I know this blog is being posted very late. An oversight on my part because of my neglect and a plethora of issues that have overwhelmed me since my move to the Houston, Texas area.
I am quite sure the readers of this blog are not interested in my problems or excuses and I have no contention with that thinking. The only contention I do have is for no feedback and/or ignorance. It seems that President Trump has after all morphed into a politician, by making a deal with the Demoncrats, for which Paul Ryan seems to be beside himself in this regard. This venue is not business as usual for our legislatures, but deal-making is. One might suppose the Republicans, in general, are posturing themselves for the next election and from what I understand; 70 percent of the time our legislatures are directly involved in their re-election process and they get paid for it. One can hardly believe that our employers would want their employees to take out even 50 percent of their time for job hunting. It is also plausible that because we have a Republican President that the Republican Party is poising themselves to be the knight in shining armor.
It truly amazes me how much attention nature gets when it comes to storms, but all the while when most of the time nature is quite calm, but the real storm during the calm is the one that has since 1868 has taken our God-given Rights away from us. During the midst of Hurricane Harvey; President Trump signed legislation to abrogate our 4th Amendment Rights by allowing searches and seizures to take place without warrants. I personally believe that this legislation would pass no matter who is seated in the Oval Office. Like I stated in a number of these blogs “Anything political is planned.”
Whenever a nation is starving; we as Americans always supported sending food to those divested places, but there is only one particular problem that has been systemic ever since we have provided sustenance and that is the politics of those nations will stop any distribution of any life saving provisions and allow all of it to rot on the docks. If you were a dictator; would you want to provide sustenance to your enemy? America has always prided itself on our God-given Rights of freedom, but ever since soon after our Civil War; those Rights had been incrementally been stolen from us; like the preverbal frog in the slow to boil water. We are not allowed to marry without a license, unless one understands how to avoid it and we no longer own our property, for the simple reason we are the property of our government via the Birth Certificate and the Social Security Number. We are taxed directly, which by the way is forbidden in our Constitution, but it is being done to us anyway and we accept it by providing our share. If one understands anything about government; sharing is one venue of Communism.
I am not saying there is something wrong with taxes, but they do have their place; such as the trade tariffs that existed in times past, which was the only revenue our government depended upon for the cost of government, but all that changed when the Federal Reserve System was established, which by the way is privately held institution and the national debt is owed to the owners of the Federal Reserve. In addition it is the Instant Rip-off Service that exists for the collection of the loans made by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve System was established in late 1913 and the IRS came into existence in 1916, which by the way was only ratified by only two States, but became a so-called “law” despite the deficiency; Re; “The Law That Never Was”, Volume I and II, Bill Benson. In addition, there was a C-Span program that was aired in early July of 1999 that was the most requested program from the public, for which Bill Benson was presenting this case, along with another man whose name is Joe Banister, who was a former IRS agent and it was his job collecting for the IRS. It is a matter of public record that both the Federal Reserve and the IRS are of foreign origin.
The politicians simply could not resist such a boondoggle of nearly unlimited revenue, in order to secure their re-election bids. And now we have gone the way of the later years of the Roman Empire that eventually spelled out their demise. What has been happening to the United States since 1964 has been a Communist venue or what could be termed as a “Turn About Intruder”. This of course is in addition to what Eisenhower warned us about as the “Military Industrial Complex”, or what is also known as “The Deep State”, “Shadow Government”, or a more definitive term that I personally espouse as “The Matrix”, which is more to the truth to being a created reality, because our names in all capital letters is a “Legal Fiction” or “Corporation” and corporations have no rights.
Look my friends, what I have just described above can be viewed quite overtly on Youtube. Watch as some people have attempted to declare their Rights in court and were instantly found in contempt, which by the way is mandatory jail time, until such time that the defendant decides to pay the extortion fees. The reason is quite simple; you applied for a driver’s license, for which licensing is reserved for those who are contract drivers for commerce and was never meant to apply to private citizens. All one has to do is read it. However, we are literally forced to bow to the whims of our respective State governments and sign the government contract known as the “Driver’s License”. One’s signature is the only proof the government needs to enforce that particular contract in any court and constitutional rights notwithstanding, because that contract revoked any rights you had as a traveler. Any license does not make anyone a competent anything. Licensing is permission to do such and such. In all my days of doing construction work as a business man, I never applied for permission to do my work. The reason is simple; my work was unchallenged; I did it all, concrete foundations, framing, electrical, plumbing, insulation, drywall, painting and flooring.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.