Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 4th 2017
A new war has just begun on Capitol Hill, between the Demoncrats and Republicans.  Even though the public has spoken through the presidential election and the loss of 13 governor seats, etc., the Demoncrats are still holding fast to a losing position.  The debacle of ObamaCare is now on the forefront of this first battle, for which we were forewarned about the consequences long before Nancy Pelosi stated two things in support of ObamaCare 1) “We must pass it before we read it.” 2) “Its affordable, its affordable…” on and on for so many times that I lost count.  We now know as an absolute certainty that all the dire predictions have all come to pass and it is far from over if the Demoncrats have it their way!

Today, Nancy Pelosi stood out as a grim reminder of what ObamaCare has done, by wearing an outfit depicting the same color as Pepto-Bismol.  Both parties had pep-talk meetings as to what strategy will be used in defeating the enemy.  I would put my money on the Republicans, because of what Harry Reed implemented, by using the “Nuclear Option”, when the Demoncrats were the majority in the Senate.  Now the shoe is on the other foot; Harry Reed is now retired, so he does not have a bullet in the foot.

Despite the touts of the Demoncrats that the Republicans have no plan, which just goes to show just how dumb the Demoncrats believe the American People might be… having a short memory.  I say this because all along the Republicans have always presented changes to ObamaCare; placed on Obama’s desk and without even blinking simply vetoed any measure that was “rubber stamped” Republican, or even bi-partisan.    

The key to the whole matter is two-fold; 1) we can now look forward to having competition in the health care insurance business.  2) Doctors and other health care providers will no longer be bound hand and foot by Bureaucrats and perhaps some rural hospitals will again open their doors, for which through ObamaCare closed their doors.

Even with better and perhaps a better or greater health care system; there is one other thing that needs to be done, for which the government is well-equipped to accomplish, because of their vast resources and manpower.  They can provide education to the general public as to how they can take steps to provide better health care as individuals. 

Over the many years I have taken charge of my personal health care since 1977; I still have everything I was born with and plan on dying that way!  I do not subscribe to any vaccinations, which contain a number of poisons and I have 8 pages of studies done that prove the fallacy of all vaccinations.  In addition, I have a document that if by chance I am forced to have a vaccination; this particular document places any adverse consequences that might occur and places that burden upon the administer of those vaccinations. 

I have two formulas to ward off any type of infection in as little as two days, for which one of those formulas is comprised of two produce items in the grocery store and the other is a one ingredient formula available in any health food store and can also rid the body of intestinal parasites in as little as 2 to 3 days!  I have destroyed 14 different infections over the course of 17 years, with the first formula in as little as 2 days.

I have a vast amount of all kinds of “home remedies” that I have collected since 2002.  Some are so simple and is just a matter of routine to having these things on hand, such as; raw organic honey; raw organic apple cider vinegar; black strap molasses; ginger tea and candied ginger just to name a few.  I cannot give you any of the exact formulas and how they are used, for the simple reason that I could easily be accused of practicing medicine without a license, only because this is a public forum, but can provide such information on an individual basis via my email address;

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.