We as Americans should be incensed at the behavior of the workings our current government; for which does not reflect or expound the context of our Constitution. Benjamin Franklyn was quite succinct when he and the others, finally emerged from the hammering out of what has to be the greatest document for the benefit of “We the People” and answered a question from those outside who were waiting for what had transpired; to wit: “You now have a republic if you can keep it.” Not too long after the Civil War had ended; our republic was changed to a “democracy”; for which a “democracy” is quite different from a “republic”.
The “democracy” that was created has morphed throughout one century, into “socialism”; for which the stake in the heart was promulgated by FDR, and was the beginning of what should be called “the fourth branch of our government, a bureaucracy.” Any “bureaucracy” is government control, and in this case, it is “Federal control,” for which requires a standard of revenue that can be relied upon for its life and continued growth. Enter the “Instant Rip-off Service,” or more commonly known as the IRS. We may have a constitutional amendment that gives breath and life to the IRS, but it was not properly enacted. As they say, “the devil is in the details,” that can be found in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”
The United States bureaucracies have a built-in, systemic edict of an increase in growth every year, which is why we have an ever-increasing “national debt” that will never be repaid, and the very reason why the cost of government is having a negative effect upon our economy and will continue to do so. This is one particular reason why the “Demoncrats” were livid about President Trump’s tax reform. Less money for the government simply means more money through both the front and back door of every American. A lesser burden directly affecting the individual taxpayer is just one benefit. Another benefit that indirectly affects the entire economy is the tax cut for business. This was a reverse “double whammy” that was the vaccination of money we hard-working Americans deserved for a very long time. Also, was President Trump’s basement door of cutting regulations is another that has effectively helped the entire nation to become more competitive in a global market.
Socialism demands more government control, which is merely a subtle form of slavery. In reality, the “14th Amendment” changed the ownership of the slaves to the Federal Government, but also enslaved everyone else who is a “U.S. citizen.” When we were a “republic,” we were “Citizens” of our respective States. Anyone who has just read the above sentence might want to reread it with a more critical eye and find a distinct difference of a specific word mentioned twice… The difference is what defines an individual as either a slave or a free person. Words and their meanings are quite acute whenever the law is involved; this includes the capitalization of words and gives more meaning to when it is stated about any legal document of “crossing T’s and dotting I’s. It is these subtleties that excite me about the study of law. It is said “knowledge is power,” but this does not quite ring true, especially when dealing with matters and points of law. That particular quote should be rendered; “the right knowledge is power.”
When reading my book, “What Difference Does It Make?!”… might be a rather daunting task, but I have worded it to give the ignorant reader at the very least a rudimentary understanding of the law. When I just stated, “ignorant reader” that is not an insult, or even in the slightest an offense. I was at one time just as ignorant of the law as any other person who would rather refer those matters to the attorneys they hire. I must apologize for the following, but those who hire an attorney have already declared themselves incompetent. Just so many of my readers of this blog are in good company; “the Book of Romans” is a study of law, for which is quite probably the most difficult book to read in our Bibles. And yes, even though I am quite well educated in matters of law; I also find this particular book a rather difficult read. Paul was a very complex and well-educated person, as well as passionate about his beliefs when he at first was persecuting converts. Paul’s conversion was quite dramatic, for which he was humbled. It rather tickles me that God could be considered a “drama queen.” Oh, come on… God is no prude, and he could deliver well-deserved insults as well as admonishments. It is not a sin to be a “drama queen.”
We have another looming problem that the Demoncrats have every intention of grabbing the bull by the horns, and that is upholding ObamaCare. The teeth of ObamaCare that so-called, “was declared as being constitutional by Chief Justice Roberts” was eliminated by the Trump Administration; and now a Federal Judge has declared what is left of ObamaCare as “unconstitutional,” and rightly so. There actually more to this than meets the eye, only because of it's so-called, “points of law.” I have written about this before, but just as some Biblical scripture bears repeating, so will I repeat what I have prominently blogged before. ObamaCare was declared as, “the law of the land,” but from a pure standpoint of law that was never true, because any “law of the land” is a “Constitutional Amendment.”
Obama and the Demoncrats simply had no patience to assemble a “Constitutional Convention.” They knew this would never fly, only because all the truth of this particular Amendment would become well-known, and there would be no secrets.
Also, anything that requires a “signature” is a contract, for which anyone signing up for ObamaCare has entered into a government contract. Your driver’s license is a government contract because your signature is required to make the contract valid. Despite our “Right to Travel,” in regards to the licensing of drivers, this is an entirely different subject that I have also expounded previously. Actually, the “Affordable Care Act” is an adhesion contract, as is the driver’s license, because they can stick anything they want onto it, and it then becomes instantly retroactive universally. This is specifically why they saved the “Individual Mandate” to be implemented down the road, for which you would discover upon the implementation of the “Individual Mandate”, an additional deduction from your paycheck, for this was the coup de ta’ to make ObamaCare a single payer system, for which they apparently had in mind all along.
What did I say in a recent prior blog about a universal health care system? We currently have a deficit of 20,000 doctors nationwide. Therefore, what will be the immediate effect of this system of health care? Two words will become the byword of ObamaCare; “Rationed Care”, for which the health cares of millions of Americans, will plummet, within the first year.
Health Care is not a “Constitutional Right”, whether or not it is taxed. The Supreme Court is not at all times “supreme” in their behavior. The Supreme Court is not as laudable as it once was and is clearly divided within party lines. Not until such time will I ever give my complete credence to the Supreme Court, unless they adhere one-hundred percent of the time to our “Constitution”, which includes “The Bill of Rights”, unfettered!
Health care is a matter of choice. If your diet consists of fast-food or what I call a “policeman’s lunch”, coffee and a donut; what do you think will happen to your individual health care? If you are eating junk, you will feel like junk. There are simply too many choices of foods available that are not designed to be nutritious; not to mention the toxic ingredients in all processed so-called, “foods”. Some of those “snack foods” contain specific ingredients that are designed to make you eat more of it. “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.