Wednesday, November 30, 2016

There are times when one needs to blow the dust off of things that were collected.  At least in my personal case, it is a good practice that I just learned, because of a recent computer problem I was having.  It was very annoying; slowing down my computer, for which I had thought there might be a virus or some other malicious program that may have crept in, despite the fact that I have subscribed to “PC Matic”.  I did relay the problem to “PC Matic”, but upon waiting for a response it occurred to me to do a “system recovery”, which cleaned up the problem and then notified “PC Matic”, who thanked me for the notification and saved the both of us some undue trouble.

In regards to my studies in law, or even when one peers into their Bible; there is no doubt that a review of what brought us to where we currently are into perspective. Sometimes our memories need some jogging, in order to reinforce why we believe what we learned in times past.  I am quite sure when one considers while we were being schooled and asked ourselves; “Why are we studying this?”  Just as I nearly had forgotten something basic as doing a “system restore”, I could not ignore what eventually surfaced from my memory and promptly acted upon it.

This type of thing happened soon again when going through some papers of collected items regarding law and simply filed them into notebooks.  There are some things, for which “hard copies” are necessary, when the possibility of  losing our computers; power outages, or an EMP attack might be looming over us despite our technical prowess.  It is this same technical prowess that has made us vulnerable, but even more demoralizing is our unending dependence upon this technology.  I have digressed from my original point, but just like “The Fixx”, “One Thing Leads To Another”, which in my opinion is a good song.
I have in my possession a treatise titled, “A Brief Historical Analysis of United States Law”.  Usually the source is included, but not so on this particular piece of information.  This meticulous treatise outlines what should be a basic study for any student of law.  However, more than 99 percent of all law that is taught is all of a “commercial venue”, for which this treatise magnifies the fraud that has been perpetuated upon us since soon after the Civil War and even more so since 1938, but that is another story.  One also has to consider I have been into the study of law outside the classroom for more than 20 years.

After reading this particular treatise, I did write a brief “conclusion”, for which is not near as long as the treatise itself.  However, if one is truly interested, I have no problem sending it to whomever would like a copy by emailing me here;   Herewith is that “conclusion”:

The common denominator of the entire treatise is that all courts are of a commercial venue.  It is against the law to use extortion; yet all our courts use extortion as a common practice!  It is also “Perjury of Oath” to swear an oath to “uphold and defend the Constitution” as a matter of form and then violate that “oath” without a second thought at every opportunity*.  Our “Rights” were given to us by our creator, for which our Forefathers recognized when writing the “Declaration of Independence”, which by the way the third and last declaration was presented to King George, who completely ignored the first two.  And those “Rights” should be supersede the opinions of the police, lawyers, judges and prosecutors. 

The licensing of anything (other than by contract law for commercial use) is substituting a right for a privilege, which in a word is “bondage”.  The bottom line is absolute control over money and people, which the “Banksters” have perfected and made our leadership and our courts into mere puppets.  In addition, because “Federal” means corporate, any “Federal” law is corporate law – not constitutional, by any stretch.  Commercial law has its place, but not forced or coerced on private individuals or Citizens.       

*This can be explained from what I understand about most of those who occupy “the bench”; nearly everyone of high public office, as well as heads of large corporations, is a Mason, for which they have taken another “oath” that nullifies all other oaths, i.e. the Constitution.  The “oath of all Masons is titled, “Kol Nidrel”  This particular oath is Jewish in origin and it relates to oaths that were made during Old Testament times and became part of some prayer that dates back to the ninth century.  The oath of “Kol Nidrel” nullifies all other oaths that were taken, but is done in front of witnesses, for which is done when being inducted into the Masons.  More details about this are included in a book I have written; “What Difference Does It Make?!” comparing constitutional/common law with commercial/administrative law.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

We just had another possible “terrorist” attack yesterday at Ohio State University. So far only the perpetrator was killed.  Thank you Obama and Homeland so-called “Security” for letting these murders run amuck.  I am quite sure that Obama felt sorry for this student, because Obama himself is listed as a “foreign student” in his sealed school records.  Yup, you heard it right.  Why do you think they are sealed?  I might still have the photo of Obama’s school I.D. that lists him in bold letters; “Foreign Student”.  I am not saying any more about it; you judge for yourself.
I must say that Trump made a fine choice for “National Security Advisor”; K.T. McFarland.  Now I am sure that many are on “pins and needles” waiting for Trump’s choice for Secretary of State, especially the media.

The New York Times has fallen into trouble. They have lost thousands of subscribers and their advertisers are renegotiating their advertising contracts.  The blame falls upon what the L.A. Times started back in the mid 90’s… “Political correctness” and of course the Liberal agenda.  Everything we thought was true has now become diametrically opposite; “All the news that is unfit to print.” and “Homeland Insecurity” and quite sure there are other phrases that qualify.

Whenever one hears the term “national security” it does not mean security for the American People. No my friends, it simply means “security” for a fraudulent government, who have nothing better to do than to spy on every American, as if they were already criminals.  Well consider… TSA is treating every one as if they were a potential criminal and the very reason I refuse to fly ever since their inception.  From what I understand, we have about 22 agencies who are security related. No doubt much of what they do overlaps with what other agencies are doing… waste!  But we were warned by George Washington with the following; “Government is not reason; it not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

The only thing that our government is protecting is itself!  Any gain in power for the government, is a loss of sovereignty for the American People.  All one has to do is examine their paychecks and compare them to paychecks prior to the Clinton Administration.  Taxes are a way for the government to control those who hold the wealth.  The “Federal” minimum wage is a good example and is half of what it should be in comparison to when I was receiving the minimum wage as a teenager and considering inflation into the equation, by using the cost of brand new automobiles as a matrix.  Both the auto and energy industries know the true value of the wealth of the nation and the reduced buying power thereof.

All this goes back to 1933, when the government confiscated all the true wealth the American People had… gold and in exchange received fiat or debt money in exchange.  It happened again in 1964, when the Johnson Administration took all the silver out of our coinage, thereby devaluing our money again!  These actions led us to the two –income family and the credit card.  There is probably very few people who do not use their credit card because they lack the cash, which we used to have prior to 1933 and 1964 and the subsequent debt of the American People.  Essentially, we are trading “debts”.  There is only about 250 billion dollar in currency circulating the United States.  Now compare that to the entire world is 56 trillion dollars in debt!  What will happen when the chips are called in?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

I received an interesting and unexpected email from Jeffrey Smith It is about sharing stories of eliminating GMO contaminated products out of our lives. The following is my story just sent today:

Hi Jeffery, I used to suffer greatly from allergies all my life. Most of which was cured by a now renowned allergist, Dr. Marshall Mandell, who is currently circulating the universities on speaking engagements. I still had some residual effects of those allergies going into my adult life, in the form of mostly nasal congestion during early springs and late summers. 

It was in 1994 when I moved to New-Mexico that I thought my allergies had disappeared. However in my third year, my allergies were magnified to becoming almost unbearable and tried a number of holistic remedies, which gave me some limited relief.

It was some years later, because of the increase in GMO ingredients reaching into our food supply; I decided to go organic. About one year after going nearly all organic, all my allergies completely disappeared! 

I am and have been a researcher since grade school. In the past 15 years I have cultivated my writing skills. What good is research if it cannot be shared? I blogged on the Internet and even had a 2 am banter with a reporter online, with an unrelated issue regarding the Federal Reserve and the fraud thereof and goes back to 2002.

I have since written two books; one is now published and the other is nearly ready for publication, regarding food, sources, logistics, soil science, GM foods and growing nutritious vegetables; put together and hinting upon a changing lifestyle of reverting back to an Aquarian society, even if it be a committee of one and a simplified way to have a backyard garden without all the drudgery of the past. The right vision can be the spark that ignites a revolution.

Mark-Edward: DeBarbieri, RM  

Now to the latest news; Fidal Castro is gone, but his regime lives on!  It is was not surprising to me that Obama had some words to say about Fidal's passing, but not even a whisper for the police personnel who were gunned down in cold blood.  I have already stated that Obama silently applauds the rioting, etc. that is now becoming commonplace in the American landscape.  Not many know or understand Obama's childhood background, for which his father was a Communist.  I full well expect Obama to go to Cuba for the funeral.  That my friends is a direct slap in the face of every freedom loving American!

Here is an interesting note that may have quickly passed by many Americans.  It was during the Clinton Administration that when people were calling into Washington D.C. During these inquiries the callers were asked how they felt about normalizing relations with Cuba.  You see my friends, the ball was already rolling decades ago, so now you know just how deep the corruption runs in our nation's capitol. Mr. Trump has a very daunting task of "draining the swamp".  How many of you noticed when the election returns were coming in, noticed that Hitlary received 93 percent of the votes from Washington D.C.?  As you can plainly see, Mr. Trump has to get one huge pump or many little pumps to "drain the swamp".

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Dear Readers of this blog; I could not help but to post the following from a crazy Internet friend of mine.

Tolerance of Mosques

 Jiggs McDonald, NHL Hall of Fame broadcaster speaking in Ontario, says: "I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in Toronto. I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant regardless of their religious beliefs. Thus the mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance." "That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque; thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, "The Turban Cowboy," and the other, a topless bar, would be called "You Mecca Me Hot."

 "Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called Iraq of Ribs."
Across the street there could be a lingerie store called "Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret," with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods", and on the other side a liquor store called "Morehammered."
"All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us.
Yes we should promote tolerance, and you can do your part by passing this on. And if you are not laughing or smiling at this point... It is either past your bedtime, or its midnight at the oasis and time to put your camel to bed.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING and enjoy all the stress of holiday shopping. Not been there or done that for the past 35 years, when I found the truth about Christmas.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The following was sent by me today to Geoff Lawton, who has a website about permaculture and personally touts "human caused" global warming. Some people are greatly impressed by scientists, doctors and bureaucrats, who thoroughly believe in lies, just because they come from some so-called "authority". When a political "authority" touts something by preying upon the ignorance of the general public... look out! It simply means the agenda is a "power grab" and it is going to take more spending money out of our pockets.

Answer To Human Caused Global Warming
Hi Geoff, the movement for permaculture is not only laudable, but necessary for a growing population and hopefully to squash to even to a small degree, the pollution brought upon us by greedy people. However, one can hardly believe that one or two degrees of "global warming" is so alarming, as to cause a near world-wide panic. The so-called "scientists" who tout "human caused" global warming are mostly government employees and as far back as 1995 when all this began, those government employed scientists who did not believe in "human caused" global warming were instantly fired! That sir is a tattle-tail sign that "human caused" global warming is politically motivated for the sake of the "Powers That Be".

 In addition, computer models are only as good as the data is fed them. There are mitigating factors and possible anomalies that might be missing, such as mathematically, they still do not know why a helicopters and bubble bees fly! Mr. Spock was correct when he stated, "The universe still contains infinite unknowns." Any truthful scientist will plainly admit that is a true statement, despite the fact it came from a fictional tv series.

It is a scientific fact, when the Earth warms up, more clouds form to cool it off. Planet Earth has built-in correcting factors and it could take years if not decades for it to normalize, for whatever "normal" is supposed to be. It is interesting to take careful note that doctors define"normal" as to what the entire population is experiencing and grade it on a curve. When the human race gets sicker and sicker, so-called "normal" can mean having a low degree of disease, compared to what was normal say 50 years ago?

 I think the point is well taken if you view television now as compared to 20 years ago and see how Big Pharma has defined "normal" by being on some kind of drug for even the slightest problem that is simply corrected by proper nutrition. There is an old axiom, that if something needs to be advertised you probably do not need it. All one has to do is listen carefully to all the "side effects" and make the logically determination that the "relief" (not cure) could be worse than the disease.

All those who read this, please be aware that I am not arguing, I am a researcher and have been since grade school and have cultivated writing skills in the past 15 years. What good is research if one cannot share it with those who need it. I am also prodding my readers to be a little more thoughtful and be skeptical, especially when it comes from a government. I say this for the simple reason that once a government gains power, it will not give it up easily. Well.... we do know something about that as to what happened 240 years ago. I am sure many of you remember the “Tea Party”, because of the tax that was placed on tea? Well brace yourselves for a “carbon tax” place upon what has become a basic necessity, just as tea was going back to the “Tea Party”.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I have an Internet service that provides me with trivial questions on a daily basis. This was the latest one... "Who invented the cell phone?" My answer was correct "Martin Cooper". The details are unimportant, but it was my comment in regards to its impact on us needs serious consideration.

To wit:
This is one of the inherit problems with technology... once we have it and adapt it to our lives, we cannot live without it. Technology is a wonderful servant, but at the same time we can fall victim to it as well. A good example are machines that can sustain life, but cannot allow us to live a normal life, so why have it when there is no more to do than just pull the plug?

Life dependent on a machine is not life, because then we become on the same level as the machine. Machines have no feelings, no aspirations, no love, no morals and no god. Yes, I have a few of these machines, but they are used as tools and not having my life so firmly attached to them that my life would not end if I should lose them. It is not inconceivable that the suicide rate of teenagers would greatly increase if they ever lost their cell phones for more than perhaps 3 days? 

More than 50 years ago, it was said that we are an extension cord away from disaster. That statement can now be extended to losing everything from one EMP attack, for which it would take a minimum of two years to recover. I can hardly believe that there is a "Plan B", if such an event took place... that is how much we are so dependent upon these machines and their loss would bring us back to the 19th century.

A long time ago an experiment had taken place; where in one particular neighborhood was asked to give up their television sets for just one month. That experiment quickly ended after one week!
It is interesting to take note as to President-elect Trump stand on the general media. The media or more specifically the New York Times, is quite miffed by Trump’s “off the record” meeting he invited them to take place. Well… one has to consider how the general media has treated Trump throughout the entire 18 month campaign. They mocked, laughed and bad mouthed him without reservation and yet Trump stumped not only the media, but also the entire Democratic Party.

The media now has to “make nice”, in order to be able to get news not only during Trump’s tenure as President-elect, but also during his Presidency! Can anyone blame Trump for his somewhat pent up anger? Pay back is a bitch to be sure, but I would hope that the general media will make attempts for reconciliation, such as Megan Kelly did, after her “tiff” with Trump during the campaign.

Donald Trump has every intention to make America great again… for everyone, even all those who laughed at him, mocked him and bad mouthed him in cruel ways. All one has to do is “knock” on his door. “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20 Although this scripture refers to our Savior, this aptly applies to Trump’s attitude toward all Americans. Even Tom Hanks stated, “Let us give the man a chance.”

It truly amazes me when those who oppose Trump and his up and coming changes are totally repugnant to them. I have a message for those Liberals who had 8 years, all during the Obama Administration to make things better. Well… have an answer? But do not say you needed more time, because Reagan turned things around in his first 2 years! I suppose many of those who were not sentient during those years, do not know that the day after Reagan’s inauguration, the hostages in Iran were immediately released. I am quite sure that the Iranians were very clear that Reagan would have kicked the shit out them, as opposed to the “peace maker” Jimmy Carter, who allowed the Iranians to keep the hostages for 444 days.

In fact, all during the Obama Administration there has been nothing but growing riffs between races and cultures. Why? Because Obama not only grew up in a Communism environment, but has become a “Globalist”, which the same thing as welcoming the “New World Order”, which is a repressive government, with no God-given “Rights”, because they do not believe in the God of the Bible. Essentially, we are a nation of Christians, but we have always welcomed everyone, as long as they keep their practices among themselves and not forcing their own brand of law on the American Public.

It because of Obama’s policies that have empowered the tiniest of all minorities, magnified them, allow them to run amuck and cause havoc and mayhem, whenever the opportunity presented itself. First of all, that is not “law and order”, which is the only way that “We” as a nation can prosper. If we are not working together, then we are doomed as a nation, unless that is the agenda of the Liberals.
Real change cannot happen until some asses are kicked… and very hard! We cannot survive in a nation that allows judges to pronounce their own brand of law from the bench. We cannot operate in unity if we have two very different venues of law; the laws of the United States vs. Sheria law. Let them practice their own brand of law by going back to where they came from, or assimilate as Americans, because this was how it was done in the past and we prospered, like no other nation on the planet.

Muslims have infiltrated the United States Government since 1952; for this was the plot that JFK was going to expose, but was assassinated 10 days after that statement was made. He did not have a chance to fully investigate before revealing the actual plot.

Trump voters gave the Obama Administration 8 years to get it right, but failed miserably. We are so polarized, because of Obama’s “Policy of Empowerment” that the Justice Department sees no problem when “Black Lives Matter” has an agenda of murdering police officers. If one clearly thinks about it and I have said this before, but bears repeating; “Black Lives Matter” is a blatantly racist statement, because all lives matter; yes, including those still in the womb! Abortion is a form of genocide that was practiced by the Nazis. More than 56 million potential Democratic voters were murdered since 1973. One might suppose that perhaps Hitlary would have been our next President if government sponsored abortion were eliminated. Oh, I almost forgot; those 56 million who would have had many more millions of potential Democratic voters!

Sure a woman has a “Right” to do whatever she wants to do with her body, but not to committing murder. This is the result of those in government, who have taken “God” out of the equation, not to mention the general public, who want to get laid and not take any responsibility for the results. If indeed a woman has the “Right” to an abortion, then she must also have the “Right” to sell her pussy. In some ways they do, without breaking the laws against prostitution. Some marry for money and others play men for whatever they can get out them. When the money runs out, so does the honey.

Friday, November 18, 2016

It is an absolute shame that we are such a divided nation. There is no doubt that this division was caused by “political correctness”, which was started by the L.A. Times back in the mid 90s. There also no doubt that President Obama has magnified this division with Liberal agendas, the empowerment of minority groups and the fact that he himself is a Muslim. Obama has silently approved of all the rioting going on, all in the name of Liberalism. Lawfully, Obama should have denounced these violent riots and called for “law and order”. 

There was never a time in all of America’s history that such a demonstration of national discord has ever happened after an election, with the exception of the election of Lincoln, which involved the resignation of the “slave” States.

In my opinion, I believe that President Obama secretly wants these riots to escalate to such a degree that he will be forced to declare martial law and suspend the inauguration of President-elect Trump! Once “martial law” is declared, all bets are off!!! I dare say that such a declaration can cause the murder of at least one third of this nation. There is so much more behind this than just an election, for which all this upheaval has been planned by the “Powers That Be” and has all the earmarks of “globalism”.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Just when you thought all the speculation was over about the election; now comes all the speculation about who is going to be in what position in Trump's cabinet. It is laughable, because it seems the media, yes even Fox News is ga-ga as to who is showing up at Trump Tower and meeting with some of those who had an audience with the President-elect, trying to get the littlest tidbit about possible picks for the highest positions in the Trump Administration.

Come on... get over it! No matter what you may see or hear, Trump is going to have the last word as to who is occupy what office. Yes, there have been some familiar and adversarial faces show up, but one can be sure of at least one thing... they might be there for their advise only. Kissinger is a "Globalist", so this man is not a "pick" for any position. Trump is interested in getting America back on its sovereign feet again, not to be a part of the "Globalist" agenda. Rest assured TPP is D.O.A. and the so-called "Global Warming Fund" for the United Nations is going to dry up.

Climate change is something that has been going up and down since at least 500 years ago, when the Earth was in a cooling phase after many year prior of being in a warm phase. So-called "human caused" global warming is a myth, conjured up by the "Powers That Be" in order to put more of a stranglehold on the entire world, getting the world ready for a one-world government that will be repressive.  Mr. Ozone (Al Gore) made millions on the myth of "human caused" global warming and is laughing all the way to the bank. Now, now, do not envy that lying sack of you know what and would enjoy his ill gotten gain.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

News Update from Canada

Dear Friends, I have a long-time Internet friend who resides in Utah and he sent me the following and I cannot help but to share it.

News Update from Canada

The flood of Trump-fearing American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week. The Republican presidential campaign is prompting an exodus among left-leaning Americans who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, pay taxes, and live according to the Constitution. 

Canadian border residents say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, liberal arts majors, global-warming activists, and "green" energy proponents crossing their fields at night.

"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said southern Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota.   "He was cold, exhausted and hungry, and begged me for a latte and some free-range chicken.  When I said I didn't have any, he left before I even got a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?"

In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers that blared Rush Limbaugh across the fields, but they just stuck their fingers in their ears and kept coming. Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals just south of the border, pack them into electric cars, and drive them across the border, where they are simply left to fend for themselves after the battery dies.

"A lot of these people are not prepared for our rugged conditions," an Alberta border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a single bottle of Perrier water, or any gemelli with shrimp and arugula. All they had was a nice little Napa Valley cabernet and some kale chips.  When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing that they fear persecution from Trump high-hairers.

Rumors are circulating about plans being made to build re-education camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer, study the Constitution, and find jobs that actually contribute to the economy.

In recent days, liberals have turned to ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have been disguised as senior citizens taking a bus trip to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans in blue-hair wig disguises, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior citizens about Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney to prove that they were alive in the '50s.

"If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we become very suspicious about their age," an official said.

Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage, are buying up all the Barbara Streisand CD's, and are overloading the internet while downloading jazzercise apps to their cell phones. 

"I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said.  "After all, how many art-history majors does one country need?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

George Soros

Did I not say that Trump will find he will be in an uphill battle with the political elites? I have just learned that George Soros had a secret meeting in Washington D.C. today about derailing what Trump wants to do once in office. George Soros is a confirmed Communist and Washington D.C. is so thoroughly corrupt that one would be hard-pressed to make effective changes that would put more power into the American Public, for which it rightly belongs!

This presidential election has been a referendum against the political elites and Trump has the daunting task of "draining the swamp". If history is a great teacher, hopefully President Trump will take a page out of Reagan's playbook and bring issues of change directly to the American Public, which hopefully will prompt Trump supporters to rally to contact their representatives and show their support for draining the swamp! The one thing that frightens our lawmakers, is the next election and for some it will be the "mid-term elections. If they want to retain their seats, they better carefully consider their constituents.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Safety Pins

It has come to my attention that the Trump protesters are wearing "safety pins", as a symbol that they are a "safe space" for those who were hurt by Trump's victory and also as against the supposed hatred and bigotry Trump represents. In my opinion, it is more of a symbol of the diapers they are wearing because they are crying just like little babies. Name me one time in American  election history that such a protest of this magnitude has ever taken place... Why did this not happen during the "hanging chad" incident during the Bush/Gore campaign, when the entire election was handed over to the Supreme Court?

Another question came up for those of us viewing this from the outside. If one asks if any of those protesters voted or are employed, it is quite possible that most of them are neither. I am also quite sure that some of the most pronounced protesters are hired agitators, for the simple reason that they do not have any other job and is a concerted effort to stage these protests in all major cities throughout the United States, by George Soros and company, who is a declared Communist!

As long as these protests continue, without decisive and effective action, this is going to escalate into a movement that could very well lead into a declaration of "martial law". When did Obama address this situation? He has not and I do not expect him to do so, only because he silently approves, because it could put off "Inauguration Day", if indeed " national martial law is declared.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Divided Nation

We as a nation have a problem because we have many disgruntled Democratic voters, who have decided to protest the election, despite the overwhelming evidence from the voters and without dispute from the DNC. How did this happen? This is the first time in our nation's history that an election has sparked overt protests in our major cities! Every effect has a cause, which is the law of cause and effect. The reason why this unprecedented outrage has ensued, is simply because we are a divided nation, which is not much different from what happened when Lincoln was elected, but that is another story.

Why are we a divided nation? The reason is quite simple, but those of opposing views will quickly disagree, because they are like sheep, who have been led around by Liberal and progressive thinking and will excuse their bad behavior based upon a venue that was promulgated by the Los Angles Times of "political correctness" back in the mid 90's, for which the Obama Administration has magnified and backed up by the so-called "Supreme Court has caused this division and done on purpose! This division has been in the works since the assassination of JFK and Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was in the midst of closing the gap between "Blacks and Whites", but it was the "Powers That Be", who had to get rid of MLK, because they wanted that division to remain, to eventually bring about "Order out of Chaos", which is the creed of the Illuminati.

Obama has successfully and almost single-highhandedly increased the divisions of this nation to include illegal immigrants and allow those of a violent religion to be rubber stamped as "Americans" without earning it through the citizenship process! Washington D.C. is so corrupt with greed and power that they are willing to allow this nation fall and maintain their positions in government, for which civil laws were strategically in place to protect all government employees from being dismissed or fired, even if they broke the law!

Will President Obama do anything about this disorder of protests? Probably not. Oh he might give it some lip service, but not much beyond that and only as a matter of form to make it seem like he is doing something about it... not! This disorder is precisely what the "Powers That Be" have been planning for many years. There is no doubt that these protests will escalate until it is met with decisive and effective force, but personally, I do not expect that to happen, at least not immediately. Just like I did not expect any kick-ass immigration law to pass back in 2003.

I expect it to get as bad as if it were foreign terrorists involved, which will be allowed to become so violent that martial law will have to be declared and this will be a direct invitation to the confiscation of guns, no matter if they were used in a protest or not! Taking our guns away from us is paramount to taking everything else away from us, Once the guns are gone, the government can act with absolute impunity to take anything away from us, for which historically has happened many times!

It is quite possible that things will get so bad between now the inauguration of President elect Trump that it will be the Obama Administration that will become the savior of the disorder and preempt the inauguration of Trump. This is only a supposition on my part, but it is something to bear in mind, because anything political is well planned. It is because of my understanding of how the world really works that I can say these things.

What a surprise... Trump took the nation by storm! Well, it is not all that surprising, giving all the multiple thousands who showed up at every Trump rally, compared to the scant audiences of Hitlary. I will not apologize for the misuse of Hillary's name, only because I know of the Clinton's history and the mistreatment of personnel who served the Clintons during the Clinton Administration by Hitlary, which included Secret Service people, for which one of them wrote a book about the Clintons.

There is no doubt that Hitlary has abused her power as Secretary of State and the set up of a private email server that could not be viewed by the general public via FOIA, which is the very reason why Hitlary set up that server in the first place. Now the "Clinton Foundation" is coming under fire because of the misappropriation of funds for the personal use of the Clinton family, which includes a $900,000 a year salary for Chelsea Clinton and a one million dollar wedding for her as well!

There is an Internet rumor that the Clintons have a stash of cash sitting in Qatar. Why Qatar? The United States currently has no extradition treaty with Qatar! Therefore it is conceivable that the Clintons will be able to set up house in Qatar if things get too hot with the Clinton Foundation!

Now to Trump... Despite Trump's plans to "drain the swamp" in Washington D.C. and other plans to make America great again; he will discover that he will run into a great amount of resistance to the status quo that has been firmly established in Washington D.C. and the corruption thereof. It is not surprising that Hitlary got 93 percent of the votes in Washington D.C., because she is an intricate part of the corruption that has been pervasive for at least the past 30 years since Bill Clinton had taken office. Washington D.C. is awash with dirty money and probably enjoys the lowest unemployment rate in all the nation!

Trump's plan(s) to make America great again is laudable, but it will be an uphill battle and challenging despite the Republican majority in both the House and the Senate! The media has not been nice to Trump at all during the entire campaign and will continue this with impunity during his administration.  Change can only take place when one soils their underwear or arm twisted into doing the right thing! Therefore "change" is not going to be welcomed with open arms. Yes, there will those few who will back up Trump because they are not a part of the Washington corruption machine. But for the most part there will be challenges that perhaps Trump might be able to overcome because of his business savvy. In addition, he will need "political" advisers to handle the rabid dogs of the Washington corruption machine. Have fun Mr. Trump and may the force be with you!  

Monday, November 7, 2016

I received the following from a long-time Internet friend. It clearly illustrates the futility of getting something for nothing but being the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. And then discover it was all for nothing. The whole idea was to raise one's status in life and at the same time receiving government benefits. I also wonder if the recipients of the raised wages understood that they would also be placed into a higher tax bracket? Nah, they did not give it a thought, just like typical Liberals, allowing others to do the thinking for them. Just stuff the ballot box for the candidate, who is going to give them the most!

Minimum Wage

Seattle employees ask for REDUCED hours so that "jacked-up" minimum wage won't cost them subsidized housing:  Gee, who could have seen this coming...?
Now this is downright funny. They scream for a higher minimum wage, then, when they get it they complain because they make too much money to qualify for the free stuff, go figure.  By jacking up minimum wage, Seattle has provided a valuable lesson in liberal economics. The plan has now backfired.
Nora Gibson, executive director of Full Life Care, told Seattle’s KIRO 7 TV she saw a sudden reaction from workers when Seattle’s phased minimum-wage ordinance took effect in April, bringing minimum wage to $11 an hour. She said anecdotally, some people feared they would lose their subsidized housing so they have asked that their work hours be reduced to remain eligible for all government subsidies.
It doesn’t stop at $11/hour. The law puts it up to $15 starting January 1, 2017, they will have to reduce their work hours even more to remain eligible for handouts. Good thing the minimum wage wasn’t raised even higher, most would not work at all, they prefer to be spoon fed and remain on the government plantation.
So now workers work fewer hours, but for the same take home pay, business' labor costs increase so prices increase, buyers (workers) pay more and no one is better off.
Remember free market capitalism? Under that system, the harder and smarter you worked, the higher your standard of living. But that was found to result in income inequality, so now we have a system where wealth is bestowed by bureaucrats, and working harder doesn’t always make sense. 
Just a little bit at a time until America is gone!

Friday, November 4, 2016

There has been some recent attention as to "Rules of Engagement" on the battlefield. This is the same venue that bogged us down in Vietnam, which is why that war dragged on for 10 years! I remember a particular political cartoon during that time, which showed two card players. One represented North Vietnam and the other the United States. The one representing the United States exclaimed, "You are not playing by the rules!" The one representing North Vietnam replied, "What rules?"

Shakespeare was correct when he stated, "kill all the lawyers"! It is because of the lawyers occupying the White House that the "Rules of Engagement" are enforced to all military personnel. If General Patton were in charge, he would had gone to Washington D.C. and "slapped" all those attorneys for cowardice! Well... it is much more to do with the Muslims who have infiltrated Washington D.C. since 1952, for this is when the corruption started! The proliferation of so many Muslims within the United States Government has torn the fabric of what it means to be an American. How can one believe that we are safe, when there are 75 Muslims in the administration of Homeland Security and the reason why thousands of immigrants are not properly vetted when occupying “sanctuary cities” funded by Homeland Security?

This is precisely what JFK meant when he stated just 10 days before his assassination that there is a plot to destroy the United States and had every intention of revealing this plot, but was murdered before he could.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dear Readers of this blog; there has been so much going on in this most unusual election year, for which history will record it according to all the lies that have been purported by the mainstream media.  The mainstream media is utterly compelled to doing so, only because they are controlled by the "Powers That Be", who are "Globalists".  Well... "Globalist" is a rather generic term for those who believe in a one world government.  It is this particular "belief" that has been promoted by those who benefit from the fallout of this thinking, but it is the general population who are suffering because of the greed of a handful of men, who have promulgated "Globalism", which has and is tightening the noose around our necks.  The more we move from this particular "noose", the tighter it gets, which will eventually kill us!

There are those who are overtly resisting this "noose" who are the most vulnerable to being strangled to death and many of them have met their demise, but there will be more!  Yes, I am one of those who resist this "noose", but not so overtly to draw enough attention to be a threat...yet!  But I do not care because I know how this civilization is going to end and my hope is that I will not be alive to watch all the suffering and lingering death that will ensue those who are not murdered.

Do not say that "this civilization will not end", because there were a number of prior civilizations who thrived and thought the same and did meet their demise.  Do not think that technology is going to be our "Savior", because technology is a two-edged sword.  On the one side it is a great tool and wonderful servant, but the other side is greed, lies and death!  If one is thinking clearly, the same will realize that what I am saying is absolutely the truth.  It should be self-evident that the Internet has been both a blessing and a curse.

All it will take to end our undeniable dependence upon computer technology, is an EMP bomb.  EMP is an acronym for "Electro Magnetic Pulse", which renders all electronic devices useless for a time. Lightening is a rather smaller version of the effects of EMP, but an atomic weapon exploded high in the atmosphere will create a long-lasting EMP, for which from what I understand would take a minimum of two years to recover from such an event.  Two years is far too long to do without the computer technology we depend upon for our sustenance.

Consider; when a lightening storm hits a local area and shuts down the power that is supplied to computers; try and get gasoline from any convenience store, that lost power... not going to happen! Even with the power on, but if the computers are down because of EMP, the pumps will not work, because they are all directly tied into the computers.  There is not one food store that can withstand no deliveries beyond three days!  After three days, all bets are off!  Computers control every aspect of our lives depending upon which side of this technological sword is used. I wonder if there are those who have been forward thinking enough, to have a "Plan B" in place, just in case someone does set off an EMP bomb...