For every effect there is a cause. When it comes to politics, high finance and government power, very few will come to grips as to what the true causes are, for the effects we are experiencing. Throughout my entire life, my hobby as a researcher, has time after time, allowed me to stumble upon what the truth is in a matter I look into.
More often than not, lies are perpetuated by even more lies. It always takes more lies to back up the original lie. Even more insidious are the sins of omission, for which law enforcement, prosecutors and judges will use, in order to maintain power over us and the fraud in our courts. The higher morality would be justice, mercy and faith, simply because the letter of the [commercial] law can kill. This is the very reason why our Founding Fathers implemented juries to act as a “safety valve” for acts of tyranny against the general public; such as a bad law, for which juries can nullify any law by saying “not guilty!” Any instructions given by a judge to a jury, in regards to what the law is, is jury tampering. Such instructions should be considered a treasonous act, simply because the judge gave an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and return a “not guilty” on that principal alone.
For decades, juries are more a matter of form, rather than substance, unless we have rogue juries that ignore the judge’s instructions, which do happen from time to time. Judges have absolutely no constitutional authority to ignore evidence that might be presented. Read the “Bill of Rights” and you will discover there is no mention of a judge in any of the wording. There was a time when I had an email banter with a judge. When I brought up that there is no mention of a judge in the “Bill of Rights”, there were no further communications from him. Apparently he was miffed.
For the most part, judges, prosecutors and attorneys are maggots, because they treat us like second class citizens or less and prey upon our ignorance. So as to give you a “heads up”, attorneys have 4 agendas; the BAR; the court; money and the client, all in that order. All fines that are collected, a percentage goes toward the judge’s retirement fund. Anyone know a poor judge? So when I say the people are “commercial chattel, now do you believe it? There is no constitutional authority for probate. So why do they insist upon putting us through probate? The answer again is that “We the People” are under commercial law venue. You want justice and your “Constitutional Rights”? Then you need to change the venue.
Any name in all capital letters is the straw man, or more accurately a “legal fiction”. This all by itself places us under commercial venue, which is why we have 6 million laws, instead of having the government adhere to their oath of office, upholding the Constitution. In my opinion, our lower courts are merely cash machines. No one can come out of one of those court rooms without paying something, with the exception of a dismissal.
You will not find any government issued document bearing a name on it, without that name being in all capital letters. What I enjoy is when a court docket contains a name and verses “the State of____” on it. One can effectively get a dismissal, by calling that “State” to the witness stand. Who is going to show up? No human being can be produced to represent a corporation. That is of course one does not allow him or herself to be put into that venue. Nevertheless, all states, all cities, most towns and the United States Government are corporations, for which the change from a republic to a democracy took place several years after the Civil War, which is another subject I may address in this blog.
“History will tell lies,” as General Bourgogne stated to Major Swinton in the movie, “The Devil’s Disciple”. School textbooks are specifically designed to fill our children’s minds with what the “Powers That Be” want our minds to retain and live by. “The mold of a man stems from the mind of a child. Educators and Emperors have known this from time and memorial, so have tyrants.” This is a quote spoken by the narrator, at the end of an episode of the original series of the “Outer Limits”, titled, “The Special One”. You can find this episode on
In regards to politics, we should be far more critical. Always remember this axiom; anything political is planned. This can be applied even to the nomination of respective candidates, which is going on as of this writing. The mainstream media is ignoring Ron Paul as much as possible, even though he is doing far better than the so-called “reporters” are saying, or not saying.
We were deemed “commercial chattel” since March 9th, 1933, when we were numbered and warehoused by a document called the “Birth Certificate”. These acts became necessary because the United States fell short in the payment of the National Debt that was deferred since 1909 and again became due in 1929, for which payment was demanded in gold, which is why our gold was confiscated. It did not cost a mere arm and a leg, but our entire body; all our labor and not only our first born, but everyone that is born; assigned a Social Security Number and warehoused with a “Birth Certificate” as “human resources”, which is a commercial term.
We have all been lulled to sleep by the abundance of distractions, such as, movies; television; sports events; video games and the Internet. This is so we are kept busy, as to not mind the more important things; thinking for ourselves and too soon discover why we have been thrusted into a police state, because we were led to believe that security is more important than freedom and liberty. Benjamin Franklyn said, “Those that would give up freedom for security deserve neither.”
When it becomes necessary to X-rays; patting us down and stealing personal items from us, without compensation (re: Article IV of the “Bill of Rights”) is this the freedom and liberty our Forefathers envisioned for us? Don’t think for one moment that this is a temporary situation; not by a long-shot! Anytime a government gains power over the people, the government has no intentions of abrogating that power. TSA violates our “Rights” to personal possessions, which includes our bodies. I see this as a prelude to totalitarianism and getting us acclimated to Nazi like tactics.
Homeland Security, The Military Commissions Act of 2006 and the more recent National Defense Authorization Act, has effectively made American Soil a battleground and the American People the enemy. We are now in an undeclared “martial law”. You think this is an exaggerated claim? Just wait until you wake up some morning to discover that some of your neighbors and friends are missing. You will see more and more people being pulled over, handcuffed, hauled off and never heard from again. Even whole families will disappear. Why did then President Bush order 109,600 railroad cars to be built fitted with shackles, which can “railroad” 15 million people, to anyone of the 600 FEMA camps throughout the country? By the way, as of this writing, 72 of those 600 FEMA camps have been activated. This was soon followed by Obuma signing the National Defense Authorization Act, just before he departed for Hawaii in 2011. Anything political is planned!
Terrorism is real, but the biggest terrorist of all is our own government. The commercialization of the American People has made all the above possible; committing so-called crimes without an injured party, which is repugnant to everything the Constitution stands for. All three branches of government are guilty of treason. It is too late (short of an outright revolution) to do anything about it, because we let them get away with it. This is mainly due to the faulty education we received via our government that wants to control us, which is why we have Homeland Security, TSA, etc. Consider the following;
According To A New DHS Report
The American Dream
February 8, 2012
February 8, 2012
Do you love America? Are you against a one world economy and a one world government? Do you deeply love individual liberty? Do you believe in conspiracy theories? If you answered any of those questions affirmatively, then you are a potential terrorist according to a brand new Department of Homeland Security report that was just released in January 2012. The report is entitled “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970 to 2008“, and it was produced by the “National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism” for the Department of Homeland Security. As you will see detailed later on in this article, the most shocking part of this report is when it discusses the “ideological motivations” of potential terrorists. The report shamelessly attempts to portray red-blooded Americans that love liberty and that love their country as the enemy. Once upon a time, deeply patriotic Americans were considered to be the backbone of America, but today they are considered to be potential terrorists.
And this report is yet another example of how the definition of “terrorism” has changed. A decade ago, the entire focus of the “war on terror” was on radical Muslims and we were told that we had to send our boys and girls to the other side of the world to defeat them.
Well, in this new report there is barely any mention of Islam at all. Instead, the report identifies patriots, conspiracy theorists, evangelical Christians, anti-abortion activists, survivalists and those that are against globalism as the real threats.
The focus of the “war on terror” has fundamentally shifted. The “enemy” is now those that love freedom and those that love America.
According to the new DHS report, the following are some of the beliefs and ideologies of American terrorists….
-”fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”
-”suspicious of centralized federal authority”
-”reverent of individual liberty”
-”believe in conspiracy theories”
-”a belief that one’s personal and/or national “way of life” is under attack”
-”a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”
-”impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”
-”insert religion into the political sphere”
-”those who seek to politicize religion”
-”supported political movements for autonomy”
All of the above are direct quotes from the report.
Do any of those beliefs apply to you?
Does your own government now believe that you are a potential terrorist?
There seems to be a concerted effort to demonize certain groups of people in this country. In the past, those that loved America, those that loved God, and those that loved freedom were considered to be role models. Now they are considered to be dangers.
The funny thing is that according to the report, terrorism in the United States has actually been declining over the past several decades. On page 13 of the new DHS report, you will find a chart that shows that the number of “terrorist attacks” in the United States has decreased steadily since 1970.
And on page 18 of the report, we find that “extreme left-wing” groups such as radical communists were responsible for 5 times more terror attacks in the U.S. between 1970 and 2008 than all “extreme right-wing” groups and religious groups combined.
The truth is that the vast majority of Americans that are patriotic, religious or that believe in conspiracy theories are very peaceful and only want the best for this country.
But the mainstream media is making it seem like there is an epidemic of “anti-government extremists” that needs to be dealt with.
For example, the following comes from a recent USA Today article entitled “FBI: More locals seek help with anti-government extremists“….
The FBI is being inundated with calls from local government officials asking for assistance in dealing with anti-government extremists, officials said.
And as I wrote about the other day, the FBI has broadened the definition of “suspicious activity” so much that literally anyone could fall under it.
-shielding your computer screen from others
-paying with cash
-acting “nervous”
-using multiple cell phones
-requesting a specific room at a hotel
-traveling with a large amount of luggage
-refusing maid service at a hotel
-staying in your room for too long
-changing your appearance
In fact, if you see any of these things you are supposed to contact the feds right away.
Was the federal government ever this paranoid during the days of McCarthyism?
If America is going to have any kind of a future, we are going to need people who deeply love liberty and who deeply love this country.
Unfortunately, there are many in the federal government that hate the beliefs that this nation was founded upon.
Our founding fathers were fiercely nationalistic, suspicious of centralized authority and were reverent of individual liberty. So according to the Department of Homeland Security, they would very clearly fit the definition of potential terrorists.
How did America ever get so far off track?
If nobody challenges this kind of propaganda, we will go down the dark road of totalitarianism that so many other societies have gone down in the past.
It is a good thing to love your country.
It is a good thing to love individual liberty.
It is a good thing to question the government.
Unfortunately, what the federal government wants today is blind faith and blind obedience. If the federal government tells us that patriotism, religion and nationalism are bad, we are just supposed to go along with it.
According to the Department of Homeland Security, the ideal American would be someone that embraces centralized authority, someone that is “universal and international in orientation”, someone that believes in the idea of a one world government, someone that is anti-religion, someone that is pro-genocide, someone that believes that nobody should ever question leadership, and someone that has disdain for individual liberty.
Where could we ever find someone like that?
Wait, I’ve got it!
Cobra Commander, the ideal American for the 21st century….
I used to be distracted by all those aforementioned forms of entertainment, but my propensity as a truth seeker had me put all that aside. Unfortunately, sharing all this falls upon deaf ears. For the most part people want to be left alone; “let me work my job, pay my taxes, be safe where I live and enjoy all the entertainment that is available to me.”
The Obuma Administration is going to do everything it can to put the president in a good light. Credit will be given for things that happen to be on his watch, such as the assassination of Bin Laden and the rescue of hostages in Somalia, etc. All of which has nothing to do with putting Americans back to work, with the exception of high paying union jobs, for which a law was passed many years ago to hire only union workers for any Federal project.
Despite the office of the president, Obuma has to bow down to the likes of bureaucrats, such as the EPA and killed a pipeline that would have employed up to 50,000 workers, which after the project would have kept 20,000 permanent workers. I just received some news recently that the Federal Government is allowing Chinese companies to rebuild our roads and bridges. This is probably a trade off for not having the Chinese dump our dollars and cause an economic panic.
It amazes me how we human beings are so much like sheep. We get up in the morning, rush out to our jobs, come home exhausted, pull out a beer, and watch the news, to be thankful we do not live in some god-forsaken country and go to bed thinking everything is okay here. Nothing could be further from the truth, but I suppose that is all a matter of perspective and who you are asking.
Thomas Jefferson warned us of possible government tyranny, which has taken a strong foothold ever since 9-11 and is probably too late to do anything about it.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.