Saturday, March 18, 2017

March 18th 2017 Blog

Dear Readers of this blog; I received an unsolicited opinion about the controversy surrounding both the so-called, “Affordable Care Act” and the “American Care Act”, for which I am not in favor of any type of health care, with the exception of a catastrophe, for which cancer and many other diseases are both curable and preventable, but Big Pharma will never pander to any such venue, for the two simple reasons; 1) they would lose control over much of our health care system and 2) lose billions in revenue.

And let me cite some personal examples; 1) I have cured 14 different infections over a consecutive period of past 19 years, using two produce items from the grocery store.  If I say exactly what it was on this public forum, I could be arrested and convicted for practicing medicine without a license.  However, if you email me individually, I can tell you.  2) I have suffered from 3 bouts with kidney stones, but have discovered both a cure and prevention, all because I took the time out to do the research.  

My response: Yonatan, I appreciate your thoughts about all controversy in regards to both the so-called “Affordable Care Act” and the “American Care Act”, but more than anything it is more about political posturing, on who is going to take responsibility for either the failure or success of them.  It used to be that if we did not have “health care”, we simply did without, just as during the “Great Depression” millions were destitute and about 8 million died from starvation, for which this particular fact is well-hidden.

Being that you are an engineer and physicist, you must know about “cause and effect”, for which the same duly applies to all facets of life, including law and politics.  It is strictly because of politics that the so-called “Affordable Care Act” has morphed into a “sacred cow”, just as any and all social programs have become an American way of life; just as our neurosis of our attachments to our smart phones and other electronic gadgets have permeated society as a whole.

Getting back to “cause and effect”; it is well-known that the “Great Depression” was precipitated by the crash of the Stock Market that rippled worldwide.  However, there was a direct and purposeful cause that very few know about, for which the Rockefeller family was forewarned about the upcoming doom and quickly pulled out of the Stock Market and used the fallout of the “Great Depression” to purchase all of First and Second Avenues of New York City at rock bottom prices. 

To make a rather long story short, it was the Banksters who caused the “Great Depression” and it was FDR who was a member of the Illuminati and instituted the Social Security System, for which at that time, I believe the mortality rate for old age was about 60 years in age and the benefits were distributed when one reached age 65.  It was simply just another way to extort money out of the pockets of the enslaved.  This “enslavement” is another rather long story and is periphery attached to our present system of law, which is “contract or administrative law” and has effectively unbalanced the scales of “Lady Justice”, as illustrated on the front cover of a book I have written titled; “What Difference Does It Make?!”, for which all the answers to the plethora of questions that might be generated from this short treatise I have just presented here.    

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.