Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Health Care for Everyone?

Heath care for everyone has now become the premiere platform of the Demoncratic Party.  Let’s assume for just one moment that the Demoncrats succeed in getting the legislation needed.  The cheers would be deafening but at the end of the day will be a reality check, for which I have already touted in a prior blog. 

Here are the sad facts…
·        When the ACA became law, it was not too long after that over 16 million people lost their health care coverage.  Yes, I know that 11 million policies were dropped, but what the media did not tell you is that one policy covered up to 4 people.

·        Hospitals that did not rely upon government subsidies closed their doors—this happened in mostly rural areas, for which many patients had to commute more than one hour to get to a hospital.

·        Many doctors quit their profession because of the government regulations significantly reduced the amount of money a doctor received for his or her services, which also resonated with medical students at that time, and dropped their medical studies.  The above is just one reason we have a deficit of more than 20,000 doctors nationwide.

·        Open up the employment section of any local newspaper and view the plethora of display ads, in a desperate attempt to find nurses and technicians for the medical industry.

·        Yes, “You can keep your plan and keep your doctor,” but conveniently left out ‘if you can afford it.’  And in some cases, the premiums exceeded over one-hundred percent.  Obama was covered, and so were those who touted the ACA, who were exempt from the ACA, and had Cadillac coverage.

·        With the current costs of health care, and applying health care for everyone at this very moment, will most certainly exceed the military budget.  The key here is, “Who is going to pay for it?”  Anyone who had complained about their paychecks and the consequential government grab for a “piece of the action,” before President Trump provided some great relief, are going to discover half their pay is going to pay for “Health Care for Everyone.”

·        The “Federal Mandate” for the ACA that was to take place in 2017 was to be the final nail in the coffin for every American worker, for which would come under the jurisdiction of the “Instant Rip-off Service,” or more commonly known as the “IRS.”  The above means that the financing for the ACA would be deducted from all paychecks;  “Medicare for Everyone” will most certainly accomplish this, because it will be a single-payer, government-sponsored system.

·        The appalling thing that Obama did to kick-start the ACA was to rob Medicare of 900 million dollars to fund the ACA.  Who or what is going to ‘take the hit’ when “Medicare for Everyone” takes place?  Oh yes, when Obama robbed Medicare, some once enjoyed benefits were lost forever—this was a big hit on our senior citizens.

·        The ACA did one more thing that should infuriate most people.  Obama had meetings with health care insurers before the ACA was passed, but the context of those meetings did not surface until it was too late.  It was the way it surfaced when the financial reports were made known publically about the health care insurer’s profits—their profits went from 8 billion per year to 15 billion per year.  Now, where does one think that money came from—the taxpayers, of course.

The above kind of Socialism has been both tried and failed in several countries before us.  It is impossible to have viable paid health care for everyone.  The shortage of doctors, nurses, technicians, and other health care support personnel is enough all by itself to end the debate.  Okay, have “Medicare for Everyone.” And watch the health of nearly everyone fail dramatically…why…with all the shortages of medical personnel, all health care recipients would be hard-pressed to secure a timely appointment.  As laudable as providing health care for everyone is, this issue has not been well thought out on the part of the Demoncrats.  And the media is just as reckless for this support.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.