March 22nd 2017 Blog
Dear readers of this blog; I am
not happy…why…because I believe that my readers are not truly interested, or
just reading the first and second paragraphs and hang it up. When one does not understand something, it
presupposes does it not, will prompt questions?
I would not enjoy my readers roaming around in ignorance. In saying this I am not belittling
anyone. In fact I am encouraging my
readers to give me feedback. I have said
this before, but it bears repeating; I want to hear the good, the bad and the
ugly about anything I write. If you feel
challenged, all the better…why...because this might make me write better, if by
chance I am not entirely clear enough.
This blog is a continuation of
what I had written yesterday. Neil Gorsuch
is now engaged into round 2 of hearings with the Judiciary Committee. One can plainly see the political posturing
from both sides of the isle… and the beat goes on! Gorsuch is not the least bit intimidated and
unswervingly maintains his stand as being politically neutral, for which his
nearly perfect record vindicates him.
The key is that no human being is perfect and the Demoncrats continue to
color him as being far less than the records indicate which is why Senator Al
Franken cited one particular case that favored a corporation.
Please pay close attention,
because this is of extreme importance in understanding Judge Neil Gorsuch judgment
in the particular case Al Franken cited.
What I am going to say is going to be backed up by what follows below
this paragraph. I can see why Judge Neil
Gorsuch sided with the corporation in this particular case and it has to do
with “Contract Law”. It is quite apparent to me that this employee
signed a contract with this corporation, for which I am very sure that Judge
Neil Gorsuch read that particular contract and ruled based upon that contract. If indeed Judge Neil Gorsuch declared that
his judgment in that case, was predicated upon the contract that the employee
in question signed; and the fact that this confirmation hearing is public,
would most certainly tipped the hand of our entire fraudulent court system. Therefore Judge Neil Gorsuch offered no
comment by remained silent.
Neil Gorsuch is seemingly a hero
in regards to our Constitution, but he is in as much a quandary as all judges
are, only because there are two venues of law at work. For it is the difference in these two venues
of law that inspired me to write, “What
Difference Does It Make?!” The
organic venue is our Constitution, but soon after our Civil War, another venue
of law began to rear its ugly head, which is Contract or Administrative Law.
I will spare the sorted details of how this happened, but it is
sufficient to say that our Citizenship within our respective States, changed
from being sovereigns; Citizens with a capital “C” to becoming U.S. citizens
with a small “c”. In law, words mean
everything and therefore all words are “case sensitive”. The difference is not as subtle as one might
believe, as was when President Clinton stated, “It all depends what the word “is”
is,” which is one of the few truths he had spoken; for in law the word “is” can
have 17 different meanings, depending upon the context.
My agenda of this blog is to give
at least some rudimentary understanding of what law is and to understand the
difference between the two venues. Yes,
I also provide some political analysis and only because of the close ties to
the law and because we have two venues of law. Understanding the difference can mean either
freedom or jail time.
There is so little justice being
meted out in our nation, mainly because of the loss of our individual
identities, via the Birth Certificate and the Social Security Number. This is another area that requires a full
explanation and I would be doing myself a disservice by putting my entire book
into this blog! For more than 3 months
now, I have been giving as much as I can to at least stir up some
interest. But I suppose that just like
everyone else, you will hire an attorney to do your dirty work, which is quite
sad and I say this with empathy, only because when hiring an attorney you are
declaring yourself as being incompetent.
That my friend is not an insult, but this is part of how “The Matrix” is designed. If you recall, any matrix is a created
reality, for which comes the phrase “He who
defends himself in court, has a fool for a client.” And as a matter of fact, there is no law on
the books that states you must hire an attorney or have one appointed when
going to court. Even the 6th
Amendment backs this up, when it states “counsel”
and can mean anyone; your brother, friend or even yourself, for the simple
reason that “counsel” is not
However, in many courts judges
may or may not allow just anyone except an attorney provide representation, but
not without some underlining reason, for which will never be revealed, at least
not publically. That “underlining”
reason is that all attorneys have 4 basic agendas; 1) the BAR; 2) the court 3)
money; 4) the client, all in that specific order! Anyone who is not an officer of the court
does not have any obligation to the whims of the BAR or the court and this is
what disturbs many judges, as well as prosecutors.
Every court has their own “Rules of Procedure”; some published
and some not published, for the same reason I cited above and removes a degree
of power from the judges. It must be
clearly understood that membership in the BAR is an exclusive club, for which
is a very powerful organization and has effectively and incrementally changed
our courts, ever since 1938. Judges have
gained so much power that evidence which could vindicate a defendant can be
thrown out by any judge, who has already prejudiced the case, according to the
present law, for which judges also instruct juries to rule according to the
present law, but that my friends is known as “jury tampering”, for it is the juries who have the right to judge
both the law and the facts in any case. Prosecutors are also “officers of the court”
who are only promoted upon conviction(s).
In addition, because we accepted
both the “Birth Certificate” and the
“Social Security Number”, we are no
longer a party to the Constitution in matters involving government
contracts. Are you aware that your
driver’s license and marriage license are “government contracts”? I have already explained in prior blogs
about the “Birth Certificate” and
the “Social Security Number” that
destroyed us as individual human beings and morphed us into commercial
chattel. The New Testament Bible
describes this as “being made
merchandise”. And I also explained
that our name in all capital letters made everyone of us “legal fictions” or corporations and in some circles is referred to
as “the straw man”. You can cite any government document and many
commercial documents you want, but you will never find any name that is not
in all “capital letters”, for this is the proof we are “commercial chattel”, for which our fraudulent courts are fully
aware. And this is the very reason why
when going to court say for a “traffic
ticket”, you cannot cite any part of the Constitution in regards to your “Rights”…why…because
you signed “government contracts”!
My hope is that I have explained
as clearly as possible in as many “laymen” terms as I could. I want my readers of this blog to have at
least a rudimentary understanding of what law is and what it is not. If I say “policy”
is not “law”; do you understand the
difference? “Policy” is what might be described as a “phantom law” and by its very nature can be challenged. However, since corporations have no inherent
rights, being “numbered” and your
name in all capital letters makes you a corporation; policies may apply as if
they were already law! “Rules of the court” are policy
measures, for which a judge at his/her digression, may declare “contempt of court” if the “Rules of Procedure” in his/her
particular court are violated, which means instant jail time.
The Supreme Court is the very
last vestige of justice we have and many times for political expediency, will
judge a particular case by interpreting the law in light of whatever direction
the political winds are blowing. It is
for this very reason why we need judge Neil Gorsuch as a Supreme Court
Justice. The following is of extreme
importance in regards to the subject of “interpretation”. Our Constitution was specifically written to
limit the government’s power over us and at the same time expounds our
God-given “Rights” as
individuals. However, it is our Liberal
Colleges since 1938 that have declared the Constitution as a “living document”. This is only because since 1868, “We the People” are now “commercial
chattel”. 1938 was a pivotal year for
the overt change of how our courts treat us, because of one particular court
case of that same year. Re; “What Difference Does It Make?!”
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.