Saturday, October 21, 2017

Billionaire Philanthropy, Hitlary Clinton and North Korea

There have been recent reports of unprecedented philanthropy going on, with billions of funding toward so-called “humanitarian” venues.  It makes me laugh that this is going in these “end times”…why…because this world is becoming more evil with every passing day and this “philanthropy” is not without underlining evil intentions; particularly with George Soros and Bill Gates. 

I do not care what George Soros says about “democracy” because it is all a whitewash for what is coming down the road… a one-world government.  It might have all the makings of a democracy, but the only freedom you will have is if you succumb to the whims of the State.  You will be required to take the “Mark of the Beast” or starve and they will claim this is freedom of choice. 

Anyone with as much money as these people, who are philanthropists, cannot be allowed to run amuck according to the “Powers That Be” or the Illuminati.  This was clearly proven when Bill Gates visited Brussels back in 1998 and got a well-deserved pie in the face by the locals, who knew why he was there.  The locals are quite aware of the Illuminati and their headquarters in Brussels.  I am quite sure the meeting went something like this; “Play ball or else.”  The Illuminati can make or break anyone at anytime.  A refusal to succumb to the whims of the Illuminati will result in the removal of your wealth or your life.  Many have tried and died.  Yes, that woman reporter in Malta was one who would not quit.

I am somewhat immune to the powers of the Illuminati, only because I have a very small audience to this blog.  However, if my audience were much larger then Google would remove my blog and ban me from ever blogging on Google again.  Yes, Google is also playing a part in the coming one-world government; otherwise, they would not be in business or drastically reduced in their influence.

Many people simply do not want to be bothered with the truth.  “Just let me have my job, pay my taxes, have my cable TV and leave me alone.”  Yes, my friends; the above is the creed of the Joe Six-Packs and Jane Wine Coolers, who are nothing less than being apathetic and then wonder why they are deep in debt and cannot live without legal drugs.  All one has to do is turn on your TV and view the plethora of ads for drugs for nearly any little thing that bothers you.  But none of those drugs would be necessary if we had food that contained all the nutritional components they were designed to have in them, so our bodies would be able to maintain its healthy stance.  “Organic is not a new thing, it’s how food used to be.”  From a poster inside “Fragrance Basil Juice Café” located in my hometown of Norwalk, Connecticut.

Hitlary Clinton has no business lecturing President Trump about North Korea; mainly because of her dismal failure as a former Secretary of State.  In addition, from a historical point of view, what Hitlary is espousing is coddling an enemy to the point of paying tribute, and called for what is truly is…extortion.  This is a long-time political practice that has been going on ever since civilizations have risen.  The only other practices in order to avoid war were political marriages, but such marriages worked as long as the presiding monarch families remained in power, which is hardly the case with democratic or communistic forms of government.

The proof that President Trump’s policy towards North Korea is working, is the fact that Kim Jong Un does not have the guts for an actual attack.  Kim Jong Un will continue his saber rattling until he is able to secure enough extortion fees.  This will continue to the point when it becomes blackmail.  Most blackmailers meet their demise when taking it too far.

China is not merely sitting on the sidelines…why… personally, I cannot believe that China would allow North Korea to nuke their favorite client.  The Asian mind works differently from Western thinking; therefore China is quite aware of Kim Jong Un’s true intentions and will not allow him to go off the deep end.  It is at least plausible that China has some covert operation going on in North Korea and perhaps even as high as being among those high up within the North Korean government.  It is a well-known phrase; “To keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.”  This is to make sure that Kim Jong Un’s threats do not become a bitter reality.

Never in all our American history has there ever existed a nationwide and coordinated effort to subvert a President of the United States, which is threatening this nation’s resolve.  In times past—it did not matter who won or lost an election.  We accepted the results as being a part of our democratic process and continued on with our lives.  What has been happening this year is a purposely divisive and outright practice of anarchy, which was fueled by the Obama Administration that covertly funded any Liberal activist group, through monies obtained from government lawsuits, as opposed to dipping directly into the government budget.  In other words, Obama was a thief, which probably makes one wonder where he got that 1.3 billion he paid in cash to Iran to release some hostages.  Obama made “slick Willy” look like a choir boy. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Commercial Courts

Commercial Courts
All court cases involving government contracts such as the “Driver’s License”, presuppose one’s guilt as a “breach of contract”.  The same “one” might make a claim to their “constitutional rights”, but then again the so-called “authorities” have that covered via the “Birth Certificate” and the “Social Security Number”, for which those venues just mentioned created what is called “the straw-man” or “legal fiction”, which is also called a “corporation”, for which corporations have no rights.  The “legal fiction” is personified by the name in all capital letters and will find this venue on any and all government communications and most commercial entities, such as banks and everyone who distributes I.D. or discount cards.

The “Birth Certificate” is a government instituted document that creates or adds to the inventory of available commercial chattel that is marketed as “human resources”; in a word “slaves” to the plantation known as planet Earth.  The Social Security Number is the identifier of the slave, for which monies earned by the same are extorted via taxes and court fines.  The same can nearly be said for the “Death Certificate” that removes one from the human resources inventory.

The government created these “corporations”, and has the right to prosecute the same as per whatever rules, laws or policies might be enacted; the Constitution notwithstanding.  In addition, it is quite apparent that our police officers can kill anyone with impunity, because the government giveth and the government taketh away.  Moreover, President Trump signed into law that the police no longer need a warrant for their investigations.

All children are wards of the State and proof is the fact that courts can order a child to be subjected to the poison known as “Chemotherapy”, for which a nurse described it to me as being “Drano”.  In addition, “Chemotherapy” is only successful in one and one half percent of all cancer patients; all other die as a result of this so-called “therapy”.  The reason why parents need to bow to the whims of government is because of the “Marriage License”, which is just another government contract that one assumes must have in order to perform what was first instituted by God Almighty and man perverted it.

No matter how one may slice it; all the above is about power over people and the wealth that can be gained from them as well, which is the ultimate pyramid scheme.  The men at the top are a mere handful of men known as the “Illuminati”; all others below them are “Pawns” in this game we call life.  Anyone with enough wealth must belong to this club in order to maintain and hold on to their wealth.  Yes, this includes President Trump and Bill Gates.  However, it is well-known that our Forefathers were Masons, which is sub-organization of the “Illuminati” and turned on them, for which 31 of them and all their families were murdered.  No one with as much money as President Trump has, and you can name almost any multi-millionaire or billionaire, because they all belong to the “Illuminati”, or at the very least answer to them.

All your Fortune 1000 corporations are headed by Masons, as well as most if not all seated judges.  Money and power can purchase anything, which is very reason no investment banker went to jail or even threatened with jail time during the 2007-2008 crises.  You see my friends, all your news, music or any media is nearly all controlled.  If this particular blog had a large enough audience, Google would have me banned, because Google is also a big part of this “game”.  You can name nearly any institution you want and they are corrupted to one degree or another; yes, including all religions.  Even your Bibles were corrupted centuries ago by a power-hungry “Pope Innocent III”, who first instituted the “Inquisition”.

If anyone believes any of the above can be changed for the better, simply forget it.  For there were a number of others decades ago, who attempted this and were quickly buried or drugged to death in a mental institution.  The “Powers That Be” do not want free thinkers and the very reason why President Bill Clinton Federalized our public schools; instituted the placing of psychologists in every school to drug children who are asking questions that rub the establishment the wrong way; looks like freedom of speech is quickly taking a backseat. “Everything you think and say is in the pill you took today,” a phrase from the song “In The Year 2525” by Zigger and Evans, 1969.  In addition Roe vs. Wade was another way to get rid of more potential “free thinking future Americans”; about 60 million to date, not including those many more millions who would have also been born if those 60 million were not murdered.  

Saturday, October 14, 2017

A Revisited Police Report

It seems rather odd that the police cannot believe their own original report on the massacre in Las Vegas.  I also viewed a report about 16 questions the media avoided to ask; re: “Rise Earth”.  This incident is the same venue as the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995—when at the time President Clinton was backing some gun control legislation in Congress and needed public support.  It seems to me to be an oxymoron that a “bombing” has anything to do with guns.

Look, my friends—there are deliberate forces at work to effectively take our guns away from us.  This includes the drugging of the mentally incompetent instead of having them institutionalized to keep them safe from the public when they miss taking their drugs and go on a rampage.  The so-called “authorities” know that this would happen and purposely allowed the mentally ill to be drugged because they knew a few would run amuck, to commit murder and then blame the guns.  Remember what I stated time and time again?  “Anything political is planned!”

Every gun law since 1933 are all unconstitutional, which started with the ownership of the “Tommy Gun” or “Thompson Machine Gun”; in order to keep them out of the hands of the “Prohibition” mobsters.  We should be aware that any criminal or criminal organization is not going to pay any attention to a “gun ban”, and it is a known fact there were no more than 6 “Tommy Guns” among the mobsters during the time of “Prohibition”.  And it was during this same period, an attempt was made by the same mobsters to have a machinist produce “Tommy Guns”, but was squashed by Elliot Ness and his investigators.  Too bad we cannot say the same for our current FBI and the cache of weapons Stephen Paddock had and was able to get by security (what security?) of the hotel.  With that many weapons, he had to make several trips back and forth and the bags he was carrying hardly resemble “normal” luggage.

Anyone remember Jocelyn Elders?  She stated during the Clinton Administration the following: “We can make safer guns… we can make safer bullets.”  What is the purpose of guns and bullets?  To make them unsafe to those who dare encroach upon our life, liberty and property, which is our God-given right to defend ourselves and therefore in such a defense we have only to answer to God for our actions, and not to any man who dares to take that right away from us to defend ourselves; this includes all police, judges, attorneys, prosecutors, and politicians, most of whom have sworn an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution.  The Commandment that states; “Do not kill” is rendered incorrectly.  The actual translation is “Thou shall not murder.”  Our Forefathers knew this, but the Liberals and the like would rather have all gun advocates mowed down, such as what happened in Las Vegas and was “allowed” to happen.

Say what you will about the men in blue, but they are specifically trained to be paranoid about everyone; they will lie and take away our property as they see fit because they are not enforcing law, they are enforcing power over us along with the courts who use extortion which seems to be our only way for a “get out of jail card”.

But the main problem is our apathy to the power of the courts and so-called “law officers”, who are more about protecting the corporate jurisdictions than citizens.  But all that power they currently have did not spring up overnight.  We have been the preverbal frog in the slow to boil water.  With every succeeding generation since 1933, any constitutional power we once possessed has evaporated—why… because we do not take the time out to challenge the so-called “authorities”, which according to Thomas Jefferson, “We need a revolution every 20 years.”  So now all this power has morphed us into a police state that was clearly expected by a pro-se group I attended from 1995 to 2002 in Albuquerque, New-Mexico.  It is now evident our police forces within the United States are guilty of more murders per year than all terrorist attacks worldwide during the same period at present.  

Thursday, October 12, 2017

September 10, 2017 Blog; Storms

I know this blog is being posted very late. An oversight on my part because of my neglect and a plethora of issues that have overwhelmed me since my move to the Houston, Texas area.

I am quite sure the readers of this blog are not interested in my problems or excuses and I have no contention with that thinking.  The only contention I do have is for no feedback and/or ignorance.  It seems that President Trump has after all morphed into a politician, by making a deal with the Demoncrats, for which Paul Ryan seems to be beside himself in this regard.  This venue is not business as usual for our legislatures, but deal-making is.  One might suppose the Republicans, in general, are posturing themselves for the next election and from what I understand; 70 percent of the time our legislatures are directly involved in their re-election process and they get paid for it.  One can hardly believe that our employers would want their employees to take out even 50 percent of their time for job hunting.  It is also plausible that because we have a Republican President that the Republican Party is poising themselves to be the knight in shining armor.

It truly amazes me how much attention nature gets when it comes to storms, but all the while when most of the time nature is quite calm, but the real storm during the calm is the one that has since 1868 has taken our God-given Rights away from us.  During the midst of Hurricane Harvey; President Trump signed legislation to abrogate our 4th Amendment Rights by allowing searches and seizures to take place without warrants.  I personally believe that this legislation would pass no matter who is seated in the Oval Office.  Like I stated in a number of these blogs “Anything political is planned.” 

Whenever a nation is starving; we as Americans always supported sending food to those divested places, but there is only one particular problem that has been systemic ever since we have provided sustenance and that is the politics of those nations will stop any distribution of any life saving provisions and allow all of it to rot on the docks.  If you were a dictator; would you want to provide sustenance to your enemy?  America has always prided itself on our God-given Rights of freedom, but ever since soon after our Civil War; those Rights had been incrementally been stolen from us; like the preverbal frog in the slow to boil water.  We are not allowed to marry without a license, unless one understands how to avoid it and we no longer own our property, for the simple reason we are the property of our government via the Birth Certificate and the Social Security Number.  We are taxed directly, which by the way is forbidden in our Constitution, but it is being done to us anyway and we accept it by providing our share.  If one understands anything about government; sharing is one venue of Communism.

I am not saying there is something wrong with taxes, but they do have their place; such as the trade tariffs that existed in times past, which was the only revenue our government depended upon for the cost of government, but all that changed when the Federal Reserve System was established, which by the way is privately held institution and the national debt is owed to the owners of the Federal Reserve.  In addition it is the Instant Rip-off Service that exists for the collection of the loans made by the Federal Reserve.  The Federal Reserve System was established in late 1913 and the IRS came into existence in 1916, which by the way was only ratified by only two States, but became a so-called “law” despite the deficiency; Re; “The Law That Never Was”, Volume I and II, Bill Benson.  In addition, there was a C-Span program that was aired in early July of 1999 that was the most requested program from the public, for which Bill Benson was presenting this case, along with another man whose name is Joe Banister, who was a former IRS agent and it was his job collecting for the IRS.  It is a matter of public record that both the Federal Reserve and the IRS are of foreign origin.

The politicians simply could not resist such a boondoggle of nearly unlimited revenue, in order to secure their re-election bids.  And now we have gone the way of the later years of the Roman Empire that eventually spelled out their demise.  What has been happening to the United States since 1964 has been a Communist venue or what could be termed as a “Turn About Intruder”.  This of course is in addition to what Eisenhower warned us about as the “Military Industrial Complex”, or what is also known as “The Deep State”, “Shadow Government”, or a more definitive term that I personally espouse as “The Matrix”, which is more to the truth to being a created reality, because our names in all capital letters is a “Legal Fiction” or “Corporation” and corporations have no rights.

Look my friends, what I have just described above can be viewed quite overtly on Youtube.  Watch as some people have attempted to declare their Rights in court and were instantly found in contempt, which by the way is mandatory jail time, until such time that the defendant decides to pay the extortion fees.  The reason is quite simple; you applied for a driver’s license, for which licensing is reserved for those who are contract drivers for commerce and was never meant to apply to private citizens.  All one has to do is read it.  However, we are literally forced to bow to the whims of our respective State governments and sign the government contract known as the “Driver’s License”.  One’s signature is the only proof the government needs to enforce that particular contract in any court and constitutional rights notwithstanding, because that contract revoked any rights you had as a traveler.  Any license does not make anyone a competent anything.  Licensing is permission to do such and such.  In all my days of doing construction work as a business man, I never applied for permission to do my work.  The reason is simple; my work was unchallenged; I did it all, concrete foundations, framing, electrical, plumbing, insulation, drywall, painting and flooring.