Friday, October 26, 2018

2016 Part Deux

The Democrats have nothing to fear, but Trump making the rounds State by State, for which the audiences line up 2 days in advance.  The one in Houston, attracted 100,000, but only 18,000 made it indoors.  When was the last time any recent Democrat had half that many show up?  In addition, when a Democrat does hold some kind of rally; they take place in Liberal Safe Zones, in order to have an audience; such as a college.  It is because the Liberals don’t want to have serious debate on anything that there is nothing else left to do but to resort to violence.  This parallels an axiom; “If you are not trading goods; you are trading bombs.”

We also need to reconsider the so-called “polling” from the various professional organizations, who direct the “polling”.  All during the 2016 election campaign, every poll was incorrect, but with one exception—“A Trump Rally”.  This particular presidential election had to be the most volatile, and many of the conservative electorate was not ignorant of this venue, which is why many of the conservative electorate kept silent, in regards to which they favor and therefore skewed the polling figures.  “It is not whether you win or lose, but how many come to see you play the game.”  In times past, we were all most likely to be silent in regards to who we are voting into office.  Our “vote” is a sacred right, and it is none of another’s business.

The “Left” is very good at making lots of noise.  There is an old bureaucratic axiom that states; “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”  Apparently, since President Trump broke all the political rules; he effectively threw a monkey wrench into the political machinery, and the squeaky wheels are not getting the grease.  As long as the opposition maintains civility in their protests, we can still be in disagreement, but still basically a unified nation, because of the respect we have for our form of government, and those who occupy their various and important offices. 

Unfortunately, in the past decade, we have become extremely polarized.  In retrospect, we can place direct blame on the Obama Administration, because basic principles of past policies were ignored, for which the Obama Administration conjured up his own brand of government.  Not many people know of Barack Obama’s upbringing.  His mother was a prostitute and his father was a die-hard Communist, and so was Obama, whose slogan of “Hope and Change”, was spot on, because he got support for many changes, to redesign our republic into a socialist nation.  The Obama Administration got nearly all the changes he wanted, and his "hope" was to effectively change the form of our government.

It should be quite clear; most of America did not agree with the Obama Administration and put Donald Trump into the Oval Office.  Absolutely no one can deny that President Trump has been the most effective President in history; to not only making good on his promises, but also  worked on a  laundry list of other agendas that have an overall effect on the workings of our government and cutting regulations that have cut the costs of doing business.  There was one Congressman who stated he could not have a business because of all the regulations, he helped legislate in the past.  A Socialist or Communistic form of government favor regulations on everything, for which the government ends up “nationalizing” all industry; for the simple reason the industries, can no longer compete with the freer nations and operate profitably. 

Prosperity has always been the hallmark of America that made us the envy of all the nations on the planet.   President Trump has succeeded in a relatively short time, in bringing much of that prosperity back, and the right kind of pride of “Made in America”.  If we allow the “Left” to once again gain a foothold; everything we gained, will soon be lost in a very short time.  

Now; there seems to be no longer “free speech” taking place on our college campuses.  Essentially, the fault lies within the college boards, who are mentors of the creators of “The Matrix”“Free speech” has always been another hallmark of American culture.  However, it has been incumbent of most college campuses, to reject any conservative speech.  Freedom of speech means free political speech for everyone--no matter how stupid anyone dares to be.  It seems to me that our “freedom of speech”, should prompt the de-funding of our colleges, who do not support any opposing speech.  There is no need to either demonize, or threaten harm to anyone who was invited to speak.  The answer is quite simple; if one does not agree with the agenda of the speaker; there is no compulsion to attend.  

I will not apologize for calling out, some of the most ignorant and irresponsible words that have come from some in our leadership.  Some have incited or promoted some form of disruption or violence toward those who dutifully occupy their respective offices.  It is absolutely shameful, how a number of sitting legislatures and others who are serving the American People, are being harassed in public places.  Personally, my stand would be to call the police; hold up my phone, so the dispatcher can hear the commotion, and charge those who are harassing me, with “disturbing the peace”.  If the police do not show up; they can be sued for “dereliction of duty”.  It does not matter who you are; we have the right to sit down in the restaurant of our choice, and enjoy a peaceful meal.

I just found the following on my news feed and felt it necessary to add here, to wit:
“Yes words matter,” Rubio tweeted. “Because freedom of speech allows us to air & settle our disagreements & grievances using words INSTEAD of violence.”
“The 1st Amendment protects press freedom,” he continued, “but it doesn’t bestow immunity from criticism. Criticism & calling people to violence are not the same.”

“Every American should be angry about these potentially explosive devices targeting U.S. political figures,” Rubio added in another tweet. “We should not ever tolerate terrorism against anyone. Period.”

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.