Saturday, November 26, 2016

I received an interesting and unexpected email from Jeffrey Smith It is about sharing stories of eliminating GMO contaminated products out of our lives. The following is my story just sent today:

Hi Jeffery, I used to suffer greatly from allergies all my life. Most of which was cured by a now renowned allergist, Dr. Marshall Mandell, who is currently circulating the universities on speaking engagements. I still had some residual effects of those allergies going into my adult life, in the form of mostly nasal congestion during early springs and late summers. 

It was in 1994 when I moved to New-Mexico that I thought my allergies had disappeared. However in my third year, my allergies were magnified to becoming almost unbearable and tried a number of holistic remedies, which gave me some limited relief.

It was some years later, because of the increase in GMO ingredients reaching into our food supply; I decided to go organic. About one year after going nearly all organic, all my allergies completely disappeared! 

I am and have been a researcher since grade school. In the past 15 years I have cultivated my writing skills. What good is research if it cannot be shared? I blogged on the Internet and even had a 2 am banter with a reporter online, with an unrelated issue regarding the Federal Reserve and the fraud thereof and goes back to 2002.

I have since written two books; one is now published and the other is nearly ready for publication, regarding food, sources, logistics, soil science, GM foods and growing nutritious vegetables; put together and hinting upon a changing lifestyle of reverting back to an Aquarian society, even if it be a committee of one and a simplified way to have a backyard garden without all the drudgery of the past. The right vision can be the spark that ignites a revolution.

Mark-Edward: DeBarbieri, RM  

Now to the latest news; Fidal Castro is gone, but his regime lives on!  It is was not surprising to me that Obama had some words to say about Fidal's passing, but not even a whisper for the police personnel who were gunned down in cold blood.  I have already stated that Obama silently applauds the rioting, etc. that is now becoming commonplace in the American landscape.  Not many know or understand Obama's childhood background, for which his father was a Communist.  I full well expect Obama to go to Cuba for the funeral.  That my friends is a direct slap in the face of every freedom loving American!

Here is an interesting note that may have quickly passed by many Americans.  It was during the Clinton Administration that when people were calling into Washington D.C. During these inquiries the callers were asked how they felt about normalizing relations with Cuba.  You see my friends, the ball was already rolling decades ago, so now you know just how deep the corruption runs in our nation's capitol. Mr. Trump has a very daunting task of "draining the swamp".  How many of you noticed when the election returns were coming in, noticed that Hitlary received 93 percent of the votes from Washington D.C.?  As you can plainly see, Mr. Trump has to get one huge pump or many little pumps to "drain the swamp".

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.