Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24th 2017 Blog

There is so much brouhaha about the media and their affiliation of “fake news” that it might be a good idea to clear some of the air about it.  For one thing, we cannot discount the fact that the general media outlets during the Trump campaign were essentially negative in tone, for which even most of the polls agreed with that assessment.  But we cannot discount the fact of the negative input from many of the news reports, which do have at least some influence upon many voters and thus will have some effect upon polling.  In all fairness and even President Trump was magnanimous about the mention of the L.A. Times poll who did get it right.  It is quite ironic that the L.A. Times was the paper that began “political correctness” back in the mid-nineties.  I know, there are still some "head scratching" going on about how President Trump won.  Let us first not forget all the animosity toward those who supported Trump during the campaign, which quelled many into silence about who they were going to vote for come election day and this was the precise reason why the so-called "politically astute" got it wrong! 

President Trump’s indictment of some media outlets producing “fake news” is somewhat well-founded, but not entirely true.  It may have been better instead of labeling such “bad press” as being more twisted than fake.  I must inject that it is at least plausible that President Trump’s allegations of “fake news”, stems from a subtle revenge of what the press did to him since he “threw his hat in the ring”.  I firmly believe and I am repeating myself that President Trump could tone down his rhetoric about so-called “fake news”. 

It seems that President Trump needs continuous vindication of his base, by touting the “fake news” narrative and of course that base may be unwittingly cheering him on.  It would be far better to stress the positive aspects of the Trump Presidency and let the press dig their own hole(s).  “It takes a government to hide a lie, but the truth stands by itself.”  By expounding this quote, I am not saying that President Trump is telling outright lies—exaggeration might be a much better term, but then again President Trump speaks his mind and is not the political puppet we have been so acclimated to in our entire history.  And there might be times when President Trump could be honest to a fault and needs more “political temperament”.  He is a businessman and not a “cookie cutter” politician and does lack some political savvy.

There is no doubt that he is the most “refreshing” and “controversial politician” we have ever experienced and perhaps may have set the tone for future elections.  I could hardly believe my ears today when President Trump described CNN as the “Clinton News Network”, which is the kind of talk you might hear at the water cooler, but never on national television.  Yes, I was quite amused at that particular statement, but nevertheless not surprising coming from President Trump.  Speaking from his mind is probably his greatest asset and the very reason why he is so loved by his “core base”.  Yes, President Trump is a well-known negotiator and will with great pleasure take on the toughest “hombre”, for which his bid for the presidency and subsequent election was timely, because of so much instability in the world and needs a firm hand in giving some nations a well-deserved spanking.  

It is quite possible that President Trump had torn a page from Howard Stern’s playbook, when Stern was on NBC radio back in the 80’s.  The audience both loved and hated him, but even those who hated him listened intently for one specific reason… “We wanted to hear what he was going to say next!”  It was my only brother who brought this point to my attention, when Donald Trump began his campaign.  Every time candidate Trump would step up to the microphone, he had our undivided attention and I dare say so were his detractors.

We must give President Trump great credit for the progress so far, despite his lack of a full cabinet.  We cannot allow those who intentionally derail or attempt to delegitimize President Trump and his administration from making further progress in fulfilling his campaign promises, all of which are laudable, but the Demoncrats are extremely jealous for the simple reason they are finding themselves and the party in general in disarray.  Tomorrow is the day when the Democratic Party will choose the person who will (hopefully) lead them to clearly define their future.  However, if they continue to ignore “facts and substance” their future as a viable political party is hanging in the balance.  

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.