Monday, January 7, 2019

The True Reason, the United States Military, is in the Middle East

There was a stern warning from President Eisenhower to the newly elected President Kennedy which states, “Watch out for the Military Industrial Complex.”  President Kennedy heeded this warning by making efforts to keep the United States out of Vietnam.  The French were there for one-hundred years before the United States getting involved, for which the French were not shy about informing the United States to stay out of Vietnam.  One might suppose when one is a guest for one-hundred years and got the message that they may have overstayed their welcome. 

It was not until President Johnson inherited the presidency that the United States became fully involved in Vietnam.  I think a good hint of this venue comes from the mouth of the then President Johnson, when he stated, “You now have your war.”  There should be no doubt President Johnson was specifically addressing “The Military Industrial Complex.”  
Generally speaking, there is some rudimentary knowledge among the general population about how Washington D.C. operates.  The elite political community ignores all semblance of law and morality, to embrace both power and money.  Major General--Smedley Darlington Butler made a speech during the 1930s titled, “War is a Racket.”  To make a very long treatise very short can be summarized in the following few words—take all the profit out of war and there will be less of it.  One particular specific stood out quite overtly, which states; we need to pay all those who provide all the implements of war the same as the soldier who is willing to spill his/her blood.

During World War II a number of both millionaires and billionaires were created.  However, none of them had to go overseas; dressed in olive drab; carrying some weapon; marching for miles, until such time they had to duck for cover; many times going without a hot meal and digging trenches; not to mention a rather meager pay for risking one’s life and limb.

Vietnam dragged on for ten years without a victory—we simply left when the handwriting was on the wall.  “The Military Complex” made billions of dollars at the cost of over 50,000 lives, not including four lives at Kent State University.  The only lesson taken from the “Vietnam War.,” was not to fight a war from behind a desk.  The message from Major General—Smedley Darlington Butler was never heeded and never will be, until such time we abandon human greed.  Or perhaps we might consider screening all our Washington representatives, as to who is on the receiving end of money coming from military contractors.  Money from the venue of “The Military Complex”  is one precipitating reason why General Madis left the Trump Administration.

We seem to be in a constant “state of war,” for which there seems to be no exit strategy—why—because there is a non-stop flow of money into the pockets of the beneficiaries of all war.  We did not go into Iraq the second time because of weapons of mass destruction—that was an outright lie.  Also, no country has no business interfering in another’s civil war.   President Trump is correct by declaring a pull-out from the Middle East, but the establishment Republicans are flatly against such a movement, and there is no need for me to explain further.

Moreover, there is a way to deal with all radical Muslim terrorism—all without firing a shot.  The answer was given in one of my prior blogs some years ago.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.