Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How to Murder People with so-called “Unintended Consequences” and at the Same Time Eliminate the Middle Class


The title sounds like some kind of thriller novel, but is in fact has happened around the world during the past year, with a created virus, known as “Covid-19”. “Covid-19” is a very weak virus, but how many viruses are in the least bit “weak”? It should be quite apparent that this virus was created to be “weak”, so as not to affect people who have not been weakened by the consumption of GMO foods.

For those of you who are ignorant of your immune system, 70 percent of the immune system is located in the gut, for which it is now known that Glysophate, or “Round-Up” has a detrimental effect upon the gut, and subsequently to the immune system. Glysophate is even in the rain water, for which the State of Louisiana discovered 70 percent of their rainfall contains Glysophate, and therefore contaminated all the soil with this poison.

One could hardly believe that just one particular state is involved with this contamination—it is all over the entire planet, just as “Covid-19” was purposely spread throughout the entire planet—to attack only the weakened people, but not to those who allowed this to happen, because their immune systems are not affected by “Covid-19”, and to those of us who resisted the purchase of genetically modified food products.

Usually when a biological weapon is created, they must also create an antidote, to protect the creators of the weapon, but also protect the government who funded it, but this time they did not create an antidote—why—because none was needed for such a weak biological weapon, and only affect those with weakened immune systems, which simply means those who died from the virus were already “death warmed over”. After 20 years, which is approximately one generation of exposure to genetically modified foods, enough people were expected to contract “Covid-19” to effectively prompt the authorities to declare a “worldwide pandemic”.

Some of us already know that the Wuhan Lab located in China produced “Covid-19”, for which the funding came from the NIH, “National Institute for Health”, what a paradox is that? The funding came from the office of Dr. Fauci to the NIH. How is it that we allow the fox to guard the henhouse?

I stated before that “Covid-19” is a feasibility study, to see how the world will react to so-called “authority”, when requiring the wearing of useless masks, and useless “social distancing”. “Covid-19” is less than one micron in size—both paper and cloth masks have openings of 20 microns—where is the protection?

The so-called “vaccine” is not a true vaccine—why—because more than one dose is needed—it is only a drug that suppresses the symptoms, which is the true reason for the second dose. And as in all drugs are side effects—a true vaccine will not normally produce side effects, which is why many people (30 per day) are dying from the drug.

The “lock downs” are another terrifying issue. Why is it that only middle-class owners were the only ones affected by the lockdowns, all the while the large corporate establishments were allowed to flourish? Case and point—A MacDonald’s was allowed to be open, while a restaurant across the street was forced to close. And I wonder how many people understood why all liquor stores were also immune to the lock downs, hmm… I surmised quite quickly during the first month, that if the liquor stores were all closed down, there would be riots in the streets because people would be deprived of their favorite drug—alcohol!

If the people in the United States understood their rights—lock downs would never happen, because we have the right according to the Tenth Amendment to do business, for which our Constitution never stipulated that any emergency health or otherwise would interfere with our rights.

Thomas Jefferson was fully aware of the propensity for any government to exercise whatever authority they might get away with, which is precisely why Thomas Jefferson gave us the Second Amendment—to put down a tyrannical government, that is of course if we could not get redress in the courts, for which our courts are also corrupted,  just as many of those who occupy Washington, D.C. and the surrounding areas—meaning the bureaucrats, who are the true power in Washington—not the President, not the legislature, and not the Supreme Court. It is the bureaucrats, for which Dr. Fauci is one of them who are running the show.