There is a great deal of controversy regarding health, health care and nutrition. I may not have all the answers, but I can surely ask the right questions. I have been my own health care specialist for the past 35 years, which uniquely qualifies me to share correct information regarding the above. I am sick and tired of all the lies we are being told year after year that we need this, that or the other thing.
Here is some background; my start with taking full responsibility for my health care began with an auto accident in 1977. I will spare the details and get to the heart of the matter. A few days after the accident, I complained to my business partner that I had some neck pain. He recommended seeing a chiropractor, for which I promptly did. The doctor took an x-ray to show that my neck was out of line. The prescription, a few simple exercises over a 6-week period. During the follow-up examination, another x-ray was taken, to discover the neck was back to normal. Chiropractors are also nutritionists and this where I started my abstention from Western Medicine. I still have everything I was born with and I plan to die that way.
Health care, or health in general is not a right, but a choice. If you want better health care, do not count on your bureaucratic government, or even your doctor to do it for you. Both the Constitution and the Ten Commandments espouse self-responsibility. You want better health and health care? Then you better start educating yourself, or you will be putting your life into the hands of an extremely busy doctor that is being courted by Big Pharma and into the “loving arms” of your government bureaucrat that does not give a rat’s ass about how you feel and whether you live a quality life or buried. In reality, the way Obuma Care is written, if you are 70 or over, they would rather have you buried. You thought HMO’s were abominable; you have not seen anything yet, by allowing bureaucrats to run (ruin) your life. It is a known fact that anything the government gets their hands into, always ends up being a losing proposition, with one exception, the space program, for which we have reaped seven-dollars for every one-dollar spent.
When interest and funding was lost during the latter years of Apollo, we lost a growing economy, innovative products and production. Apparently the general public’s interest waned, after being jaded from multiple moon landings. For the next 40 years, we as a nation accomplished nearly nothing with the space program. I don’t want to hear from any bleeding hearts about “the poor”. Taxpayers have subsidized the poor ever since the so-called “Great Society” began in 1964. This became a bureaucratic’s dream come true, not to mention more money for the Unions, that fund their favorite candidate that will most likely create another bureaucracy, in order to hire more union paying people, etc. The last 2 and current administrations have proven what I have said to be true.
Whose fault is it? We are all the blame for trusting our government to take care of us. We allowed the cycle of welfare to grow, not to mention the invasion of illegal immigrants, for which are being paid fifteen hundred dollars per child per month. Can anyone out there spell “treason”, according to Article I, Section 8, and paragraph 15 of our Constitution? We have been fighting the wrong war. We should have built a 10 foot high wall, 3 feet thick, stationed guard towers every 500 yards and mow down any invaders; whether it be man, woman or child. “Oh how could you be so heartless?” says the bleeding heart liberal, when in fact we are losing our American heritage with every illegal immigrant that “crosses the line”.
And what about those 2000 weapons we “gave” to the drug lords. Our government excused themselves by saying they lost track of them. Bullshit! All they had to do was to place an RFID chip in every weapon and they would have found them. If placing an RFID chip is no problem placing them into millions of human beings… what was the problem with placing a grain of rice sized chip into each weapon? This inept act is all part of a plan in taking our guns away from us. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Castro all knew that the first step in any tyrannical take-over is the confiscation of weapons.
So, you decided not to conform to Obuma Care or consume genetically modified foods. Oh yes you will at the point of a gun. Too bad, we will not be able to point one back. We are probably just one administration away from a totalitarian government. It does not matter what party is in control; it is going to happen whether you like it or not, simply because this is Satan’s world and his time is growing shorter, when his 6000 year rein over the planet will be over, but not without a last gasp of human destruction that may come to 90 percent or more, Matthew 4:8-10. It presupposes does it not that no one can give something away that does not already own it?
So what does all this have to do with our health care? Everything! By allowing the government to dictate what will consume, what dangerous vaccines to mandate and the confiscation of our guns, hang all of our freedoms in the balance. We Americans pride ourselves in our so-called freedoms, which have been eroded since March 9, 1933, when we were numbered, which made us commercial chattel. We have become the proverbial frog in the slow to boil water.
There are over 600 FEMA camps that are nearly ready to be used to interim 15 or more million Americans that will protest the coming martial law, not to mention the many thousands that will be killed in the process. The largest one is in Alaska that can house 2 million. What, you thought those camps were for illegal immigrants? If that were true, then why are they not being rounded up to be taken to those camps? It was Bush Jr. that ordered 109,600 railroad cars, in the year 2000, with shackles welded inside of them; enough to “railroad” (where did we first hear that term from?) 15 million to wherever. The man that revealed this was murdered. The “Powers That Be”, know long before hand what is going to happen and have prepared everything in advance. History does repeat itself, but it is neither by coincidence nor by ignorance. Repeated history is a set of events that are “politically planned”, to bring about a desired result. “Anything political is planned!”
Yes, I am sure I am on some kind of list of subversives. I do not care, simply because my Father in Heaven knows exactly what is going on, with whom and when it will happen. It is appointed that all men die once and after this the resurrection, re;
I am privileged to know a man that taught agriculture around the world. The one thing I remember most of all is this quote from him; “Nutrition begins in the soil.” We are “earth men”, which simply means we are made from nearly everything that soil is made from. Logic dictates that everything we need nutritionally comes from the soil and not from any man-made substances that are not already naturally occurring in the soil. This includes fulvic acid that is the life-giving compound in the soil. If there is no fulvic acid in your soil, there is no life-giving essence in you. No wonder we are so sick; our soil has been adulterated by the excusive use of chemicals, thanks to the “Industrial Revolution”.
It was in 1920 that Congress did a study of our then farm soil, only to discover that the soil was depleted of minerals; principally calcium, magnesium and other various minor, but no less important; copper, boron and other such minerals that our bodies need to maintain a healthy state. This includes the missing fulvic acid, which is found in rotting materials, such as leaves, or humus. There is however a bio-mineral mined in New Mexico coined, “the coal that never burns” that contains fulvic acid. It is simply dug out of the ground where it is found and packaged. The only processing that is done is micronizing it to make it water soluble, which is used in specific applications. Otherwise it can be used in its natural form and mixed with farm or garden soil. I use this in my organic market farm. Consider the following flyer;
Mark’s Organic Produce
Why is Mark’s Organic Produce Different?
Biology 101 – “Life comes from life.”
Does your food have “life-living essence” in it? Mark’s organic produce does. Why? We use biomass minerals in our soil, which includes fulvic acid. Fulvic acid is the key for the decaying process of organic matter.
Fulvic acid is involved in the transport of life-giving nutrients; the delicate balance of body electrolytes; numerous enzyme-mineral reactions and most importantly, the steady recharging of electrical currents that keep different biological systems operating smoothly, without the short-circuiting worries that illness and death bring on.
•Humate-enriched soils, for which our crops grow, will automatically pass on “life-giving essence” to people and animals that regularly consume them.
•People and animals benefit with better skins and coats, both of which are healthier in appearance and shine.
•Better mental alertness
•Reproduction rates are increased
•Invigorates not only the biological systems of people and animals, but it also is an exhilarating force for good that rekindles noble desires and inspires the best of emotions.
As you can plainly see, fulvic acid is paramount in regards to “life” itself. If your plate of food does not have “life” in it; do you believe you have enough “life” in you, when you in fact are behooved to taking prescription drugs to get relief from some ailment that you would had never acquired, if you had the proper nutrition in the first place? Veterinarians have known about proper nutrition for animals since the 1950’s, to prevent the replacement of say for example, a hip. And we human beings in our so-called prowess, would rather go to a doctor to find out we need our hip replaced, when in fact the proper nutrition were followed, would be completely unnecessary. Western Medicine has more to do with profitability than with healing. The prime example of this is cancer. Cancer is Western Medicine’s biggest moneymaker, which is about one trillion dollars per year. Who in the their greedy minds is going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?
Yes, there are some doctors out there that know how to cure all types of cancer and not cost half of what we are being treated within mainstream medical science, which is modern day witchcraft. The word “pharmacy” comes from the Greek word “pharmica” that means “witchcraft”. Here are some words and phrases that can be typed into your browser; cancer is a fungus;, where you will find one simply homemade cure for cancer, using baking soda and maple syrup. Rex Research has tons of off the wall information that you might want to sift through; most of which has been suppressed for as long as 75 years and more. Hoxsey was a doctor back in the 1940’s that had a formula that did cure cancer. You can find a history of this from an HBO program I viewed back in the 1980’s, hosted by Max Gail that lost his wife to cancer.
Anyone that touts a viable cure for cancer is systematically persecuted in both the United States and Canada. Consequently these laudable doctors are either put out of business, or are forced to leave the country to practice elsewhere. The Hoxsey Clinic is located just outside Tijuana, Mexico. Back in the 80’s, one could go to this clinic and be treated for cancer, for the lifetime fee of $1600.00. The common denominator in the treatment of cancer is the fact that no cancer can survive in an alkaline environment. That is a medical fact! This is why a doctor in Italy treats his cancer patients with baking soda.
We Americans on the average consume about 125 gallons of soft drinks per year. This figure includes such people as myself that rarely consume any soft drink, which might be less than one gallon per year. All soft drinks contain phosphoric acid. This chemical not only lowers the body’s pH, but it also leaches minerals from our bones. If you are suffering from any cancer, stay away from all sugar. Sugar feeds cancer, however, one formula that cures cancer includes maple syrup, which is a form of sugar, but acts as a carrier for baking soda in its formula, to target the cancer. Now, how many of you out there as parents, allowed their children to have a “Coke” for breakfast? You would be just as guilty as the negligence of the soft drink companies to promoting cancer in our children.
There is just one more point that needs to be made. We, in this present day are suffering in part with our aliments because of the nutritional sins of our recent ancestors that go back to the beginnings of the “Industrial Revolution”. This is because the chemists during this time discovered that just adding nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, NPK, will make the produce look like it should, but still being nutritionally deficient. This means that we are genetically predisposed to the nutritional sins of our ancestors. The farmer after all is only interested in production, making his mortgage payment and paying any other outstanding loans, which might include the bill for the chemicals he purchased.
Row farming is incredibly wasteful, which requires machinery. In addition corporate farming is only interested in their bottom line and has no vested interest in human nutritional needs. Fast food is equally as guilty. This is fast food’s bottom line, “Feed as many people as possible as cheaply as possible.” This is why cellulose is used as filler for many fast food products, for which the FDA has no limits as to how much of the food can contain the non-nutritional material, with the exception of meat. The only ones on the list of popular fast food chains that does not use cellulose filler is Carl’s Jr., Hardees, Subway, Quizzos, Jack-in-the-Box and Burger King. Community supported agriculture is the way to go and using the square foot method of farming, which is also known as bio-intensive farming. This method uses 80 percent less land and 50 percent less water. I personally have a 3000 square foot market garden and at present not fully utilized. Everything is done by hand and not even a roto-tiller! The secret is using raised beds, a soil mix and a no plumbing self-watering system, which I developed back in 1992.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.