I have to laugh at all the brew-ha-ha with all the advertising for arranging finances, when dealing with the loss of a loved one. Advertisers want you to believe that buying some kind of insurance is the only option to securing a financial future, to cover the costs of a funeral and other peripheral expenses.
Well, there is another way, but one that cuts across the grain, when dealing with family. Just tell the authorities you do not want the body. Why would anyone want a body with no life in it and how long is it necessary to say “good-bye” to someone, even a loved one? I am sure many will find that repugnant, but consider the economic impact of the high cost of covering a funeral, which can cost upwards for the price of a brand new car, not to mention other expenses and some of them unforeseen. I personally know of a family, in which one of them died and left the family with her debts totaling 200,000 dollars, in addition to the cost of the funeral, etc.
Remember this axiom; “If it needs to be advertised, you probably do not need it.” All advertising is designed to take money out of your pocket to fill another pocket. It cost millions of dollars for a national advertising campaign, for which advertisers know is going to reap many more millions.
I just love the commercial, “Get your free credit report.” How can one expect to get something for free, when it cost millions of dollars to you that something is purported to be free, when in reality that is not the truth. In order to get your so-called “free report” one must pay for three separate subscriptions to three different credit reporting agencies, for a total of 30 dollars per month. Now image how many millions of credit conscience people are going to respond to this and the many millions of dollars these companies are going to reap.
Having credit and its management costs a tremendous amount of money, not to mention subjecting ourselves to identity theft, which is a nightmare all by itself. It never used to be that way, but greed from both sides of the fence rules. I gave up my credit cards in 1992 and never looked back. I do not have all the stresses many people are suffering because they worry about not being able to have the credit necessary to buy a car, home or something else that they would not be able to afford otherwise. If one cannot afford something (probably heavily advertised) one can probably do without it.
Now I want someone to ask me, how can one buy a house without credit? The answer is, one can, because as poor as I am, I have done it! I built it myself without any loans or any financial help whatsoever. The details are unimportant for this blog and I could probably write a book about it. What is important is all the fraud that has been perpetrated to make us believe the status quo. Bankers, insurance companies, state and federal employees would all die of heart failure, if we did not conform to the status quo, for which all of them are thieves. This is because we have all been deemed as commercial chattel; details are in this blog as you scroll down.
The so-called “authorities” will tell you that I am off the wall, on the fringe, etc., but they cannot tell you that I am a liar, because they know the truth to a degree as I know it, but they cannot afford to expose their fraud, lest they lose their position of power, status and high paying jobs. There was a man that is a millionaire and said to me he admired what I do. I interrupted him by finishing his thought and said, “But you have too much to lose.” For which he concurred.
I am not ashamed to admit I am and always was poor. There was a time when I did not have a dollar in my wallet, for the most part homeless, but never suffered hunger. However, I am rich in knowledge, wisdom, understanding on how the world really works and rich in spirit.
This is not the only life we will live. There is an afterlife, but not what the hundreds of religions throughout the world are teaching. This is how they maintain power over us and was particularly true during the “Dark Ages”, when the “Church” ruled even over kings. Again I will spare you the details, because YHWH’s (God) word is a lifetime of study and the Bible a jigsaw puzzle. All religions have some truth, but not one has it all.
The first truth one needs to understand is that the things of YHWH (God) cannot be understood without the Spirit of YHWH, I Corinthians 2:10-11. Without this understanding, all the Bible study in the world would be useless. However, a time is coming when YHWH’s Spirit will be poured upon all flesh, Acts 2:17 and the bottom line is, “We much obey YHWH rather than men.” Acts 5:29 this will become more evident during the time of the Great Tribulation, with the establishment of a false worldwide religion that will dovetail with a world government, which will be similar to the fallen Roman Empire.
Now, here is something that will incense everyone that supported the war in Iraq. All Muslim terrorism could effectively be eliminated overnight without firing a shot! All that needed to be done was to ship crates of pig skins overtly marked in English as well as the language of the troublesome country and stating that any and all dead Muslims will be buried in these pig skins. To a Muslim, burial in a pig skin is worse than any death. It is a Muslim belief that if they are buried in a pig skin they would go to hell. See the movie, “The Real Glory”, staring Gary Cooper and watch the scene when a Muslim is threatened to be buried in a pig skin.
This would be a simple solution to a complex political quandary, but would never be allowed by the “Powers That Be”, because there is too much money to be made. Type this in your browser; “War is a Racket”. Continue reading down this blog and you will read history that will never be taught in our government controlled schools. For at least the past decade, the public schools are teaching our children that the government can do no wrong. Now that we have the National Defense Authorization Act, this law is the enforcement the Federal Government needed to put away any people and entire families that are deemed anti-government and I am quite sure that I am on at least on subversive list.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.