Sunday, July 23, 2017

Cause and Effect

There is so much going these days in terms of news items that are very difficult to keep up, but the more sinister agenda is what is behind the news of the day.  Like I said in a prior blog; “For every effect there is a cause.” And as far as the news in general is concerned, much of it are simply distractions from which the “cause” is virtual unknown, but the “effect” is the only thing we are allowed to see or experience, which produces mainly negative emotions, which produces undue stresses in the body, causing inflammation and if sustained we end up diseased in some form.  Most of our immune system is located in the gut, which simply means that negative emotions can cause intestinal upset and our digestive system is working 24/7.  When a health care provider places his/her stethoscope near the belly button; they are listening to our digestive system at work.

I know some of the issues I bring up can be rather upsetting and yes, those issues tend to stir me up as well, which is why I write about them.  The only difference in the way I write is provide a perspective that may not have been touched upon, especially when it pertains to prophecy, for which there is not one news agency, with the exception of CBN that has such a perspective and this assumes they have the correct interpretation of the scriptures.  When one understands Biblical prophecy, then the news takes on an entirely different meaning and one that “The Matrix” fears, because it tends to bring the general population much closer to the truth than they want.  And in at least my case, because I have this understanding, I can accept the truth and be able to live with the “effects”, for the simple reason that I know the “cause”.  

Another very important point that must be fully understood; all prophecy is “conditional”, which simply means if the “conditions” change, so does the prophecy.  However, because most of this world is currently blind to Biblical prophecy, the “conditions” will never change and therefore the prophecy will be fulfilled.  Personally, I have accepted the fact that the “conditions” will never change and that was 38 years ago.  This world with every passing day is becoming increasingly evil, therefore whenever I hear of the evils going on, with ever increasing frequency it comes as no surprise to me in the least.  So when Jack Nicolson says, “You can’t handle the truth.”  I can handle the truth, for the simple reason that the truth does not surprise me, because God said it first, through his prophets.

Yes, some of my readers of this blog might not find the above acceptable and I will most certainly never apologize for the truth; because I will always believe God, before I can accept what men say.  So when we hear of innocent people being gunned down by police officers, get over it, because this was prophesied, not specifically mind you, but I refer to what Yeshua said to his decibels in Matthew 24, in regards to the “increase in violence”, during the “end times”.  And by the way, were you aware that more innocent people are murdered by police officers than murdered through acts of terrorism in any given year?  This statistic is from guns, but in addition 500 people were killed by Tasers in the past 10 years by police officers.

Too many times Americans are at risk from some of those who were sworn to protect us are killing machines.  There is a “cause” for this and it goes back to when some of these officers served in the military, for which 5 percent of all military personnel are psychotic.  Can we stop it?  We might, if properly addressed, but it is quite doubtful and the Supreme Court, for the most part, has given all police immunity from prosecution for a wrongful death.  We are the only nation on the planet that has this particular problem.  If one cares to pursue this further, type this in your browser “killed by police”.    

Yes, it is quite sad that not only are lives stolen from us, but also the grief that is suffered by the many families who are greatly affected.  It is very unfortunate that any responsibility is thrown into the wind and those who are the cause are simply “excused”.  “Black Lives Matter” eat your hearts out, because you will see more and more killings by police and “color” does not matter. 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.