Monday, October 15, 2018

Reparations; Really?

We should be truly amazed by a set mentality of those who believe that because a certain group of people deserve “reparations”, for the simple reason their dead ancestors suffered from slavery.  Well then, it seems that in order to award those “reparations”, we need to perform a miracle and resurrect all those who suffered from slavery.  I must firmly agree that “reparations” would be in order to the survivors of slavery, but not to the accentors.  Why didn’t the black people back in 1863, get together to file a class action lawsuit?  The fact is they could not because there were no attorneys who were willing to pursue or even entertain such a course.  One reason might be in order to have an impartial jury; they would need a mix of both Black and White jurors, and end up with a “hung jury”.  I believe the same would be true today, because of the resentment of some who would question…”Where is the money coming from”? The above question is in reality irrelevant; why; because the people who deserve “reparations” are dead and buried and therefore so is this argument.

However, for argument’s sake; let us take the above a step further.  The Irish who escaped slavery in their home nation back in the 19th century and came to the United States; what about them?  Does this mean the Irish accentors could also demand “reparations” from the Nation of Ireland?  We heard not one word from anyone of Irish heritage; have we?  Again, there were many who came to the New World; were sponsored by those of substance, in order to pay for their trip.  However, “reparation” had to be made by those who were sponsored and had to become “indentured servants” and perhaps this particular term was the “politically correct” phrase at that time for slavery.

If indeed such “reparations” were to come to the Black People; then this tort action would set a precedent of any ancestry, for all past slavery and go back all the way to Adam and Eve.  The thing that could make this possible is “DNA”; for we now have a few commercial enterprises, which specialize in tracing the ancestry of anyone on the planet, through one’s “DNA”.  Speaking of “precedent”, we now have a Supreme Court Justice, who firmly believes in “precedent”; that is of course if such an action would be considered by the Supreme Court.  I am of the belief that no court of any venue would entertain any such action, by simply citing my above scenario.  It’s not going to happen.  Therefore, those who advocate “reparations” do not have a snowball’s chance in hell and then perhaps getting a prescription.

Here’s one to chew on for a bit; could those of “mixed races” also be considered; even with being one percent Black?  Or perhaps if one is decisively both Black and White; could their Black side sue their White side?

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.