Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Affordable Care Act is not Constitutional

What makes a law constitutional?  It seems to be an easy question, but there is more to it, much more.  In order for any law to agree with the Constitution, it must look after our rights.  Now we must define “our rights.”  Specifically, it is the “Bill of Rights” that was almost omitted from our Constitution, for which Thomas Jefferson insisted they be included, and were.  Jefferson feared that if basic and substantial rights were not included that the government will morph into tyranny.

In general, the “Declaration of Independence” already defined rights as human beings, for which all rights come from God and gives each individual sovereignty, or su juris, meaning of our own right, as long as we do not trample upon another’s rights.  Therefore behavior towards our neighbors is a matter of respect and responsibility.  

As far as health care being a “constitutional right,” again I refer back to the words of Thomas Jefferson, to wit: “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”  As far as most of what the general public understands about health care are the costs, who could care less about the process, as long as whatever is medically wrong will be resolved. 

During and up to the time of our Forefathers, up to the time of the latter part of the 19th century, there was nothing wrong with our food.  There were diseases, but none were caused by food, unless the food was contaminated.  What happened?  Chemical companies discovered how simple it was to make crops more productive by adding three chemicals, NPK, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to the soil, which is all well and good, but for several fatal flaws.  Chemicals have their uses, but not for the replacement of what is natural to the soil, which is why some farmers use compost and other natural amendments that promote both microorganisms and macro-organisms that through organic processes, change the minerals in clay to be absorbed by the plants.  I am not a soil scientist, but I do know what works to promote the health and well-being of any human being, all without medicines or supplements.

We all need health care, but all such care begins by what we put into our bodies.  We are what we eat.  If one eats junk, then the same feels like junk, which also opens up a Pandora’s Box of inflammation problems that is a prelude to any number of diseases that Big Pharma has a plethora of products that we cannot escape from any channel on commercial television.  One might think that Big Pharma is colluding with the likes of Monsanto (now Bayer) who owns Round-Up.  That last statement is more factual than many might believe, but that is a spiritual matter, and one that I could not even begin to explain because of the many years of accumulated knowledge in my studies of law, health care and the Bible.

It should not be entirely surprising that we are more dependent upon drugs, than all the illegal drugs consumed since they became available in the underground market.  All drugs are poison, which is why there are so many precautions and legalese on the paperwork provided with every drug.

A word on fast food, and the following is their creed; “Feed as many people as we can at the lowest possible cost.”  To me, that last statement is not very comforting.  Unless I am very hungry or it is a matter of convenience, I avoid eating out.  For the most part, I purchase only organic and bag my lunch. 

All conventional grown food is contaminated with some form of chemical.  The one that stands out is glyphosate, or what is commonly known as “Round-Up.”  Glyphosate is not only in genetically modified crops, but it is also used for non-genetic purposes, such used for drying out a crop.  It cannot be washed off and becomes an intrinsic part of the plant’s make-up, and causes a plethora of digestive problems, in addition to coursing through our bloodstream, and contaminating who knows what and the symptoms they are causing, which makes people run to the doctor to get their drug fix.    

The bottom line; health care is an individual responsibility, not a constitutional right.  Going back to my opening lines; the Affordable Care Act is contract law…why…because one must sign up.  A signature on any legal document is contract law.  Your driver’s license is a government contract; social security is contract law; the W-4 and 1040 forms are contracts, for which the signature on the 1040, abrogates your constitutional 5th Amendments rights.  How is this possible?  Because the IRS is not a part of our Federal Government; it belongs to the IMF, which is an offshore institution.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

The UFO question…

There are indeed UFOs flying around, but none of them are of alien origin.  How do I know this?  Because I know, as well as some of the others, understand the plan the God, for which in short every human being who ever existed has the opportunity to be a part of God’s coming Kingdom, which by the way was the true message of Jesus Christ.  By the way, Jesus Christ was never his true name; it is Yeshua Messiah, which means God with us, in the Hebrew/Aramaic language.   There are many such errors, mainly in the New Testament, and the product of a power-hungry Pope Innocent III, and according to the Book of Revelation, this Pope is in deep do-do, for making changes in the scriptures.

When one knows the “Plan of God,” there can never be a mistake about the origin of UFOs, and making all myths and legends about them a fraud.  The non-God answer is quite simple, for it was Nicola Tesla, who invented these so-called “alien aircraft” on paper, for which all his papers were confiscated a day or two after his death, by the FBI in 1943.  It was four years after, in 1947, we had the Roswell incident.  If one knows the military; they were quite capable of duplicating those plans of Nicola Tesla and testing them, which is the explanation of most UFO sightings; other such “sightings” are explained as natural phenomena.

There were other more overt plans of Nicola Tesla that were not so secret, like the SR-71 Blackbird, and its stealth design.  Yes, my friends, many such things are all from the fertile brain of Nicola Tesla.  Another project Nicola Tesla also proposed is a “death ray,” which by the way the military built that as well, and is orbiting the Earth.  It was this particular “death ray” that took down the “World Trade Center,” not a plane and the subsequent fires after that.  The evidence was quickly destroyed before the discovery could be made as to the true cause of that destruction, such as “Building 7” that was destroyed in haste.

Want more proof?  There is a huge discrepancy of the weight of the Towers before their destruction and the hundreds of tons of lost weight from the debris that were hauled off.  There is one particular video that demonstrates how the loss took place.  It was a video showing a structural member falling, but also vapors of that same structural member rising, not falling.  It is quite clear that Tesla’s “death ray” is capable of pulling apart anything, right down to its molecular structure.  And this event, as described above, explains how 12 firemen who were under the “South Tower” during its collapse, were merely dusted—no injuries.

Friday, July 5, 2019

A Second Term for President Trump?

President Trump is setting himself up for assassination.  Recent talk from President Trump about the Federal Reserve, could spell the end of the “Fed.”  President Kennedy attempted to end the fraud of the Federal Reserve, but was stopped cold by his assassination. 

It was June of 1963, when Kennedy ordered the printing of half-a-billion dollars in “Silver Certificates.”  Gold was outlawed as a standard back in 1933, which by itself was an unconstitutional act, and could have been construed as an act of treason, for robbing the American People of the only real money they had, which is gold, for which was exchanged for debt money that is termed FRNs; Federal Reserve Notes.  There is far more history about this exchange that goes beyond this short blog.  The short version is; it involves China, Nazi Germany and the Illuminati, who were the true investors of the Federal Reserve, going back to a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in 1910.  Re: "What Difference Does It Make?!"

Anyone in the banking industry understands that any “note” is a debt instrument.  Gold by stark contrast has what is called “intrinsic value,” which means it holds it value and is inflation proof.  Federal Reserve Notes, being that they are debt instruments, are subject to inflation, for which can be demonstrated by the following:  If one were living in 1932, the same could buy a good brand new suit for a $20 gold piece.  And if that same person wanted that same suit, today, he could still make the purchase with a $20 gold piece, which comes to approximately $1500 using FRNs.  Therefore gold always retains its value.

The one important thing to understand about the Federal Reserve is that they are not a part of the Federal Government.  The Federal Reserve is “Federal” in name only, but is instead a privately owned loan institution, and the IRS is their collection agency.  It is the inflationary nature of “Federal Reserve Notes” that has caused what we call the “National Debt,” as well as overspending practices.  Now you know why the “Fed” enjoys a degree of autonomy, such as raising or lowering the interest rate, for which our Federal Government has no jurisdiction.

The idea of the Banksters (Illuminati) attempted a creation of a national bank during the Andrew Jackson Administration.  President Jackson was very well aware of the Banksters, and publically declared, “I will root you out!”  He succeeded, but the next and final attempt came during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, who being a progressive, had no objection to accepting the idea of a national bank.  Twice before, during the 19th century, “panics,” caused many banks to close their doors.  It was believed that an establishment of a national bank would prevent such closings, but were rudely awakened that there were increases in bank closures since the “Federal Reserve Act of 1913.”