Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Border Wall

“Smile, you’re on Candid Camera”… President Trump invited both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to the White House yesterday; to discuss getting the money to complete the border wall.  Whenever President Trump wants something he will attempt to make a deal; which is how Washington D.C. works all the time.  However, neither Schumer nor Pelosi were in the disposition to give President Trump anything, no matter how small.  Prior to this; Pelosi was asked by a reporter if she would support a bill for the wall—she was not shy when she said “Nope; it would be immoral.”  Excuse me, but what is “immoral” about a wall that defines our border?  It is quite apparent that Pelosi and her Demoncrats colleagues have no inclination of putting up any kind of barrier, to protect us from an invasion.  Well, excuse me again, but did not Pelosi and everyone else who sits in our legislature in Washington, D.C., taken an oath to both protect and defend our Constitution?

For example; Article I, Section 8, Clause 15, to wit: “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repeal Invasions.”  Since Congress has been so inept in their duty; President Trump has the authority to act, based upon the above citing from our Constitution, to act accordingly, for which he has done by sending a military contingent to repel an impending invasion.  Do any of my readers know of a change that has taken place based upon “Article I, Section 8, and Clause 15?”  Therefore, a border wall is 100 percent lawful, in order to protect our border and its citizens who reside within that border. 

There is no doubt that both Pelosi and Schumer were quite uncomfortable sitting there denying any money for the border, while the cameras were on.  Schumer could not look President Trump in the eye and wanted the cameras to leave.  President Trump was not shy about taking the blame this time, for shutting down the government.  President Trump made a campaign promise to put up a border wall, and has done his level best to doing something about it, even if only a few miles got completed.  The only wall that really needs to be taken down—is the wall the Demoncrats have put up as not to be breached.  It seems to me that since the politicians cannot lawfully duke it out; then it is up to the voters to take matters into their own hands.  Hopefully, President Trump may see this as an opportunity to bring the entire matter to the American People; such as Ronald Reagan had done.

I was quite pleased when President Trump put out a “tweet”; citing the 150 billion Obama gave away to Iran, without so much as a whimper, and got absolutely nothing for that payment.  President Trump was only asking for a mere 5 billion dollars for the wall, but we can clearly see what we are getting for our money, so can those who would dare to breach it.  The bottom line is—the Demoncrats don’t want to give President Trump a “win”.  However, at the same time, the Demoncrats are just showing off the asses they are by continuing this denial, and abrogating their “oath of office”.  By stark contrast, if there were a Demoncrat sitting in the Oval Office, such as Obama, for they did not deny Obama anything he wanted; for which the Demoncrats had no problem with all that spending and accrued debt.  Back in 2006, both the Republicans and the Democrats were all for a border wall.  What can we say? Politics breeds strange bedfellows; short-lived affairs, and the beat goes on.

My compliments to Orin Hatch, who is retiring after his final session with his 40 years with the Senate—thank you for your long-time service to our country, and don’t be a stranger.  Paul Ryan is also retiring from the Legislature—although he has served, I believe he was a kind of “stealth elite”, among the Republicans. 

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.