Friday, July 5, 2019

A Second Term for President Trump?

President Trump is setting himself up for assassination.  Recent talk from President Trump about the Federal Reserve, could spell the end of the “Fed.”  President Kennedy attempted to end the fraud of the Federal Reserve, but was stopped cold by his assassination. 

It was June of 1963, when Kennedy ordered the printing of half-a-billion dollars in “Silver Certificates.”  Gold was outlawed as a standard back in 1933, which by itself was an unconstitutional act, and could have been construed as an act of treason, for robbing the American People of the only real money they had, which is gold, for which was exchanged for debt money that is termed FRNs; Federal Reserve Notes.  There is far more history about this exchange that goes beyond this short blog.  The short version is; it involves China, Nazi Germany and the Illuminati, who were the true investors of the Federal Reserve, going back to a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in 1910.  Re: "What Difference Does It Make?!"

Anyone in the banking industry understands that any “note” is a debt instrument.  Gold by stark contrast has what is called “intrinsic value,” which means it holds it value and is inflation proof.  Federal Reserve Notes, being that they are debt instruments, are subject to inflation, for which can be demonstrated by the following:  If one were living in 1932, the same could buy a good brand new suit for a $20 gold piece.  And if that same person wanted that same suit, today, he could still make the purchase with a $20 gold piece, which comes to approximately $1500 using FRNs.  Therefore gold always retains its value.

The one important thing to understand about the Federal Reserve is that they are not a part of the Federal Government.  The Federal Reserve is “Federal” in name only, but is instead a privately owned loan institution, and the IRS is their collection agency.  It is the inflationary nature of “Federal Reserve Notes” that has caused what we call the “National Debt,” as well as overspending practices.  Now you know why the “Fed” enjoys a degree of autonomy, such as raising or lowering the interest rate, for which our Federal Government has no jurisdiction.

The idea of the Banksters (Illuminati) attempted a creation of a national bank during the Andrew Jackson Administration.  President Jackson was very well aware of the Banksters, and publically declared, “I will root you out!”  He succeeded, but the next and final attempt came during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, who being a progressive, had no objection to accepting the idea of a national bank.  Twice before, during the 19th century, “panics,” caused many banks to close their doors.  It was believed that an establishment of a national bank would prevent such closings, but were rudely awakened that there were increases in bank closures since the “Federal Reserve Act of 1913.”

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.