Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Caravan

It seems that the 21st century has not caught up politically and socially to all nations.  Despite worldwide wealth and trade, we still have many third world countries.  There are two forms of employment; 1) to hire people based upon local and international markets, if those particular businesses are exporting goods and/or services.  2) Slavery.  Most third world countries are poverty stricken, because they are organized as socialist type governments.  Socialism has a rather paradoxical twist to what is supposed to be utopian.  The government leadership and their complaisant bureaucracies are in charge and control all important industries, under strict regulations that make it impossible for independent businesses, to have any degree of autonomy.  All essential services are doled out to the people, such as medical services, but are under full government control and not based upon individual needs.  All medical services are based upon statistics or numbers.  If there is a “spike” of an outbreak, then medical care is rationed and then everyone suffers.

Poverty stricken countries are all a matter of political will.  Socialism only works for those in charge, because it is they who control the flow of money.  Many forms of socialism have been practiced through the centuries, and every one of them failed.  The Roman Empire was one of the largest empires to occupy much of the world during that time.  It did have a rudimentary form of a democracy, but eventually morphed into socialism.  The military was allowed to wane, because the money usually slated for the military was allocated for social programs. 

With the cut back of the military, many border areas were left unguarded.  The Barbarians regained back territories once lost and eventually overran the entire empire.  The United States has also waned in allowing our borders to become weakened by inept laws and the bleeding heart Liberals want to keep it that way.  The problem stems from a lack of historical lessons.  This is the fault of our education system that believes sex and political correctness are far more important to teach than history, math and science.  Socialism has also waned in the area of mental illness.  When we have children with mental instability, we opted to drug them (assuming they take all their drugs in a timely manner) and release them among the general population; and then we wonder why we have school shootings. It is a fact; that in every school shooting, all the shooters have some sort of mental condition and socialism allows their guardians and parents to own guns.  

Socialism, with all its failures, should be considered an abnormal mental condition.  There was never any form of socialism, in all of human history that could ever be declared a success.  Our Forefathers, before forging our Constitution, studied every form of government of until their present time.  They hammered out a republic, but Benjamin Franklyn warned those outside that meeting and stated; “You have a republic, if you can keep it.”  Unfortunately, we lost it because our nation became divided between establishing “Free States” and “Slave States”.

The United States has inadvertently allowing this to happen again.  We have very serious and polarized differences that will spell the end of this nation, if we do not wake up.  Political differences are causing frustrated Liberals to resort to intimidation and violence.  Free speech can only be practiced by those who declare that illegal immigration is the right thing to allow; otherwise all others are labeled as racists.  I thought racism was confined between the three races; white, black and yellow.  One might suppose that the misuse of the term “racism”, causes inflammatory outcries and consequently sympathy for all illegal immigrants.

I clearly stated back in 2003, when illegal immigration has once again become a major concern since 1986; we are being invaded.  All invasions must be met by an act of Congress, according to Article 1, Section 8 and clause 15.  We have the Second Amendment because of what Thomas Jefferson feared might happen, if we did not have an armed population.  He stated, “When we cannot get redress in the courts; that is the time we take up arms.”  Congress has waned in their duty to enact laws or some form of security on our borders.  Therefore, Congress can be cited for “dereliction of duty”, because they had sworn an oath to both protect and defend the Constitution and consequently the American People.

“We the People”, because of an inept legislature, several lame presidents and others who have been derelict in their responsibilities; have the right to protect our way of life on our soil; by taking up arms and marching down to the border to take matters into our hands.  As of this writing; there is a massing of invaders, who have every intention to cross our sovereign border in 3 to 4 months from now.  If indeed “We the People”, do take up arms and march to the border to meet the invaders; there is no doubt that Congress must act to prevent useless bloodshed.  President Trump also has a duty to protect our nation from the impending invasion.  I full well expect the President to declare a national emergency (just as Lincoln did, because there was no quorum in Congress at that time) and deploy our military to meet the invasion.

One can only hope that no blood will be spilled.  All it should take is to have our military posed at the border, fully armed; with armored support along with a common sense commander in charge, and fire above the invader’s heads at first.  If that does not stop them and I believe that such a passionate breed of people they are; those warning shots may not deter them.  The only thing that will stop them from coming over the border will be a mass of dead bodies to walk over. 

There might be a better way; we could have a front line troops armed with paint guns and fire upon the invaders.  And let the invaders know in no uncertain terms that the next shots fired will not be paint, but lead.  Walls work; ask any rich homeowner who has high walls surrounding their properties.   

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.