Commercial Courts
All court cases involving government contracts such as the “Driver’s License”, presuppose one’s guilt as a “breach of contract”. The same “one” might make a claim to their “constitutional rights”, but then again the so-called “authorities” have that covered via the “Birth Certificate” and the “Social Security Number”, for which those venues just mentioned created what is called “the straw-man” or “legal fiction”, which is also called a “corporation”, for which corporations have no rights. The “legal fiction” is personified by the name in all capital letters and will find this venue on any and all government communications and most commercial entities, such as banks and everyone who distributes I.D. or discount cards.
The “Birth Certificate” is a government instituted document that creates or adds to the inventory of available commercial chattel that is marketed as “human resources”; in a word “slaves” to the plantation known as planet Earth. The Social Security Number is the identifier of the slave, for which monies earned by the same are extorted via taxes and court fines. The same can nearly be said for the “Death Certificate” that removes one from the human resources inventory.
The government created these “corporations”, and has the right to prosecute the same as per whatever rules, laws or policies might be enacted; the Constitution notwithstanding. In addition, it is quite apparent that our police officers can kill anyone with impunity, because the government giveth and the government taketh away. Moreover, President Trump signed into law that the police no longer need a warrant for their investigations.
All children are wards of the State and proof is the fact that courts can order a child to be subjected to the poison known as “Chemotherapy”, for which a nurse described it to me as being “Drano”. In addition, “Chemotherapy” is only successful in one and one half percent of all cancer patients; all other die as a result of this so-called “therapy”. The reason why parents need to bow to the whims of government is because of the “Marriage License”, which is just another government contract that one assumes must have in order to perform what was first instituted by God Almighty and man perverted it.
No matter how one may slice it; all the above is about power over people and the wealth that can be gained from them as well, which is the ultimate pyramid scheme. The men at the top are a mere handful of men known as the “Illuminati”; all others below them are “Pawns” in this game we call life. Anyone with enough wealth must belong to this club in order to maintain and hold on to their wealth. Yes, this includes President Trump and Bill Gates. However, it is well-known that our Forefathers were Masons, which is sub-organization of the “Illuminati” and turned on them, for which 31 of them and all their families were murdered. No one with as much money as President Trump has, and you can name almost any multi-millionaire or billionaire, because they all belong to the “Illuminati”, or at the very least answer to them.
All your Fortune 1000 corporations are headed by Masons, as well as most if not all seated judges. Money and power can purchase anything, which is very reason no investment banker went to jail or even threatened with jail time during the 2007-2008 crises. You see my friends, all your news, music or any media is nearly all controlled. If this particular blog had a large enough audience, Google would have me banned, because Google is also a big part of this “game”. You can name nearly any institution you want and they are corrupted to one degree or another; yes, including all religions. Even your Bibles were corrupted centuries ago by a power-hungry “Pope Innocent III”, who first instituted the “Inquisition”.
If anyone believes any of the above can be changed for the better, simply forget it. For there were a number of others decades ago, who attempted this and were quickly buried or drugged to death in a mental institution. The “Powers That Be” do not want free thinkers and the very reason why President Bill Clinton Federalized our public schools; instituted the placing of psychologists in every school to drug children who are asking questions that rub the establishment the wrong way; looks like freedom of speech is quickly taking a backseat. “Everything you think and say is in the pill you took today,” a phrase from the song “In The Year 2525” by Zigger and Evans, 1969. In addition Roe vs. Wade was another way to get rid of more potential “free thinking future Americans”; about 60 million to date, not including those many more millions who would have also been born if those 60 million were not murdered.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.