January 18th
2017 Blog
Friends, I am subscribed to a number of daily newsletters, which are all pertinent
to my research and writing. The
following is a reply to one of those newsletters; the article titled, “What I
do not like about Republicans”. Career
politicians are simply out for what they can get for themselves, at least in
most cases. Many are purchased by the
highest bidding price among the lobbyists, for this is going to be Trump’s “Achilles
Heel”, even among most conservatives, whether they be “Republican” or
conservative “Democrats”.
in regards to your local representatives, it would be prudent to keep a close
eye upon them, because the mid-term elections will take place in 2018. If we are as enthusiastic as we were during
the Trump campaign, we can get some new blood into office, which has not yet
been corrupted by crony political connections.
Jeff, ever since ObamaCare passed in 2010, the
Republicans have submitted bills to fix ObamaCare, but of course Obama vetoed
all of them...why... because the Democrats wanted to create another "sacred
cow" like Social Security and exclaim; "Look what we [Demoncrats]
have done for you." Demoncrats are probably the most insecure
political and pathetic party on the planet. Socialized medicine never worked in
Sweden, Great Britain and Canada. The proof that America has the best health
care, is that Canadians have come to the United States for their health
Indeed, the Republicans do not want overt
control over the prices of Big Pharma drugs, because they have so much invested
in those companies. If I had the money to invest I would also put my money
there as well. Some drugs have a mark-up of 30,000 percent! And guess what...
cancer is the biggest money maker of all medical procedures and care. So who is
going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? In the past 2 years, 8
doctors from Florida who were treating cancer alternatively and successfully
were murdered. This is how much money and power is attached to cancer and I can
guarantee there will never be a Big Pharma "cure" for any cancer!!!
The “American Cancer Society” is a forever bureaucratic organization.
Even judges have been purchased to back up the
use of Chemotherapy and order it done, even though the success rate is only one
and one half percent!!! A nurse I personally know described the chemo chemicals
to me as "Drano". If spilled, one has to dress up in a full
environmental suit to clean it up.
I am rather amused about "reducing the
size of government". You may or may not be aware that government employees
are usually never fired, nor have any bureaucratic agencies have closed their
doors...why... simply because all government employees are protected by civil
law, not to mention unions. You will see much opposition to the reduction of
government. The only possible thing that can be accomplished is to reduce their
budgets; anything other than that is going to be nearly impossible to do.
There are many government agencies whose work
overlaps other agencies work and that is equivalent to "waste and
inefficiency". It will not matter what agency is involved; they will all
cry "foul" if their budgets are cut and vehemently protest any talk
of closing their agency. This is why I write about Washington bureaucracies as
a "4th branch of government", who do not answer to anyone except
their supervisors; the American Public... they are just "numbers" on
lists of statistic papers. If you want to talk about "corruption"...
the bureaucracies is the number one place to start! If you think the LIberals
are a bunch of cry babies, just wait until any bureaucracies come under fire!
George Soros was responsible for the creation of the BLM. Soros is a communist
and part of their "Manifesto" is that there is no such thing as
"private property", or any property rights whatsoever, the proof of
which we have seen in Nevada and Oregon.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.