There are no Constitutional provisions for the administration over any social issue. Our Constitution is abundantly clear as to the limits of the Federal Government, which are regulating trade with other nations and the defense of our national borders. By scrolling down this blog you will find some reasons for the change and when it happened. George Washington stated; “Trade with everyone, ally with no one.” So why are we policing the world with our “brand” of what is right and wrong? The key is not to interfere with other cultures, not to mention their sovereignty and allow them to direct their own destinies. The best way to teach the world about American Culture is by example, for which we did do and immigrants from around the world would risk their lives to reach our borders. Interfering with other sovereign nations is not the way. There are no excuses, because we have 8 times the oil under our own feet than Saudi Arabia.
The United Nations is no help; they recently allowed one million Christians to be slaughtered in the Sudan. It is going to be interesting to see the United Nation’s reaction, when Israel kicks the Palestinians out of their country, bulldoze down the “Dome on the Rock” and rebuild the Temple. Don’t blame me for this information; this is a Biblical prophecy.
Have we not learned anything? It was 1981, when Israel took out a nuclear facility in Iran once before. Now do you believe that our advice not to do it again is going to be heeded? The Muslims want Israel removed, but many forget that the land of Israel was promised to Abraham and his children 2500 years ago. This is why Israel is protected by YHWH (God) and cannot be removed or destroyed.
The United States has far too many problems to be the least concerned about other nations, Matthew 7:3-5. Greed and apathy are our biggest sins; greed to have the best even when we cannot afford it, all the while our employment hangs in the balance. We learned some years ago there is no longer a such thing as job security, so why do we sign a two-year contract for over rated and over priced cell phone service? Why do we continue to spend more than we have or barely afford, when we know the prices of gasoline, food and utilities are going up and not down? There is another factor that is robbing us and that is (printing press) inflation, which would not exist, if it were not for the fraud of the Federal Reserve. Every time money is borrowed, more money is printed, thereby diluting the dollar even further and reinstating the debt that is owed to the Federal Reserve. In essence, the money is borrowed into existence. I learned a long time ago, whenever one cannot raise one’s income, it is time to cut expenses. It works because I have no debts, ever since I gave up my credit cards back in 1992. If one cannot afford something, one probably does not need it.
Politics has no place in social matters. Behavior simply cannot be legislated; the Ten Commandments were supposed to manage that, which is a matter of choice, but whenever one of those commandments is broken, someone is going to suffer. The first 4 Commandments deal with our relationship with our creator. Although we have the choice to ignore the creator that decision will be self-evident at a future time. The last 6 Commandments tell us how to love and respect others. The bottom line is “do no harm” or self-responsibility, as is the “Bill of Rights”. Not one of those Commandments does harm to anyone, but yet they are being taken down from our so-called courts of law. Does that action presuppose that our courts are using lies and greed to rule over us? I can personally acknowledge that as an ‘affirmative’. That would also presuppose that the Ten Commandments posted anywhere creates a hostile environment.
It is repugnant to the Constitution to fund abortions through an organization that promotes and encourages abortions. It is the “Powers That Be” and the United Nations “Agenda 21” that is behind this and ever since Roe vs. Wade, 52 million potential Americans were murdered, all without firing a shot; Hitler, Stalin and Mao eat your hearts out. By stark contrast, we are rewarding illegal aliens that are having children and paying the parents of those children upwards of 1500 dollars per month for each child. Isaiah 1:5-7, “head” is a metaphor for government. I do not believe that any argument will ensue, as to how the government is flexing its muscle and overtly interfering in our daily lives. When “We the People” wake up and smell the rotten stench of all the so-called “authorities” that dictate what we can and cannot do, when no injured party exists? Our President and Congress do not have the last word. “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void”. Marbury vs. Madison, 5 us (2 cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803).
“Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.” Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 us 436p. 491. I suggest downloading “Citizens Rule Book”, which I carry with me at all times and worn out a number of them since 1995. It was President Kennedy that stated there is a plan to use the office of the presidency to subvert and destroy our nation. This was said at a university 10 days prior to his assassination. There is no doubt that ever since the Johnson Administration, this has been happening and “We the People” have let them get away with putting our Constitution slowly through a paper shredder. No one has been more overt at this than both the Bush and Obuma Administrations. This is mainly because of our government controlled education system and political correctness, which is censorship of what is right and wrong. It also has to do with our leadership covering their ass and placing blame squarely on the shoulders on what has been branded as “extremists”. They are simply cowards and playing the “hate speech” card, so now the focus is on “extremists” as your 6 o’clock news wants you to believe. All mainstream news is “controlled” in order to keep us off balance, off center, all in order to maintain the fraud, not to mention outright lies. This changes the focus from where it should be and diverts us from knowing the truth, as I mentioned in a prior blog. Our children are being taught that the government can do no wrong. Type this in your browser; “The Matrix and the U.S. Constitution”.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.