Lies, lies and more lies. Obuma has done nothing but excusing himself from the high price of gasoline. It was daddy Bush who was able to keep gasoline prices down, all without the help of Congress. The office of the presidency is far more powerful than they want you to believe. The problem is despite the office of the Presidency, he does have someone to answer to and it is not the American public, Congress, or the Department of Justice. He answers only to those that groomed him and got him into the Oval Office.
10 days prior to President Kennedy’s assassination, he stated in a speech at a university that the office of the Presidency is being used to destroy the United States. This was being done through the Johnson Administration with the removal of silver from our coinage, which was clearly an unconstitutional act according to Article I, Section 10, and paragraph 1. This was specifically done to invalidate the half-a-billion dollars in Silver Certificates that Kennedy had ordered printed in June of 1963. Silver Certificates according to law would be redeemable in silver. This act infuriated the owners of the Federal Reserve, for which Kennedy knew they are a foreign loan institution, for which all Federal Reserve Notes are borrowed into existence, which promotes “printing press inflation” and because of the huge national debt created more printing press inflation, which reflects the high price of gasoline and everything else.
The Johnson Administration also created the so-called “Great Society” to rid us of poverty. One trillion dollars later did not change the status of the poor, with the exception of the dependence upon the government breast for sustenance, for which the poor feed upon and therefore adding to the National Debt, which causes more inflation, etc. Even Yeshua told us we would always have the poor among us; Matthew 26:11, John 12:5. John also gave us the Vietnam War, which Kennedy was doing everything he could to prevent our involvement. The French were there for 100 years and warned us not to go there. But the Military Industrial Complex wanted us there to maintain a stream of blood money; to keep the United States politically unstable and do a little genocide along the way.
The Nixon Administration kept the nation in a state of flux and did little to provide real leadership.
The more overt destruction of our nation has been in the hands of the Clinton, Bush and now the Obuma Administration, all of whom answer to the same “Powers That Be”. Another reason for the high price of gasoline is to herd the populations back into the cities, in order to better control them, which is what the United Nations “Agenda 21” is all about. Planned Parenthood and abortion has also kept our population in check. 56 million murders all without firing a shot; Hitler, Stalin and Mao eat your hearts out!
Back to gasoline. What happened to the 60mpg Geo Metro? There is currently no production model that can hold a candle to that gas mileage. In 1978, Mother Earth News came up with a version of a hybrid that would only burn ¼ gallon per hour. At 60mph, you do the math! Therefore no one can convince me that automobile manufacturers can’t do better than 60mpg. Again, it is the “Powers That Be” that have full control over what we can have and what we cannot have. All Fortune 1000 companies are all headed by groomed Masons, for which all of them are not fully aware of their benefactors. No matter how you slice it, we are all slaves to the “Powers That Be” and in the coming years that will become more self-evident.
We must also consider that back in 1939; General Motors coined the term “planned obsolescence”. This attitude is “capitalism” at its worst. Capitalism is also plagued by greed, but as long as Americans are willing to pay the prices asked, the poor will always remain poor. This is just another way the rich rule; by paying the high prices for everything, which puts a higher perceived value on everything.
The rich will always rule over the poor and the government agrees with them. The Instant Rip-off Service has always sided with the rich, which proves how much power the rich have over us; fairness notwithstanding. The IRS is run by the same people that own and operate the Federal Reserve, which is “Federal” in name only. Congress can only regulate the Fed, but can never have overt control over it, because our entire government depends upon the Fed for all the loans made to the government by the Fed. The Federal Reserve is a foreign loan institution, which is the largest fraud ever to be perpetuated upon mankind, not to mention its ugly sister the Instant Rip-off Service, which is the Fed’s collection agency.
The IRS did not become the monster that it is until after the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. It is a simple fact that you cannot have a loan institution without a way to collect on the debts. The so-called 16th Amendment was never ratified by 2/3’s of the states, which was proven and documented by Bill Benson that wrote the 2 volume set titled, “The Law That Never Was”. Bill Benson traveled to every state and dug into their archives to discover that only a few states agreed with the 16th Amendment and therefore never passed as purported. Both the Congress and the Justice Department are unwilling to look into the matter Try to find the video from C-Span, dated in early July of 1999, which became the most requested C-Span video, featuring both Bill Benson and a former IRS agent.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.