when requiring the wearing of useless masks, and useless “social distancing”. “Covid-19” is less than one micron in size—both paper and cloth masks have openings of 20 microns—where is the protection?

The so-called “vaccine” is not a true vaccine—why—because more than one dose is needed—it is only a drug that suppresses the symptoms, which is the true reason for the second dose. And as in all drugs are side effects—a true vaccine will not normally produce side effects, which is why many people (30 per day) are dying from the drug.

The “lock downs” are another terrifying issue. Why is it that only middle-class owners were the only ones affected by the lockdowns, all the while the large corporate establishments were allowed to flourish? Case and point—A MacDonald’s was allowed to be open, while a restaurant across the street was forced to close. And I wonder how many people understood why all liquor stores were also immune to the lock downs, hmm… I surmised quite quickly during the first month, that if the liquor stores were all closed down, there would be riots in the streets because people would be deprived of their favorite drug—alcohol!

If the people in the United States understood their rights—lock downs would never happen, because we have the right according to the Tenth Amendment to do business, for which our Constitution never stipulated that any emergency health or otherwise would interfere with our rights.

Thomas Jefferson was fully aware of the propensity for any government to exercise whatever authority they might get away with, which is precisely why Thomas Jefferson gave us the Second Amendment—to put down a tyrannical government, that is of course if we could not get redress in the courts, for which our courts are also corrupted,  just as many of those who occupy Washington, D.C. and the surrounding areas—meaning the bureaucrats, who are the true power in Washington—not the President, not the legislature, and not the Supreme Court. It is the bureaucrats, for which Dr. Fauci is one of them who are running the show.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

A Prelude to the End of this Civilization

We the People have relinquished both our freedom and security, to favor government-sanctioned “orders”. I am referring to orders for masking and social distancing—both of which are repugnant to normal human behavior. Never in all our human history, have we been subjected to inhuman behavior on a worldwide scale.Government orders are not law or lawful to the general population, as are executive order, which only pertain to employees of bureaucracies, not to the States or the nation at large. In other words, we can ignore government orders--why--since when did we join the military when one must obey orders? Obeying orders is 100 percent unconstitutional.

Consider for one moment—who is in charge of the planet and all it encompasses? One might think it is God, but that is very far from the actual truth—the proof is Matthew 4:1-11, the time when Christ (his true name is Yeshua Messiah) Jesus Christ was a made-up name, instituted by Pope Innocent III, who was a contemporary of King James, for which it was this same Pope, who translated the Bible into the English language, and changed many things, especially in the New Testament to fit the Roman Catholic narratives—not to far off as to what our media does today—to make us believe things that are absolutely false.

Going back to Matthew 4:1-11, when Satan the Devil tempted Yeshua, but the focus I want to stress upon is verses 8-9, “Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. All this I will give to you, the Devil said, if you will bow down and worship me.” What I am going to say next might be considered astonishing, but not to truly thinking people, who would put forth the hard questions. No one can offer anything of value without first having ownership—correct?

Since Satan in charge of every kingdom on the planet, and his time of rulership is coming to an end, does it not seem reasonable that Satan is producing his last hurrah to institute a one-world government, by taking our freedoms away from us, to favor government orders?

Covid-19 is a feasibility study, to see if the general population can be driven into a state of paranoia, with the weakest of all viruses, projecting falsehoods of all kinds, including some doctors who have conquered Covid-19 with very simple methods, that if were applied to all, Covid-19 would become just a short nightmare. But no, the media, social media, so-called health experts, who rely upon the ignorance of the general population, to project an emergence that does not truly exist—why—because the annual flu kills more people than Covid-19, not including the residual effects of shut downs that have driven many to unwarranted suicides, unemployment, domestic problems, and social unrest because a few States have discovered that masking does not work, as does social distancing. You are either immune or you are not immune, it is that simple. One proof is the fact that masks do not work—why—draw a circle about ¼ inch in diameter—now draw another circle about 2 inches in diameter. The ¼ inch circle represents Covid-19, and the 2-inch circle represents openings in either paper or cloth masks—where is the protection?

Children are not affected much by Covid-19—why—because their immune systems are not as compromised by the awful diets we adults love so much, such as fast-food, chemically enhanced snacks that fool the brain to eating more of them, for which also causes a fatty liver—and the biggest culprit of all—Glysophate. For those who are woefully ignorant, Glysophate is the main ingredient in “Round-Up”, which is now known to cause non-lymphatic cancer, but also causes digestive problem, for which 70 percent of our immune system is in the gut, and Big Pharma is delighted to provide so-called “remedies”, and just like all their other drugs only “masks” the problems. Big Pharma has never offered any cures—why—because there is no money in “cures”, just keep the ignorant people coming back for more, and spend their money on useless products

Satan is a liar, thief and murderer, and is nearly completely in charge of the entire planet. There is no doubt whatsoever, that it is Satan who is behind Covid-19 and all the troubles it has caused. And it because we do not understand the workings of Satan, that we woefully ignorant people follow orders like sheep to the slaughter.

The true politicians love this situation—why—because it puts more power into their hands, and we the people simply follow orders that pretend to protect us from the weakest disease ever created by science, yes, purposely created to put the entire world in a state of paranoia, which makes it easy for a one-world government to take over.

This civilization is heading towards a rather abrupt ending, just like the past 6 civilization have ended—the rich ruling over the poor, which is the very reason for the lock downs—to remove the middle class, to further divide the rich from the poor, for which the poor are becoming more and more dependent upon the government for sustenance, such food, housing and medicine. What I just described is the heart and soul of the Demoncratic Party, and the Republicans are just as much at fault—why—because they are allowing it to happen. Isaiah is absolutely correct when he stated, “…the whole head is sick.” Meaning of course the so-called, “leadership”.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Good Friday--Bad World

Even at my current age of 67, I am quite a busy man, with my occupation, along with other humanitarian activities. I am primarily a builder/handyman, and writing is a passion that I cannot escape since I started back in 2002. Prior to writing, I was always a researcher since grade school—always seeking the truth to any matter that stirred my interest.

Since 1995, I have been engaged in the study of law, health issues, organic gardening/farming, and other technical subjects that capture my interest. The world has taken a dramatic turn over the past 26 years, for which very few can observe, or want to observe, and others such as myself, who will not allow electronic gadgets to divert my attention, and the attraction of social media, to what is really important. By the way, the so-called “authorities” love the fact that most of the population is diverted—why—because it takes attention away from what the so-called “authorities” are up to, which is exercising more and more power over everyone, for which Covid-19 provided such a venue to make it happen virtually overnight.

If one does not understand who is charge, how is one to know the motivations? Consider this weekend, and the so-called “Easter” celebration, for which its origins are pagan. Mind you, I am not referring to the “Passover”, for which is the true holiday that God instituted in the midst of the Exodus, during the time of ancient Israel. Did not Yeshua Messiah tell us he was to be as it was with Jonah, that he would be 3 days and 3 nights before his resurrection? Then how does one get 3 days and 3 nights from Friday Sunset to Sunday Sunrise? If that is the dogma, then Yeshua is a fraud. Or, perhaps someone perpetrated a fraud upon us that is human, namely Constantine, and Pope Innocent III?

Constantine was the origin of our now Roman Catholic Religion, for which he took all the Roman pagan holidays and incorporated them into the Christian Religion. Re: “The Two Babylons”, and “Babylon Mystery Religion”. It was Pope Innocent III, a contemporary of King James, for which the Catholic version of the Bible is named, who changed some of text of the New Testament to reflect the tenants of the Church. One might recall “The Dark Ages”, for which the Catholic Church back then confiscated Bibles from the people, so they would not discover the truth, before Pope Innocent produced the English version.  All which means there are grave errors in the King James Version. And Pope Innocent III will be held accountable for making those changes, according to Revelation 22:18-19.

Let us go back to “who is in charge”. If there is one thing that needs to be fully understood, it is Matthew 4:5-9—why—because those verses tell us who is really in charge of the entire world, for which Satan’s time is nearly up, and is now whispering into the ears of those who disobey God, and perpetrated the fraud of a pandemic, for which both masking and social distancing is not only unnatural, but dehumanizing.

Oh yes, Covid-19 is real, but more of a created panic, because Covid-19 is the weakest of all viruses, for which children are almost not affected, but we adults are only because of our weaken immune system, due to the consumption of GMO foods, for which Glysophate is the cause of our digestive problems, and where 70 percent of our immune system is located. All the above is staged, to prepare us to obey a soon coming one-world government.

We are being poisoned, just as Hitler did with the fluoridation of the water supply—why—because only one-third of the German population supported Hitler, and fluoride is known to make people docile, or more prone to obedience, which is the true reason for the fluoridation of our water supply, and not to prevent tooth decay. I know a much better way to prevent tooth decay, for which I have practiced for the past 15 years, and have not developed any new cavities.