Monday, December 19, 2011

I had planned to add something other than the following in my blog.  This is about our troops coming home from a war based upon fraud.  Our troops are not the blame; they are merely ‘pawns in the game’; just following orders and misguided patriotism.  The game I am referring to is the eventual “New World Odor”.  Those in our so-called leadership that are in the know are all cowards. We cannot blame them because there were a number of brave men that defied the New World Odor’s agenda and consequently met their demise.  Here is a small list of those brave men; General Patton, killed in an auto accident soon after his interview with reporters saying we should kick the Russians out of Eastern Europe.  The New World Odor needed the world to be diverted and divided into believing in a “cold war”, to draw attention away from their agenda.  There was never any danger of a nuclear holocaust, simply because according to the Russian Communist Manifesto, attacking the United States in a nuclear exchange was the last thing on their list.  In addition, the New World Odor would not allow such an exchange to take place, simply because it would interfere with their timeline.  Moreover, there would be difficulty in quickly finding some place to hide and obtaining the essentials for survival.  I was compiling a list… 

Regardless, the so-called “cold war” ended, simply because the “East” found an ally in the “West”.  Always remember this axiom; “Anything political is planned.”  So are wars.  Wars are just another word for “greed”.  Another axiom to remember; “follow the money”.  WWI was planned by the Banksters, for which J.P. Morgan was a card-carrying member and purchased Andrew Carnegie’s steel business for the astonishing figure of half-a-billion dollars, for which J.P. did not pull out of his own pocket.  Good old J. P. had the backing and blessings of the Banksters, that Henry Ford in one of his 1914 newsletters, correctly stated that it was the Banksters that started WWI.  The primary reason for WWI was to remove the crowned heads of Europe.  It is far easier to corrupt both a democracy and communistic form of government, than one stubborn monarch.

Any war takes a great deal of financing to pay for both manpower and material.  Andrew Carnegie’s steel business is now U.S. Steel and was the supplier of material for the United States Government.  The Banksters also supplied all the money to pay for everything through the Federal Reserve, so the Banksters were making money from both the front and back door!  And we, the taxpayers are the ones paying for the fraud.  This is the short version of what is needed to be said.

So, you are convinced that pulling out of Iraq is going to keep us out of the Middle East?  Not by a long shot.  There is trouble brewing in Syria, not to mention Iran, which is the true enemy and will soon join the nuclear club.  Why did we pull out of Iraq?  “Anything political is planned.”  Obuma desperately needs public support.  There is a school of thought that Bin Laden was dead years before 2011, but that is irrelevant, unless Obuma should be congratulated for his demise.  It just so happened on his watch and has nothing to do with Obuma’s prowess or policy.  There is much more to the presidency than just the Oval Office, but that is becoming untrue, with the passing of “Executive Orders”, which should only be implemented in Emergencies, such as the “War Powers Act” of President Lincoln, in order to protect Federal Property, for which Fort Sumter was one such property.  Ever since Clinton, “Executive Orders” have been implemented overtly, to circumvent what Congress would not do.  Executive Orders therefore are unconstitutional, not to mention treasonous.  The only emergency that exists is in the mind of the president then serving.  Such Executive Orders are steps toward a dictatorship, for which the office of the presidency has become during the last 3 administrations.

Despite the office of the president, they all have someone looking over their shoulders, by the “Powers That Be”.  Whether they are the Banksters, Illuminati, etc. does not matter.  If indeed Obuma was seriously concerned about employment; then why is he hell bent on halting a pipeline from Canada to Texas?  It is because he would have to answer to the environmentalists.  The environmentalists have to be some of the biggest hypocrites when it comes to their personal lives and choices.  Since the inception of the EPA in 1978, they have flexed their bureaucratic muscles, to show who is really in charge.  If greed were not the agenda of big business, there would never had been a need for the EPA.  Now we are stuck with a bureaucracy that is hampering resources, employment, Federal land grabbing and causing starvation in Africa.  Oh, you did not hear about how the EPA is causing starvation in Africa?  I guess the media did not think that was important enough for us to know about, but they are also under control.  And yet, we have commercials that depict starving children and expect us to feed them, when in fact it is the EPA that is the direct cause of this starvation, because the EPA says, “…you cannot plant here or there…” Can anyone tell me how in the world did a United States bureaucracy extend its powers to the ends of the entire planet?  I cannot answer the question directly, but I can give you a hint; the “Powers That Be” want it this way, simply because it puts more control over our lives and over the years acclimates us to being more and more under control, which will eventually bring us into total slavery.  Oh no, that cannot happen in the United States…  Do not fool yourselves into believing that this is not possible.  It is not only possible, but also probable, which is being proven on a daily basis through the increase of government regulations that tell us what light bulbs we are going to purchase.  

Type this into your browser; “War is a Racket”, a speech made by General Smedley Darlington Butler.  Also type this, “The Matrix and the U.S. Constitution”.  This is a summary of what happened and where we are heading for.  A personal note about the last pages of this document concerning vaccinations; I discovered in my studies that all past vaccinations is just one cause of our increase in cancers.  Remember these axioms; for every effect there has to be a cause; and if it has to be advertised you probably do not need it.  My pediatrician protected both my brother and I from all public vaccinations when we were children, simply because he knew the dangers of vaccinations.  He is a renowned allergist and is at this writing on the lecturing circuit in our universities.  If we were all breast-fed, none of us would need to be vaccinated for anything.  Vaccinations are the greed of Big Pharma, for which was proven by a former roommate of mine that never vaccinated his children that were breast-fed.  They never got sick from not having to be vaccinated.  Hospitals will not let you leave with your baby unless they are both vaccinated and numbered with a Social Security Number.  Numbering us is another issue that I will get to in later blogs.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.