Thursday, September 12, 2019

How and Why Did 9-11 Happen?

The answers to the above questions are not as simple as; “Some people did something,” or a group of 19 Islamic Terrorist decided to cause great harm to many Americans; many of those who died did not feel much, if anything, because their deaths were instant, but the great hurt came to those who were then and now still alive, who miss their loved ones. 

What I am going to say here, I may have said before in a prior blog, but the task is too arduous and time consuming, because that particular context is not apparent within the titles of my blogs, but this one is properly titled.

It is not enough to surmise the anger of the Muslims, because it is they only who can assess their particular anger.  Yes, they are quite pissed off that the United States is a supportive ally of Israel, but one can hardly believe that one such incident as two buildings and the loss of nearly 3000 people is enough to put a stop to our support of Israel, or even slow it down?  I know, and I apologize for the seemingly insensitive way I used the word “incident,” but why not consider the 25,000 lost in auto accidents; the loss of 400,000 because of tobacco; 50,000 from heart disease, or how about the many thousands that exceed the loss of 9-11, due to allowing illegal immigrants to run amuck?  

Yes, I understand that the above annual losses are not as dramatic, but that list of losses are incremental over the course of one year, but nevertheless leave behind the grief of those still living.  And yes, 9-11 was one-hundred percent preventable, as the list of other forms of death.  I say “9-11 was one-hundred percent preventable,” because it was, but not because of inaction from our government.  No, it happened because our government wanted it to happen, and in such a high dramatic way, so as it will live in our minds forever, but that be not the only reason.  In fact, our government knew it was going to happen, as well as when it was planned to happen.

How did I know the above was well-planned by our own government?  There are a number of reasons, which go back to 1958, but when one does a thorough study, will discover that it goes back to the year 1700, and with even more study, further back than that year.  For now, I will limit as to what really happened on this particular day of 9-11, as to how and why.

The only way one can understand what I am going to say is based upon the knowledge and study I have done for the past 24 years.  I am still single, never married, and no children, which left all the time in the world for me to do such a thorough study.  I am by no means unique, but unique from the perspective of such a busy world, for most have no time to doing such a study, which by the way could be taught, if our power-hungry government would allow it—not! 

My unique studies prepared me for 9-11, for which I did belong to a group who study law, but again, not from the precepts of what one might expect from the likes of Harvard, or any other such law school—for law is the key to having freedom or not to have freedom.  Mind you, my studies began in 1994, but were introduced to this unique group in 1995.  We, as a group, understood that in order for our government to grab more power, is to take away more of our freedom, for which 9-11 provide the vehicle.  The very moment I viewed, in real time, when the plane hit the South Tower, I knew we would be put deeper into a police state, which came to pass 45 days later, with the passage of the so-called, “Patriot Act.”

I must say something here.  45 days is unprecedented for both the passage and implementation of any legislation.  I submit that this particular legislation was prepared months if not years in advance of 9-11—all that was needed was an incident that our group knew had to happen, back in 1995.  And it also takes months if not a year or so, for any legislation to take effect.  The whole idea of 9-11 was for government to take a giant leap for a power grab, and we gave it to them.  It was 9-11 that made us insecure, and we would have given up anything to be more secure, right?  However, it was Benjamin Franklin who stated, “Those who would give up freedom for security deserve neither.”  That above quote is one reason why our government will not allow it to be put into our history books.

Now I am going to tell you how 9-11 was done.  One may scoff, but the evidence and some of my studies have put 2+2 together.  The planes that hit the World Trade Center had no windows—they were drones, which simply mean no pilot was aboard.  The actual flights with passengers were probably ditched into the ocean.  Flight 93, was shot down—why—because the debris from that plane were too far spread over a few miles to have crashed in one spot.

A plane did not hit The Pentagon—that was not possible for several reasons:1) there is a video that shows a missile hit The Pentagon, but was quickly removed from YouTube—a very close friend of mine viewed it before it was removed.  Not only that—where were the engines from that so-called “plane?”   2) No matter how horrific a plane crash, the engines are always intact, not useable but completely intact and recognizable.  3) There was no wing impression in the building, which means whatever hit The Pentagon, did not do the same damage as would a winged aircraft.  4) I know a pilot, who simulated such an attack at The Pentagon, and no matter the approach, such an incident is not possible with a passenger jet aircraft—some of the details; too many things in the way, like wires, power poles, etc.

Going back to the Twin Towers—Dr. Judith Wood in a conference pointed out a huge discrepancy of the total weight of the Twin Towers, before their destruction and the weight of the debris that were hauled off weighed hundreds of tons less.  What happened to all that material?  Dr. Judith Wood gave no explanation or speculation, but from my studies surmised how the Twin Towers were taken down, and the explanation of the missing hundreds of tons of material.

First, I want to say that a physics professor did state that there is no way the Twin Towers collapsed from a fire.  A fire would have most assuredly would have weakened the steel structure within the confines of the ensuing fires, from the crashes, but never to the degree of what is described as a “pancake collapse.”  There was another time when a WWII aircraft directly hit the Empire State Building, and damaged several stories, but that was all.

Then, how did the Twin Towers collapse?  Like I stated above, I put 2+2 together and here it is—Nicola Tesla designed a “death ray,” but never built it.  There is some speculation as to what happened to those plans, but after Tesla died in 1943, for which the FBI quickly confiscated much of his material.  The “death ray” was only one item, but there were many other designs, such as flying saucers, etc., as well as the unusual propulsion systems.  For now I will just focus on the “death ray.”  I am sure we have viewed some if not the many videos of the destruction, but there is one in particular that gave away the weapon that was used for that destruction. 

It was a video of a structural member, almost standing alone—one could see was appears to be some of that material vaporizing up, while the remainder of that structural piece descended.  In my opinion, it had to be “Tesla’s Death Ray.”  What was viewed in that particular video would explain the missing hundreds of tons of debris—vaporized! The "death ray" had to be in orbit, for such a precision hit-- most likely some secret military satellite, powered by nuclear batteries.

The confiscation of Tesla’s plans also explains UFOs.  The plans were stolen in 1943, and just 4 years later we had the Roswell incident.  Given the efficiency of the military, it would explain much.  There are no other physical sentient alien beings in existence anywhere in the entire universe, but that is another story that will be a part of my next book, and will turn both the scientific and religious community upside down, not to mention the fraud of our government, which I did touch on in my first book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” which discusses the differences in two venues of law.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.