Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 30th 2017 Blog

The Senate Intelligence Committee met today to interview some witnesses regarding the Russian spying on our nation.  I was able to view some of this, but most of it was behind closed doors, because of the classified information that has been discussed.  However, I can give you my analysis of what I viewed this morning, for the first and only witness Dr. Roy Godson I was able to view.  Dr. Roy Godson was explaining the matrix of the Russian interference into world politics, so as you can see, we in the United States are not alone in these cyber attacks.  He highlights the phrase, “active measures” employed by the Russians.  The Obama Administration discounted the Russian threat by telling FBI Director James Comey to ignore it and be quiet.

There is more to this than meets the eye, considering all the Russian coziness of some Americans, namely the Clintons, John Postesta, etc., who had secured financial gains doing business with the Russians, during the years of Hitlary Clinton’s tenure in the State Department, between the years of 2008 to 2014.  It had taken 4 years for Hitlary to secure 20 percent of U.S. Uranium production through her foundation and a Canadian company.  So much for “humanitarian aid”.

I am sorry to say that it is quite apparent that the Demoncrats have declared war on anything coming from the Conservative side of our government.  “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”  The Demoncrats simply cannot understand why they have taken very heavy losses on a nationwide scale in the past 8 years.  Have they ever seriously considered that it has been the “Liberal” values that many Americans find so repugnant and also discovered that those views simply do not work?

There was a time when both parties would engage in battle in the halls of both the House and the Senate—then later met at the local watering hole.  This is no longer taking place, which simply means we can no longer expect to overtly witness the opposition crossing party lines.  There is far more attention being focused on “party differences” and so little focus on the problems that are now in crisis mode.  Doing the right thing has taken a backseat to the “Liberal” bias that has incubated from our “Liberal” colleges; spread into our once venerated institutions and expanded very broadly into our now thoroughly corrupted bureaucracies, who sometimes wield more power than our legislatures.  This is why I firmly believe that our bureaucracies have morphed into a 4th branch of our government.

Now, in order to back up this claim, one must consider the true reason for both WWI and WWII.  One might consider this last statement as a non-sequitur, so let me explain:  There was only one true reason for both world wars—the removal of the crowned heads of Europe and replaced with either a democratic or communistic form of government, for which both of them can be more easily corrupted than dealing with one stubborn monarch.  This is the precise agenda of “The Matrix” whose end game agenda is complete dominance over the entire planet.  You may have read from my prior blogs that this “Matrix” was started in the year 1700, for which every major war since then was planned and executed.  WWI did quite a bit of damage, but now quite enough, for which WWII became necessary to finish the job.  “Anything political is planned”, Franklin Roosevelt. And it does not matter who pays the price, for even those who maintain “The Matrix” did declare they did lose some of their own during WWII!

I have also cited in at least one other prior blog that it was Banksters, who started WWI and it was Henry Ford in his 1914 newsletter, where this accusation was highlighted.  Ford did mention “Jews” instead of my emphasis of “Banksters”, for which some “Jews” were among those “Banksters”, but not all of them were “Jews”.  And it is my firm belief that it was this particular rant of Ford that began the “anti-Semitic movement in the United States that prompted our nation to refuse taking in “Jews” during the exodus of the “Jews” from Europe, just before our involvement in that conflict.     

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 29th 2017 Blog

Yesterday, President Trump met with members of the “Fraternal Order of Police”.  This should be a clear message that President Trump is serious about law and order.  Did President Obama ever invite them to the White House?  From what I have witnessed as far as Obama is concerned, was that he hardened his heart whenever police officers were gunned down, which seems to be quite systemic to the general attitude of those of Obama’s race.  Now before you label me as a “racist”; if one thinks clearly about it, the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is a racist slogan, as is “Affirmative Action” and “Reparations”.

In addition, President Trump did a presidential first; sign an “Executive Order” for energy independence and another “Executive Order” to roll back every Obama energy regulation.  Every since the so-called, “Energy Crisis” of 1973; the United States has never instituted a definitive energy policy.  The instability of the Middle East should have been a clarion call for an energy policy that would strive for huge cuts in oil imports.  But instead for the past 45 years allowed the importing of oil from nations, who have proven historically as well as presently, to be unstable factors, for which pricing is determined upon who is at war with whom.

There is a systemic reason why we never had a comprehensive energy policy, in regards to oil imports.  That reason is the agenda of “The Matrix”, that is and has been instrumental in the incremental destruction of the United States.  The Clintons, Obama, George Soros, Bill Gates and yes even Oprah are card carrying members of this “Matrix”. 

Ever since last week, the news cannot take its attention away from Devin Nunes.  The reason is simply a political one and the media takes the ball and runs it down field, in the hopes of making a “touch-down”, in order to take President Trump down.  The reason why a Demoncratic ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee has been quite vocal about Nunes going to the White House, instead of first informing the other members of this same committee, is in my opinion that the “leaks” might be coming straight out of this same committee, from at least one Demoncratic member.  Nunes continues to say that he is simply doing his job and the Demoncrats are calling for Nunes to recuse himself from the so-called “Russian” connection.  It has been  proven by all the intelligence agencies that the Russians had absolutely no effect upon the outcome of the last national election.

And the fun does not stop there!  Yesterday during Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s continuing “soap opera” (words from a commentator) there seems to be no end to the “Russian Connection” from the Press Corp.  The following is an excerpt of a rant to this agenda.

Q    All right, thank you.  Sean -- don’t seem so happy.  Anyway, with all of these investigations, questions of what is is, how does this administration try to revamp its image?  Two and a half months in, you’ve got this Yates story today, you’ve got other things going on, you’ve got Russia, you’ve got  wiretapping, you’ve got --
MR. SPICER:  No, we don’t have that. 
Q    There are investigations on Capitol Hill --
MR. SPICER:  No, no -- I get it.  But you keep -- I’ve said it from the day that I got here until whatever that there is no connection.  You’ve got Russia.  If the President puts Russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that’s a Russian connection.  But every single person --
Q    It’s beyond that.  You're making it--
MR. SPICER:  Well, no -- I appreciate your agenda here, but the reality is --
Q    It's not my agenda.
MR. SPICER:  No, hold on.  At some point, report the facts.  The facts are that every single person who has been briefed on this subject has come away with the same conclusion -- Republican, Democrat.  So I’m sorry that that disgusts you.  You’re shaking your head.  I appreciate it, but --
Q    I'm shaking my head and I’m listening, and I’m trying to get --
MR. SPICER:  Okay, but understand this -- that at some point, the facts are what they are, and every single person who has been briefed on this situation with respect to the situation with Russia -- Republican, Democrat, Obama-appointee, career -- have all come to the same conclusion.  At some point, April, you’re going to have to take “no” for an answer, with respect to whether or not there was collusion.
 I purposely put two sentences in bold, because it deserves some attention as to how the media, along with the Demoncrats are continuing to grasp at straws to finding fault or some tiny flaw that may spark some movement to topple President Trump.  However, if any of my readers had viewed “Morning Joe” the other day; it was Evelyn Frakas who revealed that Obama did indeed spy on Trump both before and after the November election.  This is the real news that should have shook up all the media and incensed the Demoncrats.

Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27th 2017 Blog

It seems that a new initiative has taken place in the White House, with the addition of “The Office of American Innovation”, which will bring business management to the workings of government.  There is no better place if one wants to waste and misspend money than in the realm of government.  Yes, it is possible that this new office can breed a new bureaucracy, but this depends upon the motivation(s) of those who are in charge.  We have already had a taste of this type of management from President Trump, when negotiating with both Boeing and Lockheed that saved the American taxpayer 1.7 billion dollars, with just a few phone calls—no bureaucrats and no Congress to get in the way.

It was not entirely surprising when President Trump and Paul Ryan could not get a full Republican consensus with the “American Health Care Act”.  According to some, it is not dead just yet.  Although this legislation was voted down; in the wake of a “no confidence vote” from the “Freedom Caucus”, some Democrats have reached out to both President Trump and his staffers to perhaps breathe new life into this legislation with some fresh ideas.  We cannot declare the “American Health Care Act” has fallen by the wayside, but at least for now is simmering on the back-burner.  President Trump gave it his best shot, but now it is time to move on to tax reform.

The Liberal press is at it again—stressing the narrative of lumping together the Russians with the “leaks” in Washington; possibly from the White House.  Both Senator Trey Goudy and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, were very clear that the above are separate issues.  We already know that the investigation of the interference of the Russians into our election process, yielded no evidence whatsoever of swinging the last national election, one way or the other.  This just leaves us with the “leaks”, for which evidence has been discovered by the ranking member of the “Intelligence Committee”, Nunes, poring over documents, supplied from various sources, for which certain names appeared that were “unmasked” by someone who has access to classified information.

Normally, according to NSA Director Mike Rogers; American citizens who are implicated with foreign agents, are listed as anonymous in the documentation of transcripts, involving foreign communications, until such time as a criminal investigation takes place and is passed on to the FBI.  However, in this case, unmasking took place before an investigation was called upon and apparently those “unmasked” might be those currently working in the White House.  This is what alerted Nunes to visit the White House with this information and not first informing the rest of the “Intelligence Committee” first.  This move by Nunes miffed another ranking member of the “Intelligence Committee” Adam Schiff to appear in two news conferences and communicating his dismay over Nunes going before the media and then to the White House.  What Nunes did was not political, but it was the unprecedented unmasking that prompted him to visit the White House.  

There seems to be no doubt that some Obama leftovers were involved in the “unmasking”.  Tomorrow is Tuesday and both James Comey and Mike Rogers will be in closed session and grilled about who and why someone “unmasked” the named persons in the documents Nunes examined.  According to Mike Rogers, there are only 20 people under him who have access to “masked” persons of interest.  And as I stated above, upon the premise of a criminal investigation, the documents and the “unmasked names” would then be passed on to the FBI and then to the Department of Justice for possible prosecution.  No doubt that the press will be all over White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer during the press conference tomorrow afternoon, about what transpired in that “closed session”.  We cannot expect much of a revelation for the simple reason that what was discussed behind closed door is classified.  Spicer might elude that the “closed session” was either productive, unproductive or perhaps inconclusive.

Friday, March 24, 2017

March 24th 2017 Blog

Again, my blog suffered some today because of a personal matter that needed attention.  However, I did something unusual, by sending Senator Al Franken an email, concerning his questioning of Judge Neil Gorsuch and the non-answer he received when citing a particular case, involving a life or death situation.  The following is that email:

Letter to Senator Al Franken Regarding Judge Neil Gorsuch

Senator Al Franken, I was viewing nearly the entire hearing on Tuesday regarding Judge Neil Gorsuch.  In order to give my opinion upon what transpired between you and Judge Neil Gorsuch, I need to qualify myself as being a student of law for more than twenty years and a recent author of a book that is tangible, as to the questions regarding the case of the truck driver, who found himself in a rather desperate situation and acted accordingly, as we agree upon.

I am aware of Neil Gorsuch remaining silent after your presentation of that dire situation and I can tell you precisely why he sided with the company or corporation, for which the driver was employed.  I have some idea as to why Judge Neil Gorsuch remained silent, but that is a matter of supposition.  But in regards to “Contract Law”, I believe that Judge Neil Gorsuch acted on behalf of the employer, only because the driver, as well as other drivers, must have signed a “contract” that was quite specific, whenever such a situation occurs as you described, but it is quite apparent that the contract was not specific, whenever the situation hinged upon a life or death circumstance, for which would be construed as “mitigating circumstances”.  However, it is indeed incumbent upon any “contract” that the “letter of the law” prevails and hence Judge Neil Gorsuch ruling.  So as one can plainly see, “the letter of the law” has the power to kill.

I hope my readers can see that I do have an above average understanding regarding points of law.  And if one knows of Al Franken’s credentials, he is not anything resembling an attorney and relies upon other attorneys for his information, which was quite evident when interviewing a prior President Trump choice for a cabinet position.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 23rd 2017 Blog

Sometimes the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.  Press Secretary Sean Spicer was questioned on a matter that Senator Nunes had already spoken to the media before he spoke with the White House; so Spicer referred the question back to the Press Corps to check in with their colleagues.  To me, this is downright laughable.  Press Secretary Sean Spicer is proving on a daily basis that President Trump had chosen the right man for this particular job.  Can you spell “Rock Star”? 

It has been correctly stated that the Press Secretary provides the news of the day involving the White House and nothing more, but Sean Spicer is quickly becoming the news of the day of his own right.  Part of the reason is the reporters who were acclimated to the likes of Obama and the pussy Demoncrats, but a bright personality does not hurt either.  I have every right to name the Demoncrats “pussies”, because who cries the most when there is a problem, mostly of their own making?  Yeah I know, it is can be construed as a “sexist remark”, but women have the propensity to cry with seemingly little provocation.

Health Care is being touted by the “left” as a “Right”.  That so-called “Right” was never an issue until the assent of the Clinton Administration and then the Obama Administration, for which received the “rubber stamp” of approval from the Supreme Court.  There was a time when basic health care was taught in our schools, but apparently has been replaced by sex education.  Therefore it seems our leadership all of the sudden, discovered how much more important sex is as compared to our overall health.  In fact, without a good health, one’s sex life will eventually diminish.  We have seen this happen and the belief that a drug will ensure performance, since its introduction back in 1998.  It was not too long after that introduction that deaths and other damages have occurred, like blindness and heart attacks.

Even if one can avoid all those drawbacks, there is still another systemic problem that is prevalent with all drugs—eventually one needs more of that drug, or its effectiveness is lost and in the case of Viagra, this has happened to men and the damage is now permanent ED!  We have no one to blame but ourselves for not digging a little deeper.  Doctors are no better than the education they receive and Big Pharma is the single largest contributor to all medical schools, so where do you think the bias is going to lie?

Proper nutrition is the answer to all our health care concerns.  That is of course if one purchases food that has not been adulterated in one form or another.  Just because something is sitting on the supermarket shelf, does not make it nutritional.  The food industry is simply an “industry”, which means it must be profitable.  Agribusiness operates in this same venue and nutrition be damned!  Enter into any supermarket and notice how they are set up.  Every one of them are basically the same; all your produce, meats and dairy are located on the side and back walls.  All processed items pervade the middle isles and this should be considered the “twilight zone” for those who want to remain in a healthy state.  Granted, there are some sundry items such as coffee, sugar and the like that are organic in those same isles.

This above system is not much different from the chemistry of the late 19th century, for which chemists discovered that just NPK, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium were sufficient for plant growth—they were absolutely correct, but a limited fertilization program is insufficient for both human and animal nutrition, in order to be in optimum health.  Soil science is an extremely complex of processes, for which the human body emanates.  Chemicals are the short-cut version of God’s design and the greed of mankind proves just how fallible we are by remaining ignorant of such things.  Chemical fertilizers leave behind toxic salts, making the soil lifeless.  If there is no life in the soil, then how can we expect life to be in us?  Yes, we will go on for a time, but suffering with disease in-between all that time.  A young body can take some abuse, but payment will be made in full in the future.

Therefore the proof does not need to go any further than how diseased we are or will become, despite so-called “medical advances”.  The best health care system we can have is proper nutritional education, for which I am living proof of that venue, because back in 1977 I have decided to take control over my own health care through education.  I used to suffer from allergies, but no more, because about one year after going organic all my allergies disappeared.  We in the United States are the unhealthiest of all nations throughout the world…why…because we are the most gullible and believe nearly everything our doctors, Big Pharma and government tell us.  But you see, all those mentioned are a part of “The Matrix” that wields all the power.  A general once stated a long time ago, “The government has to lie in order to protect itself.”  No matter how laudable a government purports to be, it will prove to be detrimental to a life of health, well- being and true freedom.  

There is only one thing the government owes the American People—“Freedom of Choice”.  The right to chose was stolen from us by President Obama and the Demoncrats in 2010, with the passage of the so-called “Affordable Care Act”, for which Nancy Pelosi declared to the House of Representatives to pass this bill before we read it.  That statement was the most reckless of anything ever heard in the Halls of Congress.  So now 7 years later, all the predictions from the Republicans have reared its ugly head and it is up to this Administration and the Legislature to fix the problem.  Yes, we could politically allow it to collapse, but that would be irresponsible to allow that to happen and leaving the American People in a lurch.  It was a former candidate for the presidency to make the solution very simple; Michelle Bachman stated to completely repeal ObamaCare and allow insurance companies to cross State lines.  In addition, I suggest allowing States block grants for Medicaid to fill in the gaps that will occur for those who simply cannot buy their own insurance.

The above is quite simple, but the Demoncrats and the bureaucrats will never go for it…why…because it puts control back to the people to where it belongs.  Our Forefathers warned us about having a strong centralized government and now we are stuck with it!  The idea of keeping your doctor and current insurance plan was a smoke-screen.  It was stated soon after ObamaCare had been implemented that 6 million insurance plans were cancelled.  These were plans that people were pleased with and simply lost them because of the edicts of government.  However, even that figure of 6 million is not accurate in regards to how many people were actually affected. 

Notice that it is “6 million plans”, but what was not told us was that most of those plans covered whole families, which are comprised of many more than just 6 million!  Multiply 6 million times 2.3 people per plan come to almost 14 million people!  Therefore the effect is quite a bit more than the government let on!  Sure, you can keep your doctor, but now because more paperwork is involved, doctor visits have gone up in price and so have hospital stays, etc.  And guess what folks, some rural hospitals closed because of ObamaCare, not to mention the 20,000 doctor deficient, because these doctors left their profession.   Did your news agency tell you about that?  What Obama and the Demoncrats accomplished is the old marketing ploy of “bait and switch”.  The Republicans are now in a quandary about their health care bill, because they cannot get a consensus within their own party.  

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22nd 2017 Blog

Dear readers of this blog; I am not happy…why…because I believe that my readers are not truly interested, or just reading the first and second paragraphs and hang it up.  When one does not understand something, it presupposes does it not, will prompt questions?  I would not enjoy my readers roaming around in ignorance.  In saying this I am not belittling anyone.  In fact I am encouraging my readers to give me feedback.  I have said this before, but it bears repeating; I want to hear the good, the bad and the ugly about anything I write.  If you feel challenged, all the better…why...because this might make me write better, if by chance I am not entirely clear enough.

This blog is a continuation of what I had written yesterday.  Neil Gorsuch is now engaged into round 2 of hearings with the Judiciary Committee.  One can plainly see the political posturing from both sides of the isle… and the beat goes on!  Gorsuch is not the least bit intimidated and unswervingly maintains his stand as being politically neutral, for which his nearly perfect record vindicates him.  The key is that no human being is perfect and the Demoncrats continue to color him as being far less than the records indicate which is why Senator Al Franken cited one particular case that favored a corporation.

Please pay close attention, because this is of extreme importance in understanding Judge Neil Gorsuch judgment in the particular case Al Franken cited.  What I am going to say is going to be backed up by what follows below this paragraph.  I can see why Judge Neil Gorsuch sided with the corporation in this particular case and it has to do with “Contract Law”.  It is quite apparent to me that this employee signed a contract with this corporation, for which I am very sure that Judge Neil Gorsuch read that particular contract and ruled based upon that contract.  If indeed Judge Neil Gorsuch declared that his judgment in that case, was predicated upon the contract that the employee in question signed; and the fact that this confirmation hearing is public, would most certainly tipped the hand of our entire fraudulent court system.  Therefore Judge Neil Gorsuch offered no comment by remained silent.

Neil Gorsuch is seemingly a hero in regards to our Constitution, but he is in as much a quandary as all judges are, only because there are two venues of law at work.  For it is the difference in these two venues of law that inspired me to write, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  The organic venue is our Constitution, but soon after our Civil War, another venue of law began to rear its ugly head, which is Contract or Administrative Law.  I will spare the sorted details of how this happened, but it is sufficient to say that our Citizenship within our respective States, changed from being sovereigns; Citizens with a capital “C” to becoming U.S. citizens with a small “c”.  In law, words mean everything and therefore all words are “case sensitive”.  The difference is not as subtle as one might believe, as was when President Clinton stated, “It all depends what the word “is” is,” which is one of the few truths he had spoken; for in law the word “is” can have 17 different meanings, depending upon the context.

My agenda of this blog is to give at least some rudimentary understanding of what law is and to understand the difference between the two venues.  Yes, I also provide some political analysis and only because of the close ties to the law and because we have two venues of law.  Understanding the difference can mean either freedom or jail time.  

There is so little justice being meted out in our nation, mainly because of the loss of our individual identities, via the Birth Certificate and the Social Security Number.  This is another area that requires a full explanation and I would be doing myself a disservice by putting my entire book into this blog!  For more than 3 months now, I have been giving as much as I can to at least stir up some interest.  But I suppose that just like everyone else, you will hire an attorney to do your dirty work, which is quite sad and I say this with empathy, only because when hiring an attorney you are declaring yourself as being incompetent.  That my friend is not an insult, but this is part of how “The Matrix” is designed.  If you recall, any matrix is a created reality, for which comes the phrase “He who defends himself in court, has a fool for a client.”  And as a matter of fact, there is no law on the books that states you must hire an attorney or have one appointed when going to court.  Even the 6th Amendment backs this up, when it states “counsel” and can mean anyone; your brother, friend or even yourself, for the simple reason that “counsel” is not defined! 

However, in many courts judges may or may not allow just anyone except an attorney provide representation, but not without some underlining reason, for which will never be revealed, at least not publically.  That “underlining” reason is that all attorneys have 4 basic agendas; 1) the BAR; 2) the court 3) money; 4) the client, all in that specific order!  Anyone who is not an officer of the court does not have any obligation to the whims of the BAR or the court and this is what disturbs many judges, as well as prosecutors. 

Every court has their own “Rules of Procedure”; some published and some not published, for the same reason I cited above and removes a degree of power from the judges.  It must be clearly understood that membership in the BAR is an exclusive club, for which is a very powerful organization and has effectively and incrementally changed our courts, ever since 1938.  Judges have gained so much power that evidence which could vindicate a defendant can be thrown out by any judge, who has already prejudiced the case, according to the present law, for which judges also instruct juries to rule according to the present law, but that my friends is known as “jury tampering”, for it is the juries who have the right to judge both the law and the facts in any case.  Prosecutors are also “officers of the court” who are only promoted upon conviction(s).

In addition, because we accepted both the “Birth Certificate” and the “Social Security Number”, we are no longer a party to the Constitution in matters involving government contracts.  Are you aware that your driver’s license and marriage license are “government contracts”?   I have already explained in prior blogs about the “Birth Certificate” and the “Social Security Number” that destroyed us as individual human beings and morphed us into commercial chattel.  The New Testament Bible describes this as “being made merchandise”.  And I also explained that our name in all capital letters made everyone of us “legal fictions” or corporations and in some circles is referred to as “the straw man”.  You can cite any government document and many commercial documents you want, but you will never find any name that is not in all “capital letters”, for this is the proof we are “commercial chattel”, for which our fraudulent courts are fully aware.  And this is the very reason why when going to court say for a “traffic ticket”, you cannot cite any part of the Constitution in regards to your “Rights”…why…because you signed “government contracts”!

My hope is that I have explained as clearly as possible in as many “laymen” terms as I could.  I want my readers of this blog to have at least a rudimentary understanding of what law is and what it is not.  If I say “policy” is not “law”; do you understand the difference?  “Policy” is what might be described as a “phantom law” and by its very nature can be challenged.  However, since corporations have no inherent rights, being “numbered” and your name in all capital letters makes you a corporation; policies may apply as if they were already law!  “Rules of the court” are policy measures, for which a judge at his/her digression, may declare “contempt of court” if the “Rules of Procedure” in his/her particular court are violated, which means instant jail time.   

The Supreme Court is the very last vestige of justice we have and many times for political expediency, will judge a particular case by interpreting the law in light of whatever direction the political winds are blowing.  It is for this very reason why we need judge Neil Gorsuch as a Supreme Court Justice.  The following is of extreme importance in regards to the subject of “interpretation”.  Our Constitution was specifically written to limit the government’s power over us and at the same time expounds our God-given “Rights” as individuals.  However, it is our Liberal Colleges since 1938 that have declared the Constitution as a “living document”.  This is only because since 1868, “We the People” are now “commercial chattel”.  1938 was a pivotal year for the overt change of how our courts treat us, because of one particular court case of that same year.  Re; “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21st 2017 Blog

It should come as no surprise about what the subject of this particular blog is going to be about.  One overt reason is my studies in law for more than the past 20 years.  Actually, my studies in law were more of an accident, promulgated by a book titled, “Pawns in the Game”, by William Guy Carr, 1958.  This particular book has been out of print since 1978, but as I see it, it should be venerated as basic book that exposes “The Matrix”, for which Carr has used another term, based upon the vernacular of his era as, “World Revolutionary Movement”.  In addition, this particular book and the dozen or so other books by William Guy Carr, have all been banned from all public libraries…why… Once reading just the introduction one will understand that the information contained therein, is an indictment on every government on the planet.  Not because they are intentionally evil (as some invariably are) but because of the control by the “Banksters”, or the more familiar “Illuminati”.  Yes, you can lump in the “Masons” in there, but many of them are not aware of the Illuminati using the “Masons”, as a repository for possible future members, but more so as being “Pawns in the Game”, for world domination, for which most CEOs, judges, etc. are “Masons”.

How did I come upon a copy of “Pawns in the Game”?  That is another “accident”.  When I moved to New-Mexico in 1994, it was because of an invitation by a contractor, but it was not long that I made a disturbing discovery about another employee and the boss’s live-in girlfriend, for which I did voice my concern and David (my boss) said that there was nothing to be concerned about and let it go.  However, 6 months later my suspicions were discovered and everything fell apart and I had to find other living quarters.  To make a long story short, I befriended a man who invited me to live with him.  He had a small library of interesting books and “Pawns in the Game” was one of those books he picked up at some yard sale.  

My apologies for not getting to the issue of the day, but I believe some background as to my education and everything else that has led me to be the man I am today.  Yes, there is a school of thought that at least some of us are purposely led into circumstances and experiences that lend themselves to mold a person in extraordinary and unique ways, for this is where I found myself several years after being introduced by my roommate to a group of pro se litigates.  I also want my readers to understand that I nobody’s fool.  My side life as a researcher since grade school and cultivating writing skills since 2002 has challenged some of those who believe this civilization can never end.  

As I stated in a previous blog that this particular mentality is doomed to fail.  My studies in law and other peripheral subjects and issues have exposed me to information and the proofs thereof that we are heading for the end of this civilization in probably less than 10 years.  In addition to my secular studies, I have also been a student of the Bible for about 38 years, for which prophecy is one of my better subjects.  Those prophecies, along with everything else I have discovered, are the basis for what I had said and continue to expound.

Both William Guy Carr and George Orwell got it right, as well as an anonymous 12 year Federal Judge did, whose treatise I have included in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  I purposely included this particular treatise titled, “The Matrix and the U.S. Constitution”, along with my commentary.  For the most part I wholeheartedly agree with this judge, only because I also discovered much of what he found and the very reason I was utterly compelled to include his treatise in my book and to prove that I am not alone in everything I have written and will continue to write.

We must give credit when that credit is aptly due.  Again, President Trump made an outstanding pick; this time for a Supreme Court Justice, for which many on both sides of the isle agree that Neil Gorsuch is not a political hack.  Yes, I viewed much of the hearing and I must cite one particular thing Gorsuch stated, “When I became a judge, I was given a gavel, not a rubber stamp.”  So that my readers understand that I have no bias agenda; we must not respect a person, but respect his character by what that person does.  That my friends is not a riddle.  We as human beings develop characteristics, for which one can predict with reasonable accuracy how a person will act under most circumstances.  By the way, this is how humor evolves.  In addition, all humor has its basis in truth and never a falsehood.

For the most part, I viewed this hearing as political pandering and grandstanding, but this is the process that the legislatures have to conform, as a matter of form and necessity, according to the precepts of our Constitution.  20 Senators, each given 30 minutes to either boast or roast Neil Gorsuch, which makes for a long and arduous day.  There was some humor along the way, with Ted Cruz talking about mutton riding, or something like that and another Senator who found it rather astonishing that Gorsuch did not take a break to “pee”; his word, not mine!  More to come tomorrow on the subject of law.

Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20th 2017 Blog

Two things had all the attention today; the two Senate hearings 1) Jim Comey and Mike Rogers in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee/ Neil Gorsuch in front of the Judiciary Committee and 2) the White House Press Briefing.

The Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing is normally done behind closed doors, but Senator Nunies decided to allow the public to view this particular hearing, for the very first time!  Yes, there were security sensitive questions asked, for which both Comey and Rogers could not disclose, but for the most part there were some enlightening information on how the most sensitive information is handled and at the same time allowing a high degree of privacy, regarding when American citizens might be involved in either an investigation, or upon a disclosure via a foreign source.  

I was able to view the Intelligence Hearing almost entirely, but was interrupted by a phone call during the last 15 minutes.  It seemed to me that Mike Rogers was more candid than Comey, for political reasons.  Comey had no problem freely speaking about Trump and the so-called link to Russia, but more evasive when the questioning involved any lingering Democratic investigations.

It is well-known that Comey was investigating Hillary Clinton, regarding her emails and private servers… yes, there were two servers!  But there seems to be some conflict involved, because it is not so well-known that Comey is 12 million dollars richer because of Hillary Clinton.  The details are rather sketchy and I am only the messenger, but we must take note that nearly all the Demoncrats belong to the same club and for the most part no longer rub elbows with their Republican counterparts as they did in times past.

Therefore, we must conclude that the division that has pervaded the news since near the end of the Obama Administration, all began with our legislatures in Washington D.C.

As far as the White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is concerned; much of the banters that go on between Spicer and the few reporters from some news agencies are quite entertaining.  This is simply because at least two of those reporters, who sit right up front, are maintaining their Liberal narratives.  Therefore, it tickles me when Spicer has to rehash what was so clearly stated in those hearings and Spicer also has to make clear all the so-called “suspicions” regarding President Trump.

Now let me be clear; I analyze and only come to someone’s defense when those who are just doing their job(s) are being grilled by the few in the Press Corps, who seemingly have made up their minds as to the narrative(s) they continue to tout.  These “distractions” are about as annoying as cats declaring their territory in the early morning hours.  Sean Spicer is perhaps is far more generous to those reporters than President Trump; for when President Trump is annoyed, is not as shy as to call someone “rude”.   We must admit that this past election season was one for the history books and this presidency is taking this same course as well.  Enjoy it my friends, because I do not believe you will ever see anything like this again.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19th 2017 Blog

It was President Reagan who stated; “Washington is the problem.”  All during the past 70 years; Washington D.C. has morphed into the behemoth it is today.  This is precisely what our Forefathers warned us against, or more specifically from Benjamin Franklyn, when finally emerging from those hot July summer days, hammering out our Constitution, for which someone asked, “What happened in there?”  Benjamin Franklyn replied; “You have a republic if you can keep it.” 

It was a few years after our Civil War that everything began to change—the United States changed from a republic to a demonocracy, which a benevolent form of socialism.  I put forth all the sorted details in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  The first change was to classify everyone in the United States as U.S. citizens, for which we were prior to this change, sovereign Citizens (with a capital “C”) of our respective States.  U.S. citizenship “federalized” all of us through the 14th Amendment and it is sufficient to say we were classified as slaves to the Federal Government.  This classification became clearer with the institution of the Birth Certificate in 1921 and the Social Security Number in 1933, for which the Birth Certificate designated us as a “human resource” and the Social Security Number declassified us as human beings.  Just to give one a proper perspective about that last statement; consider that at this very same time, all the Jews under the Nazi Regime were numbered.

The beginning of final breakdown of our so-called “republic” was when the Johnson Administration passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964.  This particular legislation was passed under the pressure of the Black population in America, for which if any of them fully understood the precepts of our Constitution would have simply insisted that our government enforce those precepts upon every American without regard to color or any other human venue that tends to separate people in general.  In other words, the “Civil Rights Act” was totally unnecessary, but for reasons of political posturing was needed to pacify the trouble makers, because those “trouble makers” did not understand anything but reparations for the slavery their ancestors endured.  However, all those who were slaves are now dead and so should be any talk of reparations.  If indeed the Black People got reparations, then the Irish have every right to demand their reparations for the slavery they endured both prior and during the time of African slavery!  In other words, “SHUT UP!”

The “Civil Rights Act” paved the way for further government control in declaring the movement for “The Great Society”—one trillion dollars later, nothing has changed… why…for the simple reason that the demoncrats decided that the way to solve our problems was to throw money at the problems, but all the same problems have persisted despite all the laudable pandering.  The Roman Empire has gone through this same venue and eventually collapsed.  Entitlements were never a “right” in regards to our Constitution…for one thing, there is no such mention and two, it is incumbent upon every human being who has much to freely share via first to second parties—not a though a third party known as “government bureaucracies”. 

According to our Constitution, we have the absolute right to be anything we want to be, as long as we respect the rights of others.  This is by far a simpler venue than the one we have now, because we allowed our government to fulfill what we should be doing, but Washington employs people with fairly high salaries to distribute those so-called “entitlements”.  This is precisely what Ronald Reagan was alluding to when making the statement that, “Washington is the problem.” 

I believe Sean Spicer has clearly summarized it in his March 16th White House Briefing; There’s this assumption in Washington, Jonathan, that if you get less money it's a cut.  And I think that the reality is that in a lot of these there’s efficiencies, duplicity, ways to spend money better.  And I think if you're wasting a lot of money, that’s not a true dollar spent.  And I think when you look at the way that Director Mulvaney and the President approached this budget, it was can we ask -- can we get more with the same dollar, can we find duplicity, can we find efficiencies, can we combine facilities in some cases at NIH to enhance a better experience whereby we actually have an outcome that’s reduced savings.
 But to assume that because you spend a ton of dollars you’re going to get a better outcome, I mean, with all due respect, you look at the District of Columbia, they spend by far more per capita than any other city in the country on education, and I think they have tremendous issues that are constantly being dealt with in their education system.
 So to assume that just because you throw money at a problem it’s somehow magically solved is a very Washington way of looking at a budget problem.
 Director outlined a couple weeks ago during the passback process, is to work with them to talk to each of these agencies and departments about how to walk through their budget in a way that ensures they can continue to do the core functions that they want while finding ways to reduce waste, get rid of -- enhance efficiencies and get rid of duplicity.
 But that is a very Washington way of looking at a problem, when you say, let’s just look at how much we spend as a measure of how much we care or how much we’re going to get done.  And I think that the President has been very clear as to what his priorities on this budget are and the outcomes that we expect from every dollar that we spend.  
 So for being in office for 55 days, or 50-some-odd days, whatever it’s been, we’ve had a unique ability to go forward so far and make a very strong commitment to enhancing our national security, to protect the country and to keep America safe and its citizens safe, while at the same time making sure that we don’t ask for people to work harder, to spend more to Washington -- send more to Washington that gets ultimately wasted.  I just don’t see how that’s showing respect to the American people or to the American taxpayer, especially when so many people are working two, sometimes three jobs, or both parents are working just to get by, pay the mortgage, and we’re saying, hey, don’t worry, keep sending more money to Washington -- and we’re not going to take the time.
 But there should be a review of all these agencies.  Director Mulvaney was pointing out how many unauthorized agencies and departments and programs we have throughout the government.  If we’re going to do that, at some point there should be a debate on whether or not these agencies and programs are achieving their mission.  And if they are then great, fund them.  But if they’re not, we shouldn’t be asking hardworking American taxpayers to send more money to Washington to fund things that don’t further those goals.”
So, as you can plainly see there is much more going on in regards to how the “swamp” is quite wide and deep in such murky waters, where so much is well-hidden from overt view.  And as I have stated in two prior blogs, “draining the swamp” is going to be a rather daunting task.  There is no doubt as to President Trump’s laudable intentions, but there are definitely evil forces at work, who do not want the swamp drained to the point of revealing the ugly truth of what lies beneath.

However, many Americans are so concerned about how Washington D.C. works and just as the drug addict is more concerned about his next fix, so are those who receive entitlements and continue to look forward each and every month for that unearned check or direct deposit.  With the “national debt” climbing ever so high as to be unreachable, in terms of any reduction, will sooner or later simply become unsustainable, for the simple reason that the debt can only be spread so far and reach a point when our creditors will finally say, “No more” and then panic will ensue cutting off all entitlements as well as all government services.

Do not believe for one nanosecond that these entitlements will continue and this civilization will not collapse, because the many civilizations before us have also thought the very same and where are they now?  The entire world is in excess of 56 trillion dollars in debt and there is only one thing that is maintaining a hold on the inevitable end—faith that it will always remain as it stands, but that “faith” is founded upon what?  Technology is not the answer, because it is technology that has exasperated these circumstances, whereas nearly all transactions are merely electronically produced, giving the illusion of wealth that has the potential of evaporating just as fast as it was produced.  It is simply a “fiat money system” that has no intrinsic value backing it up.  Yes, there is gold, but it is being hoarded by the Vatican, China and Germany.  Any gold that is being held in the United States, 90 percent of it does not belong to the United States Government.  It belongs to the Banksters and we merely have custodianship of it.  

The general attitude that pervades inside the beltway is the bureaucrats, who are at the center of setting policy.  Policy is touted to the point that any violations are deemed as being criminal.  Understand this; policy is never equal in power to law.  Therefore all policy, other than how one government treats one another government and the treatment of corporations, must be weighed against constitutional law.  This is precisely why I have titled all bureaucracies as a forth branch of government.

President Trump is attempting to quell much of this bureaucratic overreach that has most certainly corrupted all three organic branches of our government, for which when Congress who controls the purse—the bureaucrats cry “foul” when their budgets are being threatened with a proposed cut in the increase they are requesting.  A requested 6 percent of an increase, reduced to a 3 percent increase is not cutting their budget and yet the bureaucracies insist it is a “cut”.  Anyone who does not understand this, needs to go back to math class.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

March 18th 2017 Blog

Dear Readers of this blog; I received an unsolicited opinion about the controversy surrounding both the so-called, “Affordable Care Act” and the “American Care Act”, for which I am not in favor of any type of health care, with the exception of a catastrophe, for which cancer and many other diseases are both curable and preventable, but Big Pharma will never pander to any such venue, for the two simple reasons; 1) they would lose control over much of our health care system and 2) lose billions in revenue.

And let me cite some personal examples; 1) I have cured 14 different infections over a consecutive period of past 19 years, using two produce items from the grocery store.  If I say exactly what it was on this public forum, I could be arrested and convicted for practicing medicine without a license.  However, if you email me individually, I can tell you.  2) I have suffered from 3 bouts with kidney stones, but have discovered both a cure and prevention, all because I took the time out to do the research.  

My response: Yonatan, I appreciate your thoughts about all controversy in regards to both the so-called “Affordable Care Act” and the “American Care Act”, but more than anything it is more about political posturing, on who is going to take responsibility for either the failure or success of them.  It used to be that if we did not have “health care”, we simply did without, just as during the “Great Depression” millions were destitute and about 8 million died from starvation, for which this particular fact is well-hidden.

Being that you are an engineer and physicist, you must know about “cause and effect”, for which the same duly applies to all facets of life, including law and politics.  It is strictly because of politics that the so-called “Affordable Care Act” has morphed into a “sacred cow”, just as any and all social programs have become an American way of life; just as our neurosis of our attachments to our smart phones and other electronic gadgets have permeated society as a whole.

Getting back to “cause and effect”; it is well-known that the “Great Depression” was precipitated by the crash of the Stock Market that rippled worldwide.  However, there was a direct and purposeful cause that very few know about, for which the Rockefeller family was forewarned about the upcoming doom and quickly pulled out of the Stock Market and used the fallout of the “Great Depression” to purchase all of First and Second Avenues of New York City at rock bottom prices. 

To make a rather long story short, it was the Banksters who caused the “Great Depression” and it was FDR who was a member of the Illuminati and instituted the Social Security System, for which at that time, I believe the mortality rate for old age was about 60 years in age and the benefits were distributed when one reached age 65.  It was simply just another way to extort money out of the pockets of the enslaved.  This “enslavement” is another rather long story and is periphery attached to our present system of law, which is “contract or administrative law” and has effectively unbalanced the scales of “Lady Justice”, as illustrated on the front cover of a book I have written titled; “What Difference Does It Make?!”, for which all the answers to the plethora of questions that might be generated from this short treatise I have just presented here.    

Friday, March 17, 2017

March 17th 2017 Blog Addendum 

I have posted just a few days ago about a particular water filter that I not only found to be exceptionally, but I also have one and quite satisfied with the value I received for my purchase one year ago.  I just received the following today in my email and I thought I share it with my readers. Clearly Filtered just announced an improved version of last year's model.  My hope is that my readers will seriously consider making this very important health decision.

Clean Water Pitcher Filter

Hi Everyone!
Asaiah here, president and founder of ClearlyFiltered and today I have a very special announcement.
Today marks the launch of our All-New 2nd generation pitcher filter.
That’s right, it’s here! After 18 months of testing, research & development it is my pleasure to introduce you to our “Gen 2 Filter.” Starting today, orders for pitchers and pitcher replacement filters will ship with Gen 2 filters.

Here’s what you need to know:
  • COMPLETELY COMPATIBLE - Gen 2 filters are designed to fit your existing pitcher
  • SAME PRICE – New technology without raising the price
  • BPA FREE – 100% BPA Free materials like all of our products

What's New With GEN 2?

As you can tell from the above image, a lot has been done to improve the filter. Here are some of the key changes you should know about:
  • ALL-NEW FILTER INSIDE – The filter underwent a complete redesign that has allowed us to more than double the amount of our proprietary Fluoride Removal MediaTM and Lead Removal MediaTM
  • IMPROVED FILTER PERFORMANCE  Huge increases in performance on the contaminants that matter most like: Fluoride (98%), Lead (99%), Chromium-6 (99%), Arsenic (99%), Pharmaceutical Drugs (99%), Hormones (99%) & more!
  • ALL-New Filter Testing – Independent testing shows the filter’s performance on over 180+ of the most harmful contaminants. Click HERE to see the full report
  • New Flushing Tool – Completely redesigned with a lower profile for easier filter preparation (based on your recommendations)
  • New Filter Gasket – New gasket design featuring SafeSealTM technology to provide a secure connection and superior leak prevention
  • New FILTER Screen – A screen has been added just before the filter to keep unwanted debris from clogging up the filter
Get Your GEN 2 Filter

How Does It Stack Up Against Brita, SOMA, & PUR Pitchers?

We know how important the Pitcher Filter is to our customers; so getting it right was our #1 priority. I want to thank all of our customers who cared enough to fill out a survey, write us, email us, or call us with feedback on how to make the filter better. I want you all to know that WE LISTENED. And the Gen 2 filter is that much better because of your help. Thank you.
A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes, here are some of what we think are some of the highlights (by the numbers):
  • 1,000+ The number of man-hours invested in the Gen 2 filter
  • 186 The total number of contaminants we tested for
  • 99.7% The average removal % for those 180+ contaminants 
  • 50% The percent increase in contaminant removal media
  • 24 The number of filter prototypes made
  • 18 The number of months spent in Design, Research & Development
  • 12 The number of different tests performed on the filter
  • 0 The number of parts shared with the original filter
See the Test Results

See What's Under the Hood

Here is a special sneak peak of the filter to show what is underneath the cover. We put it next to our original filter (on the right) to show the difference between it and the Gen 2 filter (on the left). 
We are really proud of this new filter and think you will be too. As always, if you have questions we’d love to hear from you. We’re available 9am-4pm PSTMonday-Friday. Give us a call at 1-877-876-2740 or email us We are happy to help!
Copyright © 2017, All rights reserved.
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