Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19th 2017 Blog

It was President Reagan who stated; “Washington is the problem.”  All during the past 70 years; Washington D.C. has morphed into the behemoth it is today.  This is precisely what our Forefathers warned us against, or more specifically from Benjamin Franklyn, when finally emerging from those hot July summer days, hammering out our Constitution, for which someone asked, “What happened in there?”  Benjamin Franklyn replied; “You have a republic if you can keep it.” 

It was a few years after our Civil War that everything began to change—the United States changed from a republic to a demonocracy, which a benevolent form of socialism.  I put forth all the sorted details in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  The first change was to classify everyone in the United States as U.S. citizens, for which we were prior to this change, sovereign Citizens (with a capital “C”) of our respective States.  U.S. citizenship “federalized” all of us through the 14th Amendment and it is sufficient to say we were classified as slaves to the Federal Government.  This classification became clearer with the institution of the Birth Certificate in 1921 and the Social Security Number in 1933, for which the Birth Certificate designated us as a “human resource” and the Social Security Number declassified us as human beings.  Just to give one a proper perspective about that last statement; consider that at this very same time, all the Jews under the Nazi Regime were numbered.

The beginning of final breakdown of our so-called “republic” was when the Johnson Administration passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964.  This particular legislation was passed under the pressure of the Black population in America, for which if any of them fully understood the precepts of our Constitution would have simply insisted that our government enforce those precepts upon every American without regard to color or any other human venue that tends to separate people in general.  In other words, the “Civil Rights Act” was totally unnecessary, but for reasons of political posturing was needed to pacify the trouble makers, because those “trouble makers” did not understand anything but reparations for the slavery their ancestors endured.  However, all those who were slaves are now dead and so should be any talk of reparations.  If indeed the Black People got reparations, then the Irish have every right to demand their reparations for the slavery they endured both prior and during the time of African slavery!  In other words, “SHUT UP!”

The “Civil Rights Act” paved the way for further government control in declaring the movement for “The Great Society”—one trillion dollars later, nothing has changed… why…for the simple reason that the demoncrats decided that the way to solve our problems was to throw money at the problems, but all the same problems have persisted despite all the laudable pandering.  The Roman Empire has gone through this same venue and eventually collapsed.  Entitlements were never a “right” in regards to our Constitution…for one thing, there is no such mention and two, it is incumbent upon every human being who has much to freely share via first to second parties—not a though a third party known as “government bureaucracies”. 

According to our Constitution, we have the absolute right to be anything we want to be, as long as we respect the rights of others.  This is by far a simpler venue than the one we have now, because we allowed our government to fulfill what we should be doing, but Washington employs people with fairly high salaries to distribute those so-called “entitlements”.  This is precisely what Ronald Reagan was alluding to when making the statement that, “Washington is the problem.” 

I believe Sean Spicer has clearly summarized it in his March 16th White House Briefing; There’s this assumption in Washington, Jonathan, that if you get less money it's a cut.  And I think that the reality is that in a lot of these there’s efficiencies, duplicity, ways to spend money better.  And I think if you're wasting a lot of money, that’s not a true dollar spent.  And I think when you look at the way that Director Mulvaney and the President approached this budget, it was can we ask -- can we get more with the same dollar, can we find duplicity, can we find efficiencies, can we combine facilities in some cases at NIH to enhance a better experience whereby we actually have an outcome that’s reduced savings.
 But to assume that because you spend a ton of dollars you’re going to get a better outcome, I mean, with all due respect, you look at the District of Columbia, they spend by far more per capita than any other city in the country on education, and I think they have tremendous issues that are constantly being dealt with in their education system.
 So to assume that just because you throw money at a problem it’s somehow magically solved is a very Washington way of looking at a budget problem.
 Director outlined a couple weeks ago during the passback process, is to work with them to talk to each of these agencies and departments about how to walk through their budget in a way that ensures they can continue to do the core functions that they want while finding ways to reduce waste, get rid of -- enhance efficiencies and get rid of duplicity.
 But that is a very Washington way of looking at a problem, when you say, let’s just look at how much we spend as a measure of how much we care or how much we’re going to get done.  And I think that the President has been very clear as to what his priorities on this budget are and the outcomes that we expect from every dollar that we spend.  
 So for being in office for 55 days, or 50-some-odd days, whatever it’s been, we’ve had a unique ability to go forward so far and make a very strong commitment to enhancing our national security, to protect the country and to keep America safe and its citizens safe, while at the same time making sure that we don’t ask for people to work harder, to spend more to Washington -- send more to Washington that gets ultimately wasted.  I just don’t see how that’s showing respect to the American people or to the American taxpayer, especially when so many people are working two, sometimes three jobs, or both parents are working just to get by, pay the mortgage, and we’re saying, hey, don’t worry, keep sending more money to Washington -- and we’re not going to take the time.
 But there should be a review of all these agencies.  Director Mulvaney was pointing out how many unauthorized agencies and departments and programs we have throughout the government.  If we’re going to do that, at some point there should be a debate on whether or not these agencies and programs are achieving their mission.  And if they are then great, fund them.  But if they’re not, we shouldn’t be asking hardworking American taxpayers to send more money to Washington to fund things that don’t further those goals.”
So, as you can plainly see there is much more going on in regards to how the “swamp” is quite wide and deep in such murky waters, where so much is well-hidden from overt view.  And as I have stated in two prior blogs, “draining the swamp” is going to be a rather daunting task.  There is no doubt as to President Trump’s laudable intentions, but there are definitely evil forces at work, who do not want the swamp drained to the point of revealing the ugly truth of what lies beneath.

However, many Americans are so concerned about how Washington D.C. works and just as the drug addict is more concerned about his next fix, so are those who receive entitlements and continue to look forward each and every month for that unearned check or direct deposit.  With the “national debt” climbing ever so high as to be unreachable, in terms of any reduction, will sooner or later simply become unsustainable, for the simple reason that the debt can only be spread so far and reach a point when our creditors will finally say, “No more” and then panic will ensue cutting off all entitlements as well as all government services.

Do not believe for one nanosecond that these entitlements will continue and this civilization will not collapse, because the many civilizations before us have also thought the very same and where are they now?  The entire world is in excess of 56 trillion dollars in debt and there is only one thing that is maintaining a hold on the inevitable end—faith that it will always remain as it stands, but that “faith” is founded upon what?  Technology is not the answer, because it is technology that has exasperated these circumstances, whereas nearly all transactions are merely electronically produced, giving the illusion of wealth that has the potential of evaporating just as fast as it was produced.  It is simply a “fiat money system” that has no intrinsic value backing it up.  Yes, there is gold, but it is being hoarded by the Vatican, China and Germany.  Any gold that is being held in the United States, 90 percent of it does not belong to the United States Government.  It belongs to the Banksters and we merely have custodianship of it.  

The general attitude that pervades inside the beltway is the bureaucrats, who are at the center of setting policy.  Policy is touted to the point that any violations are deemed as being criminal.  Understand this; policy is never equal in power to law.  Therefore all policy, other than how one government treats one another government and the treatment of corporations, must be weighed against constitutional law.  This is precisely why I have titled all bureaucracies as a forth branch of government.

President Trump is attempting to quell much of this bureaucratic overreach that has most certainly corrupted all three organic branches of our government, for which when Congress who controls the purse—the bureaucrats cry “foul” when their budgets are being threatened with a proposed cut in the increase they are requesting.  A requested 6 percent of an increase, reduced to a 3 percent increase is not cutting their budget and yet the bureaucracies insist it is a “cut”.  Anyone who does not understand this, needs to go back to math class.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.