Sunday, October 28, 2018


Whenever there is some hideous act of violence taking place, all other news takes a backseat.  Most of these incidences are predominately in public places; such as schools, churches, malls and places of entertainment.  My readers may or may not, have viewed the movie titled, “My Name is Nobody”, 1973.  It is one of those “Spaghetti Westerns”; probably a box office sleeper, but over the years has gained more recognition as a “classic”.  However, that is not the reason I mention it.  I need to refer my readers to one particular scene; it shows Terrance Hill (Nobody) and Jack Beauregard (Henry Fonda), who is an infamous gunfighter; riding in the engineer’s cab of a train.  Nobody has followed Jack Beauregard’s career  all his life and predicted he would confront the entire “Wild Bunch” alone to make history, for which “Nobody” just rescued him from being nearly overrun by the remainder of them, after Jack killed off about 1/3 of the bunch, and escaped on this train.  Standing in the engineer’s cab, “Nobody” sharing some beans cooked in the train’s fire box; Jack Beauregard queried; “Now that you got me written up in the history books… now what?  Nobody answers; “Now you got to die.”  Jack asks another question; “Where”?  Nobody answered; “Where there are lots of people.”  

The point is, the public has a seemingly fascination with acts of violence.  The media knows it, and so did “Nobody”; for which he faked a gunfight in a rather large town, giving time for the crowd to disperse to the sides of the street and allow the photographer to set up his camera.  “Nobody” was faster; Jack pretended to be mortally wounded, and dropped to the ground.  This was “Nobody’s way for Jack to escape the west clean.  The entire movie is a rather humorous spoof and worth viewing.

President Trump stated during a recent rally in Illinois; he could not cancel these rallies because of a “sick and demented man”.  He also said, the day after 9-11, the Stock Exchanged opened and other such examples of people who believed there are things more important than to allow a hideous incident, to allow our lives to be disrupted.  No matter how one may slice it, human beings who are frustrated, angry, who are on the edge; can snap at any moment, and it is quite unfortunate there will be people in the wake of someone who have simply lost control.  Yes, we will grieve, mourn and pine for loved ones, and feel for those who must suffer loss.  For the most part, we are simply powerless to stop an incident, but we just might get a glimpse of someone who might be tittering on the edge, and there have been times, when an incident was stopped before it took place, as well as the very moment one is taking place and stopped.

Nevertheless, violence is becoming more and more commonplace in our openly polarized society and will continue to increase.  Matthew 24:7-8, “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes in divers places.  But all these things are the beginning of travail.”  The word “nation”, in the Greek language is “ethnos”, where we get the word “ethnic”, in the English language.  Christ prophesized this would take place before “the end”.  To continue in verse 37, “And as [were] the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man.”  Genesis 6:11, “And the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.”  And verse 13, “And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”

I stated before, and bears repeating; I firmly believe President Trump won the 2016 presidential election, as a last chance from God, for this nation to repent.  All prophecy is conditional and we can change the conditions, if we heed God’s word.

God called Jonah, to warn the city of Nineveh to repent or it will be destroyed.  But Jonah did not agree with God, because Jonah hated the people of Nineveh and wanted God to destroy it.  It is surmised that Jonah fled as far as 2000 miles away.  Jonah allowed himself to be tossed into the sea, because he knew the storm was caused by his escaping God’s call.  He was then taken into a “great fish” (a whale is not a fish, but a mammal) and three days later released from it to go and prophesize to the city of Nineveh, and they repented.  I also revealed in another prior blog that the “Powers That Be” recognized that Trump was allowed by God to become our 45th President, for which they declared in two words, “God intervened”.

Guess what folks, I have just prophesized to you and it is now my reader’s responsibility to heed it or ignore it.  In addition, I would admonish my readers; who do you believe; God or men?  Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be found true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy words, And mightest prevail when thou comest into judgment.”  Moreover, all prophecy is duel, which means it happened once and will happen again.  We have an opportunity to make the above known, and maybe, just maybe; we can change the conditions to favor the envy of the entire world… America!  Let me also add that The Bible is a jigsaw puzzle, for which I have personally studied for the past 38 years, and just like the Energizer Bunny, still going…

America is seriously divided or polarized, politically.  I have written in a prior blog that this began with “political correctness”, in 1995.  Everything has an origin.  “Political correctness” is a war of words, and if this continues to pervade our speech and added onto with more so-called “repugnant” words and/or phrases, we will become even more divided or polarized, and provoke more violence.  Those who promote “political correctness” are the enemies of our “First Amendment”.  The “Left” touts that “words hurt”.  What happened to the childhood phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?”  I dare say, we need to challenge “political correctness” and use words and phrases that magnify our “Freedom of Speech” and if the “Left” wants to challenge us, let them sue.  They can’t win, if our courts are true to our “Constitution”.  Hate speech is not yet a crime, but it is being treated as such.  And if indeed “hate speech” does become a crime, then we just lost our First Amendment.  “Let there be peace and let it begin with me.”

Friday, October 26, 2018

2016 Part Deux

The Democrats have nothing to fear, but Trump making the rounds State by State, for which the audiences line up 2 days in advance.  The one in Houston, attracted 100,000, but only 18,000 made it indoors.  When was the last time any recent Democrat had half that many show up?  In addition, when a Democrat does hold some kind of rally; they take place in Liberal Safe Zones, in order to have an audience; such as a college.  It is because the Liberals don’t want to have serious debate on anything that there is nothing else left to do but to resort to violence.  This parallels an axiom; “If you are not trading goods; you are trading bombs.”

We also need to reconsider the so-called “polling” from the various professional organizations, who direct the “polling”.  All during the 2016 election campaign, every poll was incorrect, but with one exception—“A Trump Rally”.  This particular presidential election had to be the most volatile, and many of the conservative electorate was not ignorant of this venue, which is why many of the conservative electorate kept silent, in regards to which they favor and therefore skewed the polling figures.  “It is not whether you win or lose, but how many come to see you play the game.”  In times past, we were all most likely to be silent in regards to who we are voting into office.  Our “vote” is a sacred right, and it is none of another’s business.

The “Left” is very good at making lots of noise.  There is an old bureaucratic axiom that states; “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”  Apparently, since President Trump broke all the political rules; he effectively threw a monkey wrench into the political machinery, and the squeaky wheels are not getting the grease.  As long as the opposition maintains civility in their protests, we can still be in disagreement, but still basically a unified nation, because of the respect we have for our form of government, and those who occupy their various and important offices. 

Unfortunately, in the past decade, we have become extremely polarized.  In retrospect, we can place direct blame on the Obama Administration, because basic principles of past policies were ignored, for which the Obama Administration conjured up his own brand of government.  Not many people know of Barack Obama’s upbringing.  His mother was a prostitute and his father was a die-hard Communist, and so was Obama, whose slogan of “Hope and Change”, was spot on, because he got support for many changes, to redesign our republic into a socialist nation.  The Obama Administration got nearly all the changes he wanted, and his "hope" was to effectively change the form of our government.

It should be quite clear; most of America did not agree with the Obama Administration and put Donald Trump into the Oval Office.  Absolutely no one can deny that President Trump has been the most effective President in history; to not only making good on his promises, but also  worked on a  laundry list of other agendas that have an overall effect on the workings of our government and cutting regulations that have cut the costs of doing business.  There was one Congressman who stated he could not have a business because of all the regulations, he helped legislate in the past.  A Socialist or Communistic form of government favor regulations on everything, for which the government ends up “nationalizing” all industry; for the simple reason the industries, can no longer compete with the freer nations and operate profitably. 

Prosperity has always been the hallmark of America that made us the envy of all the nations on the planet.   President Trump has succeeded in a relatively short time, in bringing much of that prosperity back, and the right kind of pride of “Made in America”.  If we allow the “Left” to once again gain a foothold; everything we gained, will soon be lost in a very short time.  

Now; there seems to be no longer “free speech” taking place on our college campuses.  Essentially, the fault lies within the college boards, who are mentors of the creators of “The Matrix”“Free speech” has always been another hallmark of American culture.  However, it has been incumbent of most college campuses, to reject any conservative speech.  Freedom of speech means free political speech for everyone--no matter how stupid anyone dares to be.  It seems to me that our “freedom of speech”, should prompt the de-funding of our colleges, who do not support any opposing speech.  There is no need to either demonize, or threaten harm to anyone who was invited to speak.  The answer is quite simple; if one does not agree with the agenda of the speaker; there is no compulsion to attend.  

I will not apologize for calling out, some of the most ignorant and irresponsible words that have come from some in our leadership.  Some have incited or promoted some form of disruption or violence toward those who dutifully occupy their respective offices.  It is absolutely shameful, how a number of sitting legislatures and others who are serving the American People, are being harassed in public places.  Personally, my stand would be to call the police; hold up my phone, so the dispatcher can hear the commotion, and charge those who are harassing me, with “disturbing the peace”.  If the police do not show up; they can be sued for “dereliction of duty”.  It does not matter who you are; we have the right to sit down in the restaurant of our choice, and enjoy a peaceful meal.

I just found the following on my news feed and felt it necessary to add here, to wit:
“Yes words matter,” Rubio tweeted. “Because freedom of speech allows us to air & settle our disagreements & grievances using words INSTEAD of violence.”
“The 1st Amendment protects press freedom,” he continued, “but it doesn’t bestow immunity from criticism. Criticism & calling people to violence are not the same.”

“Every American should be angry about these potentially explosive devices targeting U.S. political figures,” Rubio added in another tweet. “We should not ever tolerate terrorism against anyone. Period.”

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Unsolicited Packages Follow-up

I am usually more astute when submitting my blogs, but this time I missed something.  I learned more about the amateurish way the so-called “bomb packages” were put together.  They were indeed viable explosive devices, but there were no indications of a way to set them off.  They had an explosive powder and what is called an “initiator”, or detonator and a battery, but there was never any danger of them going off.  Apparently, they were designed to incite terror, but not as a “terrorist act”, because there was no violence as a result.

Other items of interest; the labels were printed from some printing device, for which can be identified as to the manufacturer of the printer.  Tape was used, which can reveal fingerprints.  Ever try to tape something with some kind of glove?  In addition, they were all delivered by some courier and all the drop-off points have cameras.

The entire fiasco was staged, and as I stated and the above information certainly points in the direction of a “false flag” incident.  It cannot be categorized as an “attack”, because nothing of any consequence happened; except for the wide and deep media coverage that will continue perhaps until the midterms, in order to attach blame to President Trump.  Unless of course, the Democrats come up with some other narrative, to discredit President Trump and anyone else of a Republican venue.

If indeed this were a serious attack, and if it were a “false flag attack”, when injures occurred, then the first order of any assassination attempt is to kill the assassin.  Referring to my opening sentence, this last paragraph is what I missed in my prior blog.  The Democrats are running out of options, for an inept campaign, which is a re-run of the 2016 election, with the same agenda.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Caravan

It seems that the 21st century has not caught up politically and socially to all nations.  Despite worldwide wealth and trade, we still have many third world countries.  There are two forms of employment; 1) to hire people based upon local and international markets, if those particular businesses are exporting goods and/or services.  2) Slavery.  Most third world countries are poverty stricken, because they are organized as socialist type governments.  Socialism has a rather paradoxical twist to what is supposed to be utopian.  The government leadership and their complaisant bureaucracies are in charge and control all important industries, under strict regulations that make it impossible for independent businesses, to have any degree of autonomy.  All essential services are doled out to the people, such as medical services, but are under full government control and not based upon individual needs.  All medical services are based upon statistics or numbers.  If there is a “spike” of an outbreak, then medical care is rationed and then everyone suffers.

Poverty stricken countries are all a matter of political will.  Socialism only works for those in charge, because it is they who control the flow of money.  Many forms of socialism have been practiced through the centuries, and every one of them failed.  The Roman Empire was one of the largest empires to occupy much of the world during that time.  It did have a rudimentary form of a democracy, but eventually morphed into socialism.  The military was allowed to wane, because the money usually slated for the military was allocated for social programs. 

With the cut back of the military, many border areas were left unguarded.  The Barbarians regained back territories once lost and eventually overran the entire empire.  The United States has also waned in allowing our borders to become weakened by inept laws and the bleeding heart Liberals want to keep it that way.  The problem stems from a lack of historical lessons.  This is the fault of our education system that believes sex and political correctness are far more important to teach than history, math and science.  Socialism has also waned in the area of mental illness.  When we have children with mental instability, we opted to drug them (assuming they take all their drugs in a timely manner) and release them among the general population; and then we wonder why we have school shootings. It is a fact; that in every school shooting, all the shooters have some sort of mental condition and socialism allows their guardians and parents to own guns.  

Socialism, with all its failures, should be considered an abnormal mental condition.  There was never any form of socialism, in all of human history that could ever be declared a success.  Our Forefathers, before forging our Constitution, studied every form of government of until their present time.  They hammered out a republic, but Benjamin Franklyn warned those outside that meeting and stated; “You have a republic, if you can keep it.”  Unfortunately, we lost it because our nation became divided between establishing “Free States” and “Slave States”.

The United States has inadvertently allowing this to happen again.  We have very serious and polarized differences that will spell the end of this nation, if we do not wake up.  Political differences are causing frustrated Liberals to resort to intimidation and violence.  Free speech can only be practiced by those who declare that illegal immigration is the right thing to allow; otherwise all others are labeled as racists.  I thought racism was confined between the three races; white, black and yellow.  One might suppose that the misuse of the term “racism”, causes inflammatory outcries and consequently sympathy for all illegal immigrants.

I clearly stated back in 2003, when illegal immigration has once again become a major concern since 1986; we are being invaded.  All invasions must be met by an act of Congress, according to Article 1, Section 8 and clause 15.  We have the Second Amendment because of what Thomas Jefferson feared might happen, if we did not have an armed population.  He stated, “When we cannot get redress in the courts; that is the time we take up arms.”  Congress has waned in their duty to enact laws or some form of security on our borders.  Therefore, Congress can be cited for “dereliction of duty”, because they had sworn an oath to both protect and defend the Constitution and consequently the American People.

“We the People”, because of an inept legislature, several lame presidents and others who have been derelict in their responsibilities; have the right to protect our way of life on our soil; by taking up arms and marching down to the border to take matters into our hands.  As of this writing; there is a massing of invaders, who have every intention to cross our sovereign border in 3 to 4 months from now.  If indeed “We the People”, do take up arms and march to the border to meet the invaders; there is no doubt that Congress must act to prevent useless bloodshed.  President Trump also has a duty to protect our nation from the impending invasion.  I full well expect the President to declare a national emergency (just as Lincoln did, because there was no quorum in Congress at that time) and deploy our military to meet the invasion.

One can only hope that no blood will be spilled.  All it should take is to have our military posed at the border, fully armed; with armored support along with a common sense commander in charge, and fire above the invader’s heads at first.  If that does not stop them and I believe that such a passionate breed of people they are; those warning shots may not deter them.  The only thing that will stop them from coming over the border will be a mass of dead bodies to walk over. 

There might be a better way; we could have a front line troops armed with paint guns and fire upon the invaders.  And let the invaders know in no uncertain terms that the next shots fired will not be paint, but lead.  Walls work; ask any rich homeowner who has high walls surrounding their properties.   

Unsolicited Packages

A little more attention is being paid in regards to “suspicious packages”.  In recent days, close ties to the Democratic Party have received packages that have been deemed as suspicious.  One overt sign of such a package was some sort of oil leaking from it, which seems to be a tattle-tail sign of a possible explosive, and wasted no time in calling in the “bomb squad”.  The recipients of these “packages” are high up on the left side of the political scale, and the stakes are very high given this particular election season.  Apparently, even the White House is under close watch in regards to packages.  All mail going to sensitive addresses are all screened before being released, which is why and how these “packages” are being intercepted so quickly.

There is so much paranoia going around, ever since 9-11, the government as well as other highly sensitive areas of importance and key people, are understandably on edge.  I have written a number of times before about “false flag attacks”.  These types of “attacks” are specifically designed to “frame” a particular nation, in order to place blame upon, despite innocence.  When digging deep enough into the motivations of an attack, there is always much speculation running amuck that it is difficult to sift out the misinformation prior to a thorough investigation, but the public has already been informed far too early, for which judgments have already been made.

Many so-called “journalists”, who are not qualified to be investigative journalists, are spouting out whatever speculation they want, without regard to any consequences that may ensue for the public good.  What should be done is allow qualified investigators to do their job and simply wait for the authorities to announce a press conference, to properly notify the public.  There is no problem with interviewing the people who are experienced with such nefarious events. Again, let the investigators do their job(s) and submit their reports to their bosses; allowing them to muse over those reports, and then making their findings public.

It is quite possible, and this is speculation on my part, but only because of the timing of these attacks, aimed at particular personalities, who are highly influential within their party affiliations that these attacks could be “false flag attacks”, only because the Democratic Party has lost traction to the electorate, and need all the attention they can get.  The Democratic Party has done many things; one thing following another, in quick succession, in order to maintain viability for the up and coming midterms.  In addition, the Demoncratic Party is desperate to find more narratives and agendas, for the simple reason they have run out of options, in order to secure the midterm elections. 

If these somewhat overt “attacks” do not change the polls in the Democrats favor, then expect more protests, threats and attacks against republican candidates.  Also expect the allegations to be rather outlandish, for which there might not be enough time to investigate before the elections take place.  There will be poll after poll; testing the political waters, to see how their new narratives and agendas are faring.  Moreover, there were pre-printed ballots discovered in Texas that were already marked, “Democrat”!  I also expect numerous allegations of possible voter fraud from both sides; it’s going to be a mess.  It will make the “hanging chad” incident in the Florida 2000 presidential election pale by comparison.  There will be a flurry of legal paper flying all over; filled with injunctions and lawsuits.  Have fun!    

Monday, October 15, 2018

Reparations; Really?

We should be truly amazed by a set mentality of those who believe that because a certain group of people deserve “reparations”, for the simple reason their dead ancestors suffered from slavery.  Well then, it seems that in order to award those “reparations”, we need to perform a miracle and resurrect all those who suffered from slavery.  I must firmly agree that “reparations” would be in order to the survivors of slavery, but not to the accentors.  Why didn’t the black people back in 1863, get together to file a class action lawsuit?  The fact is they could not because there were no attorneys who were willing to pursue or even entertain such a course.  One reason might be in order to have an impartial jury; they would need a mix of both Black and White jurors, and end up with a “hung jury”.  I believe the same would be true today, because of the resentment of some who would question…”Where is the money coming from”? The above question is in reality irrelevant; why; because the people who deserve “reparations” are dead and buried and therefore so is this argument.

However, for argument’s sake; let us take the above a step further.  The Irish who escaped slavery in their home nation back in the 19th century and came to the United States; what about them?  Does this mean the Irish accentors could also demand “reparations” from the Nation of Ireland?  We heard not one word from anyone of Irish heritage; have we?  Again, there were many who came to the New World; were sponsored by those of substance, in order to pay for their trip.  However, “reparation” had to be made by those who were sponsored and had to become “indentured servants” and perhaps this particular term was the “politically correct” phrase at that time for slavery.

If indeed such “reparations” were to come to the Black People; then this tort action would set a precedent of any ancestry, for all past slavery and go back all the way to Adam and Eve.  The thing that could make this possible is “DNA”; for we now have a few commercial enterprises, which specialize in tracing the ancestry of anyone on the planet, through one’s “DNA”.  Speaking of “precedent”, we now have a Supreme Court Justice, who firmly believes in “precedent”; that is of course if such an action would be considered by the Supreme Court.  I am of the belief that no court of any venue would entertain any such action, by simply citing my above scenario.  It’s not going to happen.  Therefore, those who advocate “reparations” do not have a snowball’s chance in hell and then perhaps getting a prescription.

Here’s one to chew on for a bit; could those of “mixed races” also be considered; even with being one percent Black?  Or perhaps if one is decisively both Black and White; could their Black side sue their White side?

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Political Correctness

Ever since 1995, with the advent of “Political Correctness”, any issue, no matter how small, instantly becomes a “political football”.  Why is this so incumbent, when it becomes a “media event”?  For example, when the issue involves “illegal immigration”; anyone who speaks against it is summarily declared a “racist”.  Since when does anyone who is a preponderant of established law, become a “racist”?  The answer is actual quite simple, but no Liberal will ever address it as I will here.  The Demoncrats have lost nearly all the arguments on how to run the government.  Therefore, they need to demonize all others, who do not think like a Liberal. 

It is rather unfortunate, because “Political Correctness” has become the engine that has politically polarized this nation.  And until “Political Correctness” is eliminated, this “engine” will never die.  Therefore, as long as we will continue this venue as a nation, it will forever be divided. The Demoncrats, along with a complicit media, will provide as much fuel as it will take to keep this “engine” running.  In addition, our colleges are also moving in lockstep with “Political Correctness”, who come up with new PC phrases, to add to our “Politically Correct Lexicon”.  It is just a matter of one or two more generations, when this democracy will become a “socialist” nation, just as did the Roman Empire, for which became their epitaph.  Their military was left by the wayside, just as what nearly happened during both the Clinton and Obama Administrations.  However, when the political tide changed between and after those “administrations”, we had a revitalization of our military.

In recent years “Political Correctness” has morphed into the “death of free expression”, which was a prominent venue among our various rights.  Despite the political differences we always had as a nation; we prospered, but all that began to change with the introduction of “Political Correctness”, by the Los Angeles Times during 1995.  “Political Correctness” also threatens our venerated Constitution, which is “the rule of law”.  Without well-defined laws, we will soon be deceased as a nation.  There are three distinct venues that comprise any nation; land, with established borders; people and law(s).  If just one of those venues is missing, there is no longer a nation.  

The United States has land, with established borders.  However, it has become the rallying cry of the Liberals to do away with our borders.  We have people, but have been seriously politically divided.  No nation can exist for very long under this condition, which became a distinct reality from the 1840s, up until the end of the Civil War, with the issue of newly adopted States becoming a part of the United States, to be declared either a “free or slave” State.  When Lincoln was elected, the “Slave States” legislative representatives did not show up, according to the prescription of our Constitution as cited in Article I. And, at least in theory, dissolved the “The Republic of the United State of America”, for which there was no quorum and re-organized into “The Corporation of the United States”, but that is another story that I gave in detail in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”.     

Both the Liberals and the general mainstream media have lost sight of what we are supposed to be as a nation, which will soon become our demise.  Once we become “socialized”, will create a political vacuum and the United Nations already has their plan in place to take over.  How do I know this?  The United Nations is the mouth-piece for the Illuminati, for who are “globalists”, to eventually unite the entire planet into a one-world government.  Their agenda is precisely the same as what is stated in the Communist Manifesto, for which by the way, “The BAR” is a Communist organization and has changed our lower “courts of law” into courts of enforcing contracts, ever since 1938.

There is no love lost with me in regards to the lower courts, the many politicians and especially the Bureaucrats, who do not have the general welfare of the population in mind, but who are more interested in their positions of power, not to mention a paycheck.  However, there are some exceptions.  I do not challenge any of these people; because the career politicians already have their agenda set like concrete and simply roll with the punches.  Therefore, I have never involved myself in protests, or for a rather short time did involve myself with petitions, but there is no way to counter a “stacked deck”. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Respect for Law and Law Enforcement

It seems that no one week can go by without hearing about more police officers being gunned down.  Some of these killings are the result of disrespect for law enforcement in general.  There were some calls that were setups for an ambush.  We are quickly turning into a nation of anarchists, for which has become apparent with the recent despicable display by our Demoncratic leadership, on the Judiciary Committee, for which allegations were charged against Brent Kavanaugh and summarily presumed guilty, by not only the committee, but also from Liberal pundits, as well as the media; exclaiming “guilty until proven innocent”.  Such a precedent cannot and should not be tolerated under any circumstances, in a nation that prior to Justice Kavanaugh it was always, “Innocent until proven guilty”, for which was clearly upheld by the Republicans on the Judicial Committee and prevailed despite objections from the general media and protesters.

However, “an inch” was taken and despite the outcome, does not spell the end of this so-called controversy.  In matters of law, it is “controversy” that takes the center stage on any docket.   In a prior blog, I mentioned it was Diana Feinstein who purposely withheld material evidence of the principal allegation brought up against Brent Kavanaugh.  Let us take a step back for a moment, and consider the Bundy case.  During the trial of the Bundy’s, who resisted the so-called “authorities” in a standoff?  It was later discovered that material evidence was withheld, in order to railroad the Bundys.  In this case, it was evidence that exonerated the Bundys from a sure prosecution and conviction.  So as one can plainly see, there are forces involved to remove the presumption of innocence.

It is quite apparent that anyone can make a “claim”, for which brings about a challenge, and hence a “controversy”, for which the person upholding their “innocence”, can challenge the allegation(s) in court.  One can enter any court and view the entire procedure as to our system of justice.  For the most part, justice is served, but there are exceptions, and I clearly bring this out in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”   We as Americans, who reside in a nation that prides itself as a nation of laws, law enforcement and an envied system of justice, need to come forth and support those candidates, who fully support our time honored system and not side with anarchists.    

President Trump recently visited a meeting with the “Association of Chiefs of Police”, and honored 4 officers, who performed their sworn duty, braved dangerous situations and subsequently saved lives.  This nation’s police deserve the same honor as our soldiers who defend this nation.  The police, for the most part fully understand when going on duty, on any given day, could very well be their last.  And as I stated above, the bar has been raised by a divided nation, because of the disrespect of law enforcement.  There are a number of individuals who are metaphorically acting as insurgents, and targeting the police.  A potential terrorist could be one of our neighbors, and they are American citizens!  It seems that all authorities are being challenged, and it is a historical fact that the destruction of a nation usually comes from within.  This is how the Roman Empire fell; destruction from within, which came from a change in culture by adopting socialism.

We Americans, if we are true Americans, need to take to heart, to make this nation be proud again.  It used to be that way, but as I stated above, there are forces in place that want to abolish our Constitution, grill and torture nominees, as well as their families, who are well qualified candidates, but in the eyes of the power-hungry don’t want what is best for our nation, which is a demonstrable respect for our Constitution, which is the “Rule of Law”. 

I might take a rather harsh position to the Demoncrats, but they deserve to be challenged, for the simple reason they do not have the good of the nation at heart.  Their true motivation is the next election and to change our culture to be socialized, which will lead us to globalism.  During every election cycle, the Demoncrats are good at one issue; placing some kind of fear into the hearts of the electorate.  They cannot bring themselves to address the issues and their answer is the same one they have been touting for decades; “…throw more money at the problem, in the hopes that it will go away.”  This particular methodology has never worked, despite the billions of dollars spent on social experiments, all with the same result; the problem(s) are never solved, and in many cases exasperate the problem(s).  One does not have to look very far to see the results of Demoncratic leadership.  Detroit, Michigan has been run by the Demoncrats for 50 years and is now bankrupt. 

California is so liberal, and has misspent many billions of dollars, subsequently over taxing the people, who are fed up and have been leaving in droves since Obama entered the Oval Office.  More people are homeless in the once beautiful city of San Francisco that the city had to hire people to remove the human waste from the streets.  The sidewalks have been taken over by people living in tents and many of these people have jobs, but cannot afford to pay rent.  The State of Illinois has been corrupted by the Demoncrats for decades as well, and is also courting bankruptcy.  The City of Chicago all during the Obama Administration, to the present, has a very high murder rate that makes the news nearly every month.  President Trump addressed the problem and will implement the same program that worked so well in New York City; “Stop and Frisk”.  Mind you, this type of policing of people, only takes place when the situation calls for it.  And most likely happens in certain high risk neighborhoods, where the criminal elements are well-known by the patrolling officers.  I am sure some of the “elements”, when coming in contact with the local officers, who know one another from 20 paces; might humor some of the officers, by holding up their hands in anticipation of the well-known officer who approaches.

There was a time when our police officers were scantily dressed, by comparison to the “SWAT” like appearance they now have.  This attire became increasingly necessary, as the criminals are far bolder and in some cases, better armed and armored than the police.  This is specifically why we cannot allow law abiding citizens to be disarmed, because the police cannot be everywhere.  Actually, the origin of the “2nd Amendment” had a more systemic purpose; to put down a tyrannical government.  This was Thomas Jefferson’s idea; for he fully under-stood the human condition, in regards to what can happen when a government gains too much power and citizens are not able to get redress in the courts.  In previous blogs, I was not shy about mentioning the true reason for many of our ills; “greed”, and greed comes in many forms, including “power”. 

The “midterms” are quickly coming upon us, and as I stated before, this coming November 6th will become a watershed election, which will stem the direction this nation has taken, since the unprecedented election of Donald Trump, and his rather flamboyant and take no prisoners approach to his way of communicating with the American People, who chant and celebrate his fulfillment on promises made, and promises kept, which has been an absolute delight, compared to the stale politicians of times past.  

A new type of politician has arisen, to take the “bull by the horns”, to prove to the inside the beltway elites, how to lead and not overlord the many burdensome policies that magnify the power of bureaucracies, in place of the “rule of law”.  It is very unfortunate, we have mindless groups of people, who firmly believe they can implement change through civil discord, instead of what their hero Barak Obama stated, “Win elections.” 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Swamp and "The Matrix"

We as a nation have a rather unique situation that has openly reared its ugly head in recent years.  Actually, this particular situation has existed for at least the past three centuries, but has operated in the shadows, lest the conspiracy be discovered too soon, to eliminate it before it gained such a large foothold that it can never be removed.  This “foothold” is now so powerful that no one safe, no matter where one resides on the planet.  There was one point during our republic that one man recognized it, but only from one standpoint, but nevertheless a very important one. It was President Andrew Jackson, who at the time during his presidency was a controversy about the establishment of a national bank, for which President Jackson was vehemently opposed.  President Jackson clearly understood the issue of the establishment of a national bank, but would be under private control, with the Federal Government on the face of it, to make it seem as if it were a part of the Federal Government.  President Jackson simply would not allow the bankers to have control over this nation’s money, for which it clearly states in Article I, Section 8, paragraphs 5 and 6 that it is the Legislature who has control over the money and the regulation thereof.  President Jackson was so livid about it, he publicly stated referring to the bankers, “I will root you out!”

Unfortunately, that power was finally turned over to the Federal Reserve on December 24th 1913.  The “Federal Reserve” is a privately owned loan institution, and the timing was ripe to have the bankers take over our banking system, because prior to this time, there were two financial upheavals that took place in the latter half of the 19th century and the public demanded that something be done about preventing any of that from happening again.  Stocks fell, many banks failed, and the public had enough. There were a group of five men, who had a secret meeting back in 1910, planning the largest fraud to ever be established, in the entire history of the world.  One was a very powerful man of money, J.P. Morgan and another was Senator Aldrich.  In addition, we had a progressive President in office at that time, who signed it and it became law, but it was entirely repugnant to our Constitution.

Despite the establishment of the Federal Reserve, many banks were still closing their doors.  In fact, many more banks closed than prior to the establishment of the Federal Reserve, so the Federal Reserve Act accomplished nothing, but the establishment of a privately owned bank, who charged interest, by making loans not only to the local banks, but even more so to the Federal Government, hence “the national debt”!  There are far more details, but I will spare my readers and refer them to my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

I had not intended to talk about the “Federal Reserve”, but I thought it was important enough to mention it, to allow that to be an example as to what is happening now within the Beltway of Washington D.C.  President Trump refers to it as “The Swamp”, but as I stated in previous blogs; “The Swamp” is far larger, deeper and dangerous than President Trump may be aware.  This swamp or almost any swamp for that matter has many dangers lurking within the murky waters; filled with creatures that may be benevolent and others that are well-hidden and quite deadly.  Personally, I prefer the use of the phrase, “The Matrix”, for which I firmly believe is more accurate, only because this particular matrix is a created reality.  Since President Trump does not know who I am and my full understanding of what “The Matrix” is all about; I have accepted his metaphorical description of what has pervaded our national government for more than half-a-century. 

As we have experienced in recent times, the breakdown of what our government has openly declared that our Democracy, is quickly changing into a socialist form of government, via the media and a left wing party, not to mention “political correctness”, which is completely repugnant to our “First Amendment”.  My last blog entry touched on what I will continue here. 

The Kavanaugh circus is a fine example of the opposition to our Constitution and the presumption of innocence and proven to be guilty, for which not even a smidgen of guilt can be considered, because of the weakness of an accuser’s charges that cannot be verified, nor collaborated, not to mention, not even one credible witness as to the fuzzy account.  I said it before a number of times and it happens more often than one might imagine; “Anything political is planned!” I am not going to rehash everything that has taken place, if one has examined all sides of the issue, but beware; most of the media is left bias and has an axe to grind, because of what I had said in my last blog about “Operation Mockingbird”. 
In order to fully appreciate what is at stake, I am going to provide an excerpt from a book, whose author was banned from all public libraries, because of his indictment of every government on the planet, and this one particular book, “Pawns in the Game”, by William Guy Carr, 1958, was the book I found in a private library, back in 1994 and started me on my greatest adventure and enlightenment of what has plagued this world for so long.  I was always a seeker of the truth in any matter, but this truth is without exaggeration, completely over the top!  The following is part of the introduction of the above book I just mentioned.

To wit:

The International Conspiracy
If what I reveal surprises and shocks the reader, please don’t develop an inferiority complex because I am frank to admit that although I have worked since 1911, trying to find out why the Human Race can’t live in
peace and enjoy the bounties and blessing God provides for our use and benefit in such abundance ? It was 1950 before I penetrated the secret that the wars and revolutions which scourge our lives, and the chaotic conditions that prevail, are nothing more or less than the effects of the continuing Luciferian conspiracy. It started in that part of the universe we call heaven when Lucifer challenged The Right of God to exercise supreme authority. The Holy Scriptures tell us how the Luciferian conspiracy was transferred to this world in the Garden of Eden. Until I realized that our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with the spiritual forces of darkness who control all those in high places on this earth (Eph. 6:12) the pieces of evidence gathered all over this world just didn’t fit together and make sense. (I am not ashamed to admit that the “Bible” provided the “Key” which enabled me to obtain an answer to the question quoted above.)
Very few people seem able to appreciate that Lucifer is the brightest and most intelligent of the heavenly host and, because he is a pure spirit, he is indestructible. The scriptures tell us his power is such that he caused one-third of the most intelligent of the heavenly host to defect from God, and join him, because he claimed God’s Plan for the rule of the universe is weak and impractical because it is based on the premise that lesser beings can be taught to know, love, and wish to serve him voluntarily out of respect for his own infinite perfections. The Luciferian ideology states might is right. It claims beings of proven superior intelligence have the right to rule those less gifted because the masses don’t know what is best for them. The Luciferian ideology is what we call totalitarianism to-day.

It may be a cliché, but this is only the smallest tip of a huge iceberg revealed in this particular book.  I must inform my readers, and I repeat, this book cannot be found in any public library, but perhaps can be found in the “Library of Congress”.  However, it can be found on the Internet, if the website has not been taken down, since I viewed it back in 2005.  This particular book last publication was printed in 1978.  If my readers of this blog cannot find the website, or a copy of this very important book, I can provide it on a CD; email me here;

There are other scriptures I could mention in reference to the above excerpt, but why should I take all the romance out from my readers blowing the dust off of their Bibles and find them.  These scriptures are in the New Testament and will end up becoming a Bible study.  They say, “Knowledge is power.” However, like many things that seem to ring true, that phrase is not entirely accurate.  It should be rephrased; “The right knowledge is power.”  This world is full of lies, as was always true ever since the first generation of the human race.  In many cases, the truth is either hard to bear, or in the words of Jack Nicolson, in the movie, “A Few Good Men”, “…you can’t handle the truth.”  And then there are those who might say, “Don’t bother me; let me work, pay my taxes and bills, and allow me to enjoy my cable TV.”  This principal attitude has pervaded every fallen civilization.  The Roman Empire went on for more than 500 years, but they went the way as we in this nation is heading; toward socialism, which siphoned money away from the army for entitlements and then made way for the Barbarians to overtake the empire. 

We are quickly heading in this direction, if we continue to allow it.  We do have the equivalent to the Barbarians…illegal immigrants and by continuing to allow them to overrun our borders, we will fall prey to them.  How can we stop them?  This is where the rubber meets the road.  I said the following back in 2003; set up 30 caliber machine guns every 500 yards along the border and shoot every person attempting to enter illegally into the United States.  It would not take very long, by leaving all those dead bodies all along the border, for the news to reach those who have every intention of getting over the border to take advantage of our weak-kneed Congress, who will not strengthen the border through legislation.  I do have another suggestion; President Trump has the authority to declare a “national emergency”, and state to Congress in no uncertain terms, to get something done to secure our borders, or let the blood flow.  Well, it is either that or “Build that wall”, because walls stop people from crossing borders and entering (in times past) city states or fortresses. 

One thing my readers will never hear from me; I will never apologize for the truth, or whatever I know to be true, as well as proven to be true throughout history.  The left has no room in their hearts for the truth, but that may not be entirely their fault, because of the schools that teach lies.  For example; 2400 law professors have stated they do not want Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.  Let me qualify that; most law schools do not teach the Constitution, for one simple reason; most of our laws are based upon “contract/administrative law”, for which my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?! was written; comparing contract/administrative law to Constitutional law and how we got to that state.

Now however, it is the student’s fault for not considering other sources for their education, for which I was never a product of a flawed college education, in regards to anything other than the sciences.  Political science notwithstanding; President Trump flushed that down the toilet.  President Trump broke every rule of politics and has those inside the Beltway standing on their heads, running for cover and hiding under their desks, not to mention lawyering up very soon.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kavanaugh, the news de' jour

We as Americans should be appalled as well as livid at the unprecedented character assassination of a well-qualified candidate for the Supreme Court. It is apparent that the Demoncrats are taking revenge for the loss of the 2016 election, as they have been doing ever since the election, but because we are so close to the mid-terms, they are desperate to derail this particular nomination; thereby stealing another win from President Trump. From a strict political point of view, they simply have no choice because of the power they have lost, in addition to some of the chess pieces who have been removed from the chess board, as well as many others who have their positions hanging in the balance. To those readers who have no clue, I a referring to the members of the "Deep State", or more accurately stated, "The Matrix". "The Matrix" has existed in the United States Government since WWII.  It was during the 1950s, the CIA partnered with some select journalists to print only what the CIA wanted them to print in regards to government operations.  It was named "Operation Mockingbird".  So it is of no particular surprise, we have a media that has been so entrenched in "Operation Mockingbird", it has now come out in the open, along with a politically correct lexicon. By the way, "political correctness" is a tyrannical term to steer speech that conforms to totalitarian standards. 

Both the media and the Demoncrats have taken a normal procedure and turned into a "kangaroo court", which is quite similar to the parliamentary government of Great Britain. Have any of my readers ever witnessed the proceedings of either the "House of Commons" or the "House of Lords"? It is often a display that can be compared to what goes on in their local pubs, when discussing politics. However, I can defend the Republicans, because they have given a large measure of civility towards the demands of the Demoncrats, in order to quell their unprecedented concerns. As can be expected, the Demoncrats will never be satisfied until Kavanaugh either declines any further proceedings, or time runs out when the mid-terms take place, in the hopes that all this confusion will benefit the Demoncrats at the polls. In my opinion, what the Demoncrats are doing is a more deeper polarization of the electorate.

It should be duly noted, that Senator Feinstein should be removed from the Judicial Committee, for withholding material evidence from the committee for at least 6 weeks. There should be no doubt that the letter from Ford was withheld to be used at the 11th hour of the proceedings, in order to delay it. I must add that Senator Flake was intimidated by two women who were obviously hired by the Demoncrats to get Flake to vote "No". It was found out a few days later, those two women were paid by George Soros, who has funded many such protests and paying some select few $2500 per month to be leaders in such protests. Personally, I would not mind being paid $2500 a month to do the same thing, because normally, protests are not very effective, but apparently worked on a pussy Senator, who had no clue those women were paid to get in his face and scream their objections. One might suppose that "screaming" will strike another's heart, with a response to quell the scream.

All we can do now is wait for the FBI report to get into the hands of the Senators, for which by the way, the Demoncrats don't want that report to be made public, hmm? Come on people, how dumb do the Demoncrats think we are? An FBI report is not an indictment, nor is it a recommendation for prosecution and that report will not find out anything additional to smear Kavanaugh, other than what we already know from the committee proceedings and the media. In fact, the report is probably going to be an embarrassment to the Demoncrats, which is probably why they don't want it open to the public. This is because a few somebodies committed perjury, in either their written affidavits, during the committee hearing, or during an FBI interview; the report will make it very clear as to who lied.