Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Future of the Internet

There is a disturbing trend approaching that will happen during this new year, and that is the emergence of AI or artificial intelligence.  This new venue is currently being applied to marketing strategies, to attract customers.  The government has already used a non-human venue when dealing with the public—a numbering system, which ignores the specific needs of individual human beings.  The AI venue is going to treat everyone the same way as does the government—through demographics, and numbers.  The power of both computers and AI will narrow the shotgun approach to marketing.  The AI venue, however, has a dark side—the need to mine data from everyone, and when we do business on our computers, without using encrypted emails and an encrypted VPN, there will be no privacy. 

I have already subscribed to an encrypted email service.  The “free version” of this particular email service has fewer features than many other so-called “free email services, so I opted for the pay version.  I will not have to put up with pop-up advertising, or any advertising, which slows down computer response time and sometimes freezes a computer.  I paid a very reasonable price for this service, and will soon have a fully encrypted VPN service.

Another disturbing venue is also in the works, and that is being able to have full access to the Internet.  The Chinese Government has already quashed much of this access and may soon reach our shores—the program is called “Dragonfly.”  The United States version might be more capitalistic.  The more access you want, the more you will have to pay for it.  Therefore only the rich will have full and unfettered access to the Internet, but of course, all access will be monitored under “Dragonfly.”

When using “Gmail,” Google keeps all that mail for data mining.  “Gmail” is not encrypted and therefore subject to hacking, and the increased possibility of identity theft.  Although “Gmail” is free, there is still a price to pay—“We interrupt your Internet activities for this commercial announcement… your computer may slow down or freeze, but this is the price one pays for having a free email account.” 

There is no such thing as “privacy” when dealing with a socialist type of government, or the prying eyes of corporations that inventory our names into a data bank for further use.  Google owns this blog site I am currently using, and I don’t believe they will be flattered by this particular treatise, which means this blog can be pulled at anytime.  However, if this blog is not pulled, it will be because this blog does not carry a large audience.  

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.