On March 1st 2012, a new war has broken out; women who want their own way (usually do) at taxpayer’s expense. Your tax dollars (at work) is going to fund the sex lives of women, even if your religion is against it, which is a blatant slap in the face to those that hold that there is “life” in the womb.
I have to admit that Rush Limbaugh went out on a limb for his most recent comments, but truth is truth, no matter if it might hurt. We have been so acclimated to allowing women and the suppression of political speech (political correctness) to make any true statement that might be made, into a war cry. There is no doubt that this issue is going to be on the forefront in this election year, which may overshadow the more important issues of the economy, the price of gasoline and food. As far as prices are concerned, this is just (printing press) inflation catching up. Therefore the price of gasoline is not because of another war looming in the Gulf, but because of the true cost of what a fiat money system has done to us. This women’s issue is going to be fought as fervently as Roe vs. Wade. The following is why women should not be in positions of leadership or have the power to vote; “I have found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all,” Ecclesiastes 7:28. In other words, women cannot be trusted, but there are very few exceptions.
Ever since 1962, when overt prayer was removed from our schools, we have taken it on the chin in regards to what are the limits of the Federal Government. We have effectively become the ‘frog in the slow to boil water’ and lost our god-given freedoms and liberty. We have become socialized, ruled and overruled by Nazis. Thomas Jefferson did warn us about how tyrannical our government could become, which is the primary reason to bear arms; “When you cannot get redress in the courts, then you take up your arms as a last resort.”
Ecclesiastes 8:11, “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong.” This is what our Forefathers had in mind in regards to “swift justice”.
This nation is not only financially bankrupt, but is also morally bankrupt. Abortion should have never become a political issue, but the “Powers That Be” wanted it that way, to not only destroy the family unit, but also dovetails with the United Nation’s Agenda 21 for depopulating the planet. In addition; mass vaccinations, which have proven to be dangerous; the creation of AIDS; not allowing cures for cancer, which is more about money making; foods and additives that are detrimental to bodily processes causing diseases; legal drugs that even when taken properly kill over 100,000 Americans every year; illegal immigrants are responsible for more deaths than 9-11. Allowing these “undocumented” people in, is giving politicians a voting block, thereby perpetuating the problem.
Anytime a woman becomes pregnant, her life and the life of the baby are always at risk. Therefore the way to stop this from happening is to stop screwing around. Abstinence works every time. So women, if you want an abortion, we have every right to know about your sex life, in order to avoid women like you, as to save you from so much discomfort and embarrassment.
Anything political is planned and so was this issue of having religious organizations becoming responsible for a woman’s right to choose. They knew this issue would bring controversy and become an emotional issue that will most certainly stir the women’s vote. This was most certainly timed to polarize people to probably stand by Obuma and his blatantly unconstitutional health care. This is just one example on how the “Powers That Be” operate. All issues that do not have an overt injured party, can be acquitted that is of course if our juries were properly educated; knowing their true power and understanding that a “not guilty” vote would make moral laws null and void. This is how “We The People” can take our country back.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.