And now for something completely different...
Clinton Foundation 2014 tax return
These are figures from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation for the tax year 2014.
Anyone may obtain a copy of the tax return from the National Center for Charitable Statistics website!
You can get the latest tax return on any charitable organization!
Total revenue (line 12) ................... $177,804, 61 2.00
Total grants to charity (line 13) ...........$5,160,385.00
Total expenses of............................ .. $91,281,145.00
expenses include: salaries (line 15)....$34,838,106.00
fundraising fees (line 16a).......... $850,803.00
other expenses (line 17)..... $50,431,851.00
They list 486 employees (line 5)! So it took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION WHICH IS LESS THAN 3% OF TOTAL REVENUES!
Line 22 shows ending year net assets/fund balances of $332,471,349.00 which is
up $85,171,891 from last years tax return!
And they call this a CHARITY?
Here's the link to the National Center for Charitable Statistics website:
One can only imagine what 2015 and 2016 donations will total.......the height of influence peddling. By law, an entity that is under IRS 501 (c) is required to give away a minimum of ten percent of the total revenue. Therefore, the taxable year of 2014 for the above organization has violated the IRS Code and must be held accountable. The IRS had no problem going after some past president's enemies but one might suppose that the Clintons and any of their associates, employees, officers, etc. are one-hundred percent exempt from any IRS investigation.
This author is not surprised in the least, only because of a few reasons; 1) the IRS is not or ever was part of the United States Government; it is an agency of the IMF (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al.CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.) The IMF is an agency of the U.N. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816.
Another rather systemic reason is the fact that the Clintons are tied into the Illuminati, who control all the world's money through the IMF, and the U.N. is their mouthpiece. The Federal Reserve is also is not part of the United States Government but is "Federal" in name only, because it is a privately held institution, for which the Rockefeller family is one of the owners, and reaped in one particular year 90 billion dollars from the interest the United State Government still owes. I wonder how many taxpayers know to whom we owe the "national debt?"
The United States continues to print more money every year, not only to replace worn out FRNs but also printing these certificates of debt (which is precisely what FRNs are) but also to print the ever-increasing debt that is owed, which is why we have inflation. The above means that the more FRNs are printed and circulated, the less buying power "We The People" have, which simply means the money is diluted with every succeeding year and the very reason why there are more and more dollars circulating.
President Kennedy was aware of the above fraud, for which was one of several reasons why he was assassinated. There are many within our government who are acutely aware of the continued fraud that is being perpetrated on the entire world. However, those same people are fearful of their lives and livelihood that they are mute about the subject.

Not sure what you refer to here has to do with the 2014 tax return and the indication that only 3% of the donations went to actual charity grants.