Wednesday, May 31, 2017

"Covfefe" Fake News and Climate Change

We have a new and perhaps iconic word to add to our pop-culture… “covfefe”.  This could be accidental, cryptic or an unknown acronym, at least for the time being.  President Trump added “HAVE FUN!” at the end of this particular “tweet”, for which some have by the comments that were made, for the possible usages of this new word.  For example, one posted a photo of President Clinton at a podium with the following caption; “I did not have covfefe with that woman.”  Some have and there could be only one winner in such a race, as to quickly use “covfefe” for new email account.  And yes, I did attempt this myself, for which was stated in the two email venues I tried, “This name is already taken.”  However, I did use it and added a number after it… Qapla'!  For those who may not be familiar with the Klingon language, it translates as “success”.

It seems that even our current President of the United States, could not resist playing with the pop-culture.  And it is not truly surprising, because President Trump is a prolific “Tweeter”.  There is absolutely no doubt that “covfefe” is going to continue to be a “buzz word” for quite some time.  I will be on pins and needles every time I hear a speaker in the news, who will take an opportunity to “HAVE FUN” with this new pop-culture word.  So now, I will end this treatise by getting myself a cup of “covfefe” and go on to another issue.

There seems to be no end in sight, to the ongoing narrative of a so-called, “Trump/Russian collusion”.  There is one simple truth that cannot be ignored… that there is not one shred of evidence to support the above narrative, for which at least one reporter from CNN, has conceded there does exist a media bias against President Trump and anyone trumpeting conservative values and the “arc of history” as being defined by Barack Obama and Hitlary Clinton.

Another such incident had also recently taken place with an interview between CNN host “Alysin Camerota” and former White House Chief of Staff John Sununu, to wit:
“I don’t see any evidence of collusion. Do you?” asked Sununu, to which Camerota sheepishly admitted: “No.”
“Ok, then that should end your reporting right there,” Sununu said. “You should put an exclamation point after your ‘no.'”
Camerota began smiling and stuttering, and Sununu laid into her. “Can I ask a question? If [Special Prosecutor Robert] Mueller comes out and says that my version is correct — and yours isn’t — how much crow are you going to eat?”
It is rather unfortunate that President Trump has allowed these distractions to defer him from far more important matters and probably needed that 9 day break from the beltway swamp of Washington D.C.  Now that President Trump is back on the job of running the nation, it seems a shakeup of his administration is in order.  It might be overdue, but I believe President Trump is operating the same as any CEO would and allow some shenanigans to take place, so that those who are against him have been given sufficient rope to hang themselves.  

Another so-called “issue” is climate change.  I have already posted a treatise from a chemist who proved the fallacy of “climate change”, for which there is also a conflicting report by NOAA, or should I say “reports”.  Buoys were placed to monitor the temperature of the oceans, but a ship with fallible human beings aboard were also measuring ocean temperatures and conflict with the data from the buoys, for which the buoys report no changes that would support the narrative of “climate change”.  Human beings, being subject to corruption and please readers, one must take careful consideration to the fact that this economy is still on the rocks and these people who are hired, want desperately to keep their jobs and quite sure they are being well paid.

We can go back to 1995, when all this began about “climate change”, which by the way was changed from the original “global warming”, for which we are no longer warming up, for at least the past 10 years.  There were at that time about 5000 scientists, who were hired by the United States Government.  And the government used extortion for those same scientists to maintain the government narrative of “global warming”, otherwise they would be terminated.  You see my friends, “global warming” or “climate change” is not real, or more accurately stated, the impact of whatever change(s) are occurring are not as threatening as “The Matrix” wants you to believe.  This is all a prelude to a coming rationing of energy, which will in turn allow people to suffer from a lack of access to energy, because the prices will skyrocket, in order to quell the use of energy.  Yes, you can have all the energy you want, but just like when Obama stated you can keep your plan and your doctor, but purposely left out; “…if you can afford it.”

However, “climate change” is very real to those in power, in order to maintain power over the populations and created an unstable element, such as the “Great Depression”, for which everyone’s comfort zone was threatened, just to be able to eat and therefore would do anything to fill their stomachs, even to the point of selling out to the government, for which we did by allowing “We The People” to lose our individuality to being numbered through the Social Security Act, on March 9th 1933.  By the way, it was this same time in Nazi Germany that all Jews were being numbered; coincidence?  I think not, because I warned my readers before that anything political is planned.  The Social Security Number follows us from the cradle to the grave.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

College Anarchy; Obama's continuing presidency

Anarchy seems to be the agenda and goal on many of our college campuses, which is a far cry from the protests at many colleges during the Vietnam Era.  What is happening now is absolutely insane and is diametrically opposite of the goals of integration of 50 years ago.  Now the students want “segregation” brought back, but this time they want White People to be absent on certain days and take classes on racism.  What could be more racist than the application of “segregation”?  The parents of these mindless children, who are being led by outright “leftists”, should be outraged, as to how their money is being spent for a so-called, “education”.  If this is the agenda of the future, we are very serious trouble!  When the “Baby Boomers” are gone, so will any semblance of this once proud nation.

It is also very interesting to take careful note to the recent demands of “illegal immigrants” who are demanding free health care and legal protection.  This is not only laughable, but downright absurd.  How can someone who is not supposed to be in this country in the first place, have the gall to demand anything?  It should be unconscionable to allow any law-breaker benefits, let alone legal protection from immigration officials.  The fact that the Federal Government is subsidizing colleges and this blatant disdain for Federal Law, should be cause to cut off all subsidies, until such time the administrators of these colleges denounce the demands from the group known as “Undocumented Students Initiative or UndoCU" from their list of 13 demands. 

There is absolutely no authority for this particular organization to appear in the first place, for the simple reason is that it is subversion of our constitutional government.  UndoCU is attempting to produce or initiate a type of fiat law, which will provide rights and protections under their administration.  If Jeff Sessions is not aware of this subversion… he ought to be and very quickly alert the FBI, to arrest all those involved and charge them with “Acts of Treason”.  This will indeed be a “wake-up call” especially for those who are involved with sanctuary cities.  If there is only one person we can blame for this “outlaw behavior” it is former President Obama and his entire administration, for empowering liberal groups and also funding them! 

You may ask, “Where did this funding coming from?”  A very good question and deserves a straight answer.  Hint: the money did not come from Congress, nor did it come out of Obama’s pocket.  The Federal Government has pending lawsuits all the time, against either corporations and/or individuals.  When the Federal Government wins those cases, the money goes into the United States Treasury.  But somehow, then President Obama was able to divert those funds for his own purposes, which would also explain how he obtained the 1.3 billion dollars in cash, in so-called “exchange” for hostages from Iran.  In reality, then President Obama was secretly funding worldwide terrorism.

Look my friends, if one closely examines the Bill Clinton Administration, the same will discover the loathing Bill Clinton had for the military, for which was proven when Bill was visiting Europe and an American confronted him and asked why he allowed 18 of our military, stationed in Somali, who begged for help, received none and were killed.  Bill Clinton answered this man with, “That was from a previous administration.”  Well guess what folks, this happened under Bill Clinton’s watch, which simply means it was his absolute responsibility as “Commander and Chief” of our armed forces to provide whatever was needed to either support those 18 soldiers or bring them home.

President Obama was no different.  In fact far worse!  He firmly disagreed with many of his generals, in regards to the Middle East, for which he either fired them or they quit in utter frustration.  In addition, President Obama retired 5 of our aircraft carriers and can be seen docked in Norfolk… mothballed!

In prior blogs, I have mentioned a number of times about “The Matrix”, which is an underground government working within the current government and has been in existence since at least from 1952 and at the same time the Muslims have become part of the fabric of our government, for which they finally gained a leader in the White House and have worked “hand and glove” with the Obama Administration, allowing unfettered immigration of Muslims; distributing them throughout the nation and financing them for all their expenses through the Department of Homeland Security, for which this agency is manned by at least 75 confirmed Muslims.  If there ever was “collusion” or a “conspiracy”, we need not look any further than the Obama Administration.  And if you did not already know, Obama is still hard at work as if he were still President of the United States, for which we have witnessed some semblance of this when visiting Germany at the same time as President Trump… coincidence?  I think not, but perhaps Obama needs a European ally, to further his agenda for the United States.   

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Katy Perry; Muslims and our Constitution

I am sorry, but I just cannot bear the likes of Katy Perry exclaiming that “…we just need to unite and love on each other and like, no barriers, no borders, like, we all need to just co-exist.”  Not exactly a statesman like way to sum up the way we should be feeling in the aftermath of such an inhuman act.  If “coexistence” were possible with the likes of hell-bent terrorists, then in all 8 years of the Obama Administration has been a dismal failure.  Everyone wants peace, but the opposing parties define “peace” in their own terms.  Peace to Radical Islamic Terrorists means women have no rights, excepting the right to be subjective to the whims of men, whether it is a head and face covering to an honor killing.  Is this what Katy Perry is referring?  

And one can also suppose that the outright murder of children is also a matter of feeling sorry for the down-trodden Muslims, who simply could not help themselves to move in and covertly use terror and disruption to become heroes to their peers; to be praised and thus rewarded by Allah?  If this is the motive of a deity, then this same deity does not deserve worship, nor does it show love.  It is completely impossible to unite with an ideology that condones terror, murder and slavery; not to mention forcing a state sponsored religion upon everyone and judged through Shariah Law.  

Our Forefathers understood that God endowed every human being with the right to choose, but only as long as the choices made do not infringe upon the same rights of other fellow human beings.  This is precisely why our Forefathers endured those hot and sweltering days in July, in order to create a limited government, along with 3 distinct powers of authority that maintains a balance of power, so as not to morph into a tyrannical regime.
However, ever since after the American Civil War, it all began to change, but that is another story, for which the details are in a book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  Another distinct change occurred not too long into the 20th Century, when the money system was changed, from the Treasury of the United States, to the privately owned Federal Reserve System, for which the national debt is owed to the owners of the Federal Reserve; one of whom is the Rockefeller Family and in just one year prior to the Obama Administration reaped 90 billion dollars in interest.  Now that interest payment is at least double since the end of the Obama Administration and that is only for one of the owners!!!

The Federal Reserve System was supposed to be the answer to the many bank closures that had taken place in the 1870s and 1890s.  However, because of the Federal Reserve System there have been far more bank closures!  Like I said in a prior blog; the devil is in the details.  Essentially, I have been “spoon feeding” my readers of truths such as the above, all of which can be found in the above book I just mentioned.  Much of that writing is timeless and can easily be applied in any one era or generation since the American Civil War.

The entire world has become Satan’s playground, ever since Adam and Eve, but even more so now since 1962, when the blessings of God began to diminish on us as a nation, for the results are self-evident, in view of the bickering, back-biting, false accusations and outright polarization of our so-called “leadership”.  However, the most insidious of all has been at least since 1952, the infiltration of the Muslims into our government, for which has been magnified through the Obama Administration, for the simple reason He was their overt leader and strategic placing of judges, who are His true legacy, in order for the Muslims to gain more and more ground or foothold, for which has become a never-ending frustration for the Trump AdministrationIt is in my opinion only that these judges need to be forcibly removed for subversion of our government and circumventing established law, for which Congress has the power to remove those judges under Article III, Section 1 and Section 2 of our Constitution; in addition to an Act of Congress, for whom has given the President of the United States, absolute power to reject anyone from reaching our shores; race or religion notwithstanding, because those things are not defined within those laws.

Look my friends; a big part of the problem has been the wrong mindset that the Constitution is a “living document”, for which it is not!  In fact, this thinking did not overtly exist until about 1938.  Any interpretation of law, belongs within the venue of “commercial/contract law”, not the Constitution, for this is our sacred cow!  For the most part the Constitution is not taught in all law schools; only to those who will be or plan on working for the government.

Go into any court and you will soon discover that the Constitution is not allowed in cases involving contracts, for which your driver’s license is a government contract; as is your marriage license and your Social Security Card.  This is specifically why I wrote, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  Essentially, we are all treated as “commercial chattel” or as the Bible states, “…make merchandise of you”, 2 Peter 2:3

Thursday, May 25, 2017

President Trump; A Texas Sheriff; Trump/Russian Connection, etc.

In a previous blog I mentioned that when President Trump returns from his historic trip that he will use his old catch phrase from his program, “The Apprentice”; “You’re fired”, to at least 3 White House staffers.  It was chief White House correspondent Trey Yingst, who tweeted an inside scoop; “Three White House staffers have been identified for leaking classified info. POTUS will fire ‘multiple people’ when he returns to D.C. Michael Caputo, who worked on Trump’s campaign stated, “This has all the markings of a coordinated, silent coup.” Sean Spicer stated; “Somebody is selectively leaking information and facts.  And there’s a reason it’s selective.”  It is quite apparent that all the information that has been leaked is specifically aimed to get President Trump impeached.  We can view it from those who are salivating and frothing at the mouth prior to this latest revelation.

A Texas sheriff, Tracy Murphree made a statement and posted it on Facebook on this past Monday, to wit:

Pay attention to what you see in Manchester England tonight.  Pay attention to what is happening in Europe.  This is what happens when you disarm your citizens.  When you open your borders without proper vetting.  When you allow political correctness to dictate how you respond to an enemy that wants to kill you.  When you allow these radicals to travel to Afghanistan and Iran and simply let them back in.  When you give up your city’s and your neighborhoods to a religious ideology that says you must convert or die.  An ideology that treats women as property, kills gays and women and Christians with complete impunity.  The left tells us we must submit and accept these radical beliefs and bend over backwards to make sure e don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.  The left wants to cater to the very group that would kill every group they claim to support.  Folks this is an enemy hell bent on killing you.  Committed to forcing you to convert or die.  This enemy will strap bombs to their own body and blow themselves up killing children.  I’m sick of it.  You better wake up America.  While you are distracted by the media and the crying of the left, Islamic Jihadist are among us and want to kill you.  What will it take?  This happening at a concert in Dallas or a school in Denton County?  If we don’t do something quick this country will die of political correctness and the fear that someone’s feelings may be hurt.  It may very well be too late for Europe.

It seems that the political left has adopted “Political Correctness” as their religion, which comes with a peculiar mindset that is virtually unmovable, for which I believe such a belief is not far off “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.

Jason Chaffitz has resigned as the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, as well as being a Congressman.  I believe this is the result of all the shenanigans of what is now called “The Deep State”, for which can frustrate all who attempt to tamper, change or shift the power structure of the elites of Washington D.C.  “The Deep State” is not relegated to any one party, but is an entity with a life of its own, for which knows no bounds in regards to law, policy, procedures, politics and mostly not answering to the American Public under any circumstances.  They are the “Hidden Figures”, who truly run (ruin) everything our republic once stood for.  Jason Chaffitz has been replaced as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, by another very competent attorney/prosecutor, Trey Goudy. 

Trey Goudy is not only competent but can also provide some entertainment in the form of witty humor, for which without “truth” there is no humor.  He is nobody’s fool and I am quite sure he is annoyed by the former head of the CIA, John Brennan, by some of the rather cryptic answers received from pointed questions that deserve more clarity.  I firmly believe that John Brennan is one of the many front men or fall guy for “The Deep State”.  In other words, Brennan is expendable, which is why he was allowed the position in the first place and has lied before Congress on one other occasion.  One must remember that John Brennan is an Obama appointee, for which Obama might be slated to be in some very hot water, because of 4th Amendment violations.

The subject is of course, the so-called “Trump/Russian Connection or Collusion”, for which there has been no form of evidence whatsoever, to back up this “narrative” and being staged by many bad actors, which include nearly all demoncrats, only because they need to stick together as a party.  Unfortunately, maintaining the “party line” is a very risky undertaking and could end up becoming “political suicide”.  It seems that the loss of the presidential campaign has mortally wounded the demoncratic party and is very desperate to drive home some issue to get President Trump out of the “Oval Office”.  It is quite pathetic that this is the only issue the demoncrats have, but it was also the only issue of the entire Hitlary campaign!

There are more issues I wanted to write about, but I am being considerate of my readers to keeping my blog to no more than 2 pages.  I simply cannot overstress that this particular blog is based upon a book I have written titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  The contents of this book are timeless, because it covers the actual reasons and causes of everything we are currently experiencing in the news.  The current issues are (believe it or not) truly non-sequitur, but it is the underlining causes of these issues that are only real news one needs to understand, in order to get through all this “political posturing or bullshit” we hear daily.  

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Authorization of gathering intelligence of foreign persons; coddling of terrorists by Hitlary and Katy Perry

My apologies for not posting a blog yesterday, because there is so much going on; so much to read and research, as well as some personal matters to address.   President Trump’s visit to 7 places within 9 days, is akin to the movie titled, “If it is Tuesday, this Must be Belgium,” which is a whirlwind tour of Europe.  Even the Secret Service has to deal with much less sleep than usual, because of the pace of this trip.  It is a shame that our demoncratic lawmakers cannot see how hard this President has been working; not only to keep America safe, but the world at large.  But one can suppose that the demoncrats have an agenda of not keeping anyone safe from the proven harm caused by “Radical Islamic Terrorism”, or as President Trump now refers to them as “Losers”. 

Personally, I would call them “Cowards”, only because they do not want to brandish themselves in uniform and fight on the frontlines.  They prefer to make a name for themselves, to become heroes of their peers, for their reward is to be in Heaven with 70 virgins.  Do any of my male readers have such aspirations?  Not likely, mainly because most of us have a much better sense of morality.  Although there are men out there who think with their sex organs and it seems more so with many Islamic men!

We are continuing to witness the insanity of the “Left”, who truly believe we need to coddle and coexist with terrorists!  Can you spell “Death Wish”? Both Katy Perry and Hitlary Clinton were sharing the stage along those lines. The beginning of this kind of thinking began with “Political Correctness”, which has now been proven to be very deadly.  President Trump has abandoned all “Political Correctness” and call things just what they truly need to be called.  And one can suppose this is what incenses the “Liberals” to no end.  Oh yes, there was a Puerto Rico parade today in New York City and honoring (hold on to your seat) an FALN member, who was convicted on a armed robbery charge back in 1983, in addition to this particular group’s bombings during the 1970’s.  Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

It is rather laughable that in the shadow of Congressional and Senate investigations, comes news that when President Trump returns, will be firing at least 3 White House staffers for leaking information to the press.  Not the kind of news that the Demoncrats want to hear; neither does both “The New York Untimely” and “The Washington Compost” want to print. 

And then there is the controversial issue of what is happening in the “IC” or Intelligence Community.  This concerns the statue of FISA section 702, which states in part; “…permitting the DNI and the Attorney General to authorize jointly, the acquisition of foreign intelligence information targeting non-united states persons, reasonably believed to be located outside the United States.”  This statue has the power to gather intelligence from any American citizen in contact with a foreign person of interest.  And it is up to the Intelligence Community enjoined with the Department of Justice that if there is evidence of criminal activity, has the authority to “unmask” them.  If I am not mistaken, a vote will be taken up this coming September, whether or not to continue with the “FISA Section 702”.  Given all the security problems, I strongly suspect this statue will be voted “Yes”.

If one has been closely following the news for at least the past 3 years, knows that both the CIA and the NSA have been spying on all Americans, who make communications, whether they be by phone or email and utter what is referred to as “keywords”, are instantly recorded and scrutinized for any possible breach of “National Security”.  It is fortunate for the American People that it was “Edward Snowden”, who rightfully blabbed about our “4th Amendment Rights” being violated, for which James Clapper lied to Congress when he answered a question about spying on Americans.  However, in certain circles it was already a well-known fact that we were being spied on, for which I was one of those so informed many years ago.

Oh, did I mention that Obama is now implicated also violating our 4th Amendment Rights during his Administration?  Yup, there are documents obtained by some news organization that I never heard of, who made this most recent discovery.  No doubt that when such things are discovered, there is far more that is hidden and may never know what or who are involved and very much a part of “The Matrix”.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

President Trump's trip and Other Items of Importance

I usually do not write on the weekends, but the news is so voluminous, it simply cannot be ignored for too long and I would not want to write a lengthy blog because off a “long weekend” of news.  I do try to keep my blogs rather short for the sake of my readers—I am not writing a novel and want to keep my writings “digestible” in the cerebral sense.

Despite the importance of President Trump’s 9 day, 5 nation trip; both “The New York Untimely” and “The Washington Compost” simply cannot remove themselves for just one moment, in order to continue the proven “false narrative” of the so-called, “Russian/Trump connection”, because their latest headlines speak for themselves in this regard.  I believe that most of the American People have grown beyond the rhetoric of “Liberal Bias”, for which next year will see the truth of this at the polls, during the mid-term elections.  I am not making a solid prediction here, nor am I a political hack, but this is based upon the general tone of the American People since the election, for which the polls then and perhaps now, still have it all wrong.  Polling can be misconstrued and bias, depending upon who is taking them and the demographics, for which they emulate. 

But the one thing that the polls did not take into account was the “Silence” of those who secretly were Trump fans and did not want to become targets of liberal bias or violence, for which I believe there was one “poll” that did get it right and I am sorry to say I do not remember which poll.  There are times when I believe some polls are purposely “skewed” in order to provide a subtle influence upon fence sitting electorates.  And yes, there was indeed “election fraud” taking place in predominately democratic strongholds, which can be construed as being a non-sequitur.  However, the demoncrats are not entirely ignorant that in at least the State of Pennsylvania, there were about 40,000 registered Democrats who switched parties during the nomination process! 

This by itself should have been a clarion call for the demoncrats to take notice and consider a better tactic than the one that Hitlary displayed during the entire campaign.  If this was the best the demoncrats could do, then the losses they had taken over the past 8 years meant nothing to them as a viable party.  They should tend to their wounds and start again, but I dare say that with the election of Perez as the new head of the DNC, whose mouth must be censored; I cannot help to think that the demoncrats have no intention of changing tactics and will continue on a ruinous path, for which so many have fallen.  The “polarization” created by the Obama Administration will continue, for which those open wounds will fester and perhaps never heal.

In the shadow of the demise of Roger Ailes, is the revamping of Fox News, for which last week I did view an article that spelled out a distinct possibility that Fox News might just be making some rather serious changes that will make Fox News unrecognizable in the very near future.  We have seen shuffles and changes in their programming schedules, as well as personalities both leaving and suing for one reason or another, for which the latest one is Bob Beckel and was dismissed for making a rather racial remark to another employee.  This on the surface seems to be uncharacteristic for a “Liberal”, but you see despite the “tolerance” venue that is “displayed” by the “Liberals”, there seems to be racial tensions that are hidden in the closet.  Some of us have surmised that the Black People are considered by the demoncrats as “political pawns”. 

The proof of which is that despite “The Civil Rights Act” of 1964 and the so-called, “Great Society”, the Black People are not much better off than they were 53 years ago, along with the expenditure of over one trillion dollars.  If you have not already noticed, I do not call Black People as African-Americans, only for one specific reason as a matter of law, because this particular term can be construed as a “dual citizenship”.  I personally believe we are all Americans, unless we are “undocumented” or have our citizenship registered in a foreign country.  The Black People still believe they are short-changed because of the sins of our long-dead fathers, not to mention their long-dead relatives.  And if indeed those who believe otherwise and who claim they are Christians, are speaking with a forked tongue.  There are other such proofs, but I believe the above is quite sufficient.

This next item is quite interesting, but not entirely surprising, only because this has happened before back in 1998.  Mark Zuckerberg seems to want to retire from FaceBook.  Although his wife might be responsible for prodding him to do so, I believe this change in venue comes from Brussels.  Long time readers of this blog will know and understand that I know there are hidden forces in this world that control everything and I mean everything of everyday things.  No one who controls as much money as Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, who is the one I referred to in my opening statement to this paragraph. 

Bill Gates was invited to Brussels back in 1998 and got a well-deserved “pie in the face” by the locals, who knew why he was invited there.  Do not be surprised to see Zuckerberg fully retire to engage in so-called “philanthropic” projects, just as Bill Gates has done.  I say “so-called” because vaccinated the world with poisons that will eventually turn into cancer, is not my idea of helping the world.  And the “Seed Vault” that Bill Gates built in Norway is for non-GMO seed, hmm…?  If indeed GMO seed is touted as being the way to feed the world, why would such a vault for non-GMO seed be built?  In addition, why do both Monsanto cafeterias and the White House only serve organic food?  I specifically know why and the answer(s) are in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Friday, May 19, 2017

More Revelations About James Comey... Not Flattering!

It has come to my attention that James Comey has far more baggage than just most recently stated.  James Comey had close ties to the Clintons ever since “Whitewater”, which goes back to 1993!  In addition, James Comey benefited quite substantially, when Hitlary was Secretary of State, for which Comey secured 17 different contracts and netted him about 12 million dollars.  I had known for some time that James Comey became 12 million dollars richer because of Hitlary and did not think much of it, only because I needed more back-up to this Internet chatter and now have it!  Therefore, it should come to no surprise as to Comey’s excusing Hitlary of any wrongdoing(s); call it a matter of “professional courtesy”.

I can fully understand as to “why” James Comey is interested in a public Congressional Hearing as opposed to going behind closed doors; so he can deny answering compromising questions, in the guise of so-called “national security”.  It is quite apparent to me and now too many others who simply never trusted Hitlary and the only true “security” Comey is interested in, is the security that Hitlary will not go to jail, as she so well deserves to be in jail.  But as in many such cases, it is all about “who you know”, in addition to their strategic positions, for which in this case being the Director of the FBI.  

Hitlary has way too much at stake to allow anything to get in her way, for which anyone who does, is simply put away, if you know what I mean.  Such as the most recent, is the death of a DNC employee Seth Rich, who was gunned down in the back near his home, for which police authorities deemed the motive as “robbery”.  I was not aware that a robbery of any sort takes place, unless someone’s wallet and cell phone are removed, for which both were found on his dead body.  It is believed that Seth Rich supplied information to Wiki leaks, for which caused a meltdown of the DNC and got the DNC Chairwoman Debbie what’s-her-name fired and replaced by a another woman, who lied about forwarding questions to Hitlary just before the debates.

The demoncrats are so desperate that nearly nothing is barred, in order to gain control over their well-deserves losses all during the Obama Administration.  In fact, Hitlary was so confident of her winning the White House that she had the gall to go into the White House and measure for new drapes!  It can be easily surmised that Hitlary’s strolls in the woods after her unexpected loss that she lapsed into a depression.  I have already informed my readers here in a not-so-long-ago blog that a New York City poll was taken, for which the question was; “Should Hillary go back into the woods?”  Every answer received was that she should go back into the woods and one additional answer was for her to go into the desert.

We cannot ignore the fact that President Trump has been greatly disturbed by all the “fake news” items circulating in two liberal newspapers, whose narrative has focused on the so-called “Russian/Trump collusion”, for at least the past 6 months and it is enough to give any sane person a headache.  Now that this particular mess has changed venue to an “appointed investigator”, not a “special prosecutor”, President Trump is somewhat free from being so distracted, so he can continue with the business of “Making America Great Again”, for which his first foreign trip is quite ambitious and could very well set the tone for future relationships and perhaps make some headway in the elimination of Isis.

There is no doubt that President Trump can sometimes be his own worst enemy and the sometimes cavalier way he “Tweets”.  Perhaps over the next 9 days, President Trump might refrain from tweeting and leave that for “Tweety Birds”.  I have surmised since Donald Trump’s campaign that “tweeting” will end up “Trumping” the press, but such “cavalier tweeting” as President Trump been practicing, might want to take a more thoughtful approach before tweeting.  Yes, the public needs to take some consideration as well, only because President Trump is uncharacteristic of any other President of the United States, in the past 100 years and his “business type approach” of doing the business of governing.  At the same time, we also must take very careful note as to what has been accomplished since the day he fitted into the “Big Chair”. 

Yes, President Trump has been victimized by the press, the demoncrats and some members of his own party.  The press cannot sell papers if they tout President Trump as the greatest thing since sliced bread.  The demoncrats truly believe they cannot gain ground unless they demonize President Trump at every possible opportunity and the few well-established “republicans” have too much to lose, in regards to their power base.  So as one can plainly see, “The Swamp” is bipartisan.  

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Robert Mueller and Other Thoughts that are Related

Now that a “special” counsel has been assigned to the so-called “Russian/Trump” collusion, there is very little the media can do in regards to accusations, insinuations and witch hunting.  Robert Mueller, a former FBI Director is now completely in charge of this investigation and the media have no business interfering in this investigation by even asking one question.  The overall reason for this is Robert Mueller has no axe to grind, with the exception of this investigation, for which he can take his time to view all the facts and has an unlimited budget.

I have heard both positive and negative reports as to Mueller’s past work and relationships within the political arena, but I will reserve that particular judgment until criminal charges are brought forth, for which no charges can be made without solid evidence and no one (theoretically) is immune.  I have also heard and quite agree that this investigation is uncharacteristic, in view of those within the Obama Administration, who also deserved a “special prosecutor or counsel”, such as Eric IDK, Holder, regarding “Fast and Furious”; Hitlary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and freely shared with her closest allies and I firmly believe that Obama had a lot of gall in sending 1.3 billion dollars to Iran for the so-called “release of hostages” and absolutely no one asked a question, as to where that money was procured.  It certainly did not come from the purse of Congress.

I already know something about that because Obama is a thief, as I stated a long time ago before this particular blog site was created.  The government also has lawsuits against companies and individuals, for which when the government wins those cases, any monies that are collected are supposed to be put into the Treasury.  But Obama diverted those monies to fund liberal groups, so it is no surprise to me that Obama was able to gather up 1.3 billion dollars to send to Iran.  Another overt act of theft by Obama was when the so-called “Affordable Care Act” became a so-called “law of the land”.  I say “so-called” because of my understanding of law, but that is another story and attempting to tell it in this blog would be short-changing my readers of the full story, because all these answers can be found in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

The short version is simply this; the ACA is not truly the “law of the land”; for that to be so means it must be a constitutional amendment and one must sign up for it, in order for it to be applied to individuals and families.  This means that the ACA is “Contract or Administrative Law”, for which most of our laws emanate and are in conflict with our Constitution.  Like I just stated, this is the very short version.  Oh yes, I nearly forgot to tell you that Obama had stolen $900,000,000 out of Medicare, in order to fund the start of the ACA.  You see my friends, in order for the ACA to exist; it must be manned by an administration, for whom must be paid, as well as the State run exchanges.  This is a huge problem whenever the government gets involved in a private matter and consequently we suffer with more invasion of privacy in the process, not to mention that the ACA Administration does not have one doctor and these people are making our medical decisions?

In addition, there is an underlining reason for the creation of the ACA, but one might quickly believe that it simply cannot be true, but it is and again the answer(s) are in my book.  However, I can at least state here that ever since the ACA became law, it was not too soon afterwards that many rural hospitals have shut their doors and all those in those same rural areas must travel at least one hour for optimum health care.  For those who feel that is not only an inconvenience, but also could prove to be deadly for some, have moved closer to those cities, if not into the cities themselves. 

This particular venue has been in the minds of many of us true patriots, since the early 1990’s and is quickly becoming a reality.  This is specifically at least one reason why there has been a huge boom in the construction of apartment complexes in the past 8 years.  The purpose is to herd people back into the cities, in order to have more control over the population, for which the news about 2 years ago only “touched” upon this particular venue and has been silence since.  This proves the statement that only two things will kill us; nature or the government, for which I stated in a prior blog. 

We can be thankful that many people have awakened from their slumber from decades of the “Swamp Creatures” of Washington D.C. and placed a true believer in an America that was once the envy of the entire world and in just 8 short years has slipped into “liberal litigation” all for the sake of “Political Correctness”.  Now the political pundits are beginning to run scared and in direct partnership with the general media, because the “Swamp” of corruption is being drained and the very reason why President Trump has so many enemies within our own nation.  This is result of the short-sightedness of the demoncrats, who would rather kill President Trump than kill our foreign enemies and allowing our enemies to pervade American soil, who have nothing but murderous intentions.

Sean Spicer is quite a brave man, when facing the enemy of the liberal press every workday and taking “political bullets” meant for President Trump.  I believe once all this political brouhaha is over with that Sean Spicer should be awarded some metal, which constitutes his bravery under direct enemy fire.  I believe that Sandra Huckabee also deserves some recognition for also taking “political bullets” meant for President Trump.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Washington politics hard at work and have no problem spending your tax dollars, in order to maintain "The Matrix"

I have never viewed so much political pandering and posturing that has been so vindictive.  The real problem is the power-base within the "Beltway of Washington D.C."  They have seen both power and money being taken from them and no one likes either one taken from them, once they have gained so much.  It is also interesting to note again as I stated yesterday about the “Washington Compost”, for which they have also played into the hands of the power-mad people of Washington.  There were two headlines about one year apart, for which the first one was, “U.S. offers to share Syria intelligence on terrorists with Russia”.  Mind you, this was during the Obama Administration.  Now compare that headline to this most recent one; “Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian diplomats”.  Both articles state essentially the same thing, but the only difference is this last one is worded in such a way that demonizes President Trump to what [traitor] Obama did one year prior.  

One can be very sure that the liberals do not want the above comparison to be viewed side by side and sink the ship carrying all those who view President Trump in an impeachable position.  We also need to consider that most of what the demoncrats are now touting, fail to see their own shortsightedness, in the hopes that the American people have short memories, as compared to about one year ago.  If they subpoena the Trump Administration, it is only fair that the Obama Administration be subpoenaed for what they did one year prior.  One can be quite sure that in order for the demoncrats to “save face” may drop the matter entirely.  And as long as we are here, we can include Hitlary in this same mess for her role in dealing with classified material, for which James Comey gave her a “stay out jail card” back in July of last year.

What James Comey did then was 100 percent uncharacteristic of the FBI, for which Comey presented himself as prosecutor, judge and jury.  He exonerated Hitlary for her crime of the mishandling of classified material, but in the same breath presented a laundry list of crimes!  The Justice Department was also complacent and would not put Hitlary on the spot, which would also be reflected on the entire Obama Administration.  After all, it was President Obama who appointed Lynch and she owed him.  In addition, it was Lynch prior to her appointment as Attorney General that allowed the bankers to go scott-free for their role in the financial meltdown of 2006/2007.  

President Trump allowed James Comey to maintain his post early on in his administration, in order to find the White House leakers.  However, I must submit that it is at the very least plausible that Andrew McCabe might be the leaker they were seeking.  I say this only because of the fact that McCabe is closely tied to Hitlary, because of McCabe’s wife who ran for office, for which McCuluff provided about $700,000 for her campaign, who is directly tied to the Clintons.  One does not have to look very far to see the connections.  All these people are knitted into the same web, for which President Trump defines as “The Swamp”.  But these are the ones on the surface, for if one drains the swamp, will find far more players than could ever be realized, along with the dead bodies of those who may have been even a slight threat to those who truly wield the power within the “Washington Beltway”.

This latest movement by the demoncrats and the liberal media, is a true sign that President Trump is indeed “draining the swamp”, for which the firing of James Comey was perhaps the last straw that was needed for the demoncrats to take action, in order to stop President Trump from draining the swamp anymore.  This latest move[ment] pun intended; is simply more “political posturing”.  This conspiracy is designed to get the public stirred up and demand what the demoncrats want. 

Both Congress and the Senate do have the power to provide an investigation, but it will take the addition of the Justice Department to provide the prosecution.  However, without solid evidence, for which there is none, if we compare the Obama Administration improprieties along with the above headlines of the “Washington Compost”, do not have a leg to stand on.  Again, it must be clearly stated that this is all a “dog and pony show”, or “political posturing”, for which they must hope the American People have short memories.  Moreover, these allegations are also providing distractions to at least slow President Trump down in getting a better health care bill and tax reform.  “The Swamp People”, do not want President Trump to succeed in getting more of his agenda implemented, for which [no doubt] makes Obama and the demoncrats look pale by comparison.  The demoncrats are looking forward in at least one respect… the mid-term elections, in the hope that they can regain what they have lost in the past 8 years.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Once Upon a Time…

May 16th 2017 Blog

Once upon a time… the United States was the envy of the world and many people who were down-trodden, poor with no hope, sacrificed everything to reach our shores.  For two centuries this went on; America prospered and that prosperity enriched the world.  But something happened to change all that, but the blame cannot be fixed upon any one specific cause, for the simple reason it was a systemic number of causes, which can be described as either an unwitting conspiracy or a purposeful collusion.  In my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  I bought out what happened to change our republic to a democracy and touch on it in this blog on a somewhat daily basis. 

We (as a nation) have allowed so-called “authorities” to make our laws, rules and policies, for which most are contrary to our Constitution and the very reason why I wrote “What Difference Does It Make?!”  It is this same reason I decided to start this blog, as a continuation of that work and my endless research that continues to discover the principals of that book can be directly applied everyday, which is further proof as to the truth of these commentaries I freely share.  Therefore, it is incumbent to me to continue writing here, despite my small audience.  One might suppose that my readers come here to spare them their own research, which is something I can live with.  However, one might consider my book and will discover how I think and perhaps come to the realization that “all is not exactly right with the world”.

There is a reason why Donald Trump was elected to be our president.  Yeah, that’s right “one reason”.  America has lost its way and many have begun to realize this, because we are not the nation we were in times past.  Most of which can be traced to our paranoid government and the so-called “free press” that reports what the government is doing or not doing.  During the Obama Administration, the press would just come short of boot licking and kissing the president’s ring.  The press for the most part gave President Obama a “free pass” for any impropriety.  However, because President Trump is not “Politically Correct”, all bets are off!

The general press has done nothing more than to take every possible opportunity, no matter how small it might be and conjure it up as a sign, to bring about impeachment proceedings.  Press Secretary Sean Spicer said it best when he stated in the White House Press Briefing Room, “If President Trump decides to put Russian dressing on his salad—somehow there is a connection.”  This is the kind of “spin” the press relishes and simply cannot get enough of it.  Such is the same venue, when some traitor in the White House is leaking information to what Oliver North calls, “The Washington Compost”.  I quite agree with that assessment and by the way, this metaphor was brought out not too long after Oliver North took to the air waves after his tenure in the Reagan Administration.

It is this same so-called “newspaper” that is taking information from a White House staffer, who is most likely an Obama leftover and printing it.  This is the interesting part and needs careful consideration when one really thinks about it.  This traitor, who is leaking information, can probably say anything about what goes on in the White House and who is to say this “traitor” is always telling the truth?  All through the Obama Administration there were many lies and if not “lies” there were purposeful omissions.  “You can keep your plan and keep your doctor…”  But what was omitted is “… if you can afford your current plan and doctor.”  This is the government you pay for that takes one third of your paycheck.  A general once stated a long time ago, “The government has to lie in order to protect itself.”

Now I need to ask, has not President Trump been far more honest than many of his predecessors?  Yes, there are times when he speaks out of turn, or makes statements that could be considered outrageous, but he will not lie to us.  His motives are laudable, but like I stated after his election that he will have an upward climb to get things done, which all came to pass and all because of the alligators in the swamp.  Washington D.C. is simply full of itself and in order to understand their thinking, one needs to be an “insider”.  “The Washington Compost” simply panders to those who live and work inside the beltway and they will print anything that comes from the mouth of a White House Staffer, even if it is an outright lie.  That “staffer” can spout off every day of the week and “The Washington Compost” will eat it up and probably salivating when they can view that staffer from their ivory tower windows.  The press will have you believe that President Trump had this meeting with a Russian Foreign Minister that somehow classified information would be provided.  This is simply not so—they exchanged information relating to security and not discussing military operations.

It became necessary for the White House to set the record straight and had the press show up at the White House Press Briefing Room this morning.  The key to knowing the truth from a lie is to be able to back it up.  “The Washington Compost” cannot back up what was passed onto them, only because they cannot reveal their source, without losing that valuable source.  President Trump wasted no time when upon the day of his inauguration; summoned James Comey and asked him to find the White House leak or leakers.  This is precisely the job the FBI was formed to do… investigate Federal employees, not to be a Federal police force!  And even then, James Comey was not doing the job he had sworn an oath to perform.  Yes, a rudimentary investigation was performed, but because Hitlary is a power-hungry individual, who by the way has the power to kill, as proven in Libya.  Need I mention the “social call” by Bill Clinton, who happened to know when and where Attorney General Lynch was going to be, in the midst of an investigation and possible prosecution?  There is no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to politics.  Anything political is planned and has a specific purpose.  President Trump is not “political”, which is the only true complaint by the Washington insiders.  

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Who Will Be the New FBI Director?

And the sixty-four thousand dollar question is… “Who will be the new FBI Director?”  Well, here we go again with at least a 2 ring circus of the media and the demoncrats.  Okay, a 3 or 4 ring circus if you want to include the Justice Department and the Senate Judiciary Committee.  The bias media simply cannot help themselves, but to continue their badgering of their favorite subject, who they wish was never their favorite subject, or perhaps should be thankful that because Donald Trump was elected President still have their jobs?  Oh yes, we cannot forget the comedians, who should also be thankful they have material for their political rants, as “dark” as they may be.  

Apparently there are 8 people on the “short list” for a possible pick.  I do not know why McCabe is on that list, because he is a political hack, possible leaker and way too close to the Clintons.  Mike Rogers, the current head of the NSA would not be my choice either, because he believes in spying on all Americans and I do not believe a judge would be good pick, without properly vetting them when they were prosecutors.  The others I am not familiar, nor have I ever heard of them until now.  What is needed is a near impeccable law enforcement officer, with strong administrative abilities, a motivator and one who will not be an overt public grandstander.  It is quite possible that none of those on the current “short list” will be President Trump’s pick. 

And then of course, the media has to corner President Trump and ask him if he will pick a new director before he takes his trip to the Middle East this coming Wednesday.  At the moment, I personally do not see that happening, but of course the news will proliferate the air and ignore much of some of the more important news items, such as I stated in a prior blog.  The “Trump/Russian narrative” is a non-sequitur, for the simple reason that there is not a shred of evidence to support that narrative, for which assigning a prosecutor is a moot argument and therefore no grand jury can be assembled.  Anyone who states otherwise is talking out of their backside.  Much of my research in more than the past 20 years, has been about law and can back up anything I say, in reference to cases I wish to comment. 

Yes, there is evidence that the Russians did to a small degree interfere with the elections, but it was clearly stated by three of our top security agencies that “interference” did not have an effect on the outcome.  However, there is much more evidence as to the “election fraud” that did occur in places like Detroit and southern Texas, but the media does not want to tout or demand an investigation, because it does not fit the narrative.  The media is just as upset about Trump election as Hitlary and the rest of the demoncrats.  Oh yes, a poll was taken last week in New York City, if Hitlary should stay in the public eye or go back into the woods.  Everyone that I heard, said that Hitlary should go back into the woods.  One even stated she should go into the desert.  It is possible that those who support Hitlary were edited out from that particular poll that was taken by Jeanne Piro.  However, I have heard other prior polls that gave both sides and can hardly believe that this particular news agency would stray from their “fair and balanced” approach and for the sake of being objective did allow myself to be a “Devil’s advocate” in one of the above statements.  And yes, on occasion I will “play” with an issue when the time is ripe to tickle my readers.  Actually, I prefer to tickle my readers as much as possible, because all humor has its basis in truth and a “false narrative” joke will always become a “dark victory”.    

There is also some rather interesting news that is going to irk the media big time and that news is President Trump’s threat of shutting down the White House Press Briefings.  I like what one commentator stated when he said, “Trump did this in order to get a reaction from the press.”  I am quite sure that there will be at least 2 or 3 articles in the New York Times tomorrow and will slam President Trump very hard on this “time ordered tradition” that is about 100 years old.  President Trump also had a remedy at the same time he made this threat; to have a “White House Press Conference” every two weeks with President Trump speaking.  The daily briefings would be un-cryptic written statements handed out to the Press Corps.  

From the brouhaha I have heard from some media pundits; this threat may not become a reality.  However, I can fully understand why President Trump would do such a thing, only because the “Press Corps” deserves some discipline for all their baseless ranting that started from the day Donald Trump threw his hat in the ring and continues day after day, because of their unbelief that this “off the wall” candidate trumped the entire establishment on every side of the political spectrum.  Personally, I would probably do the same thing and actually carry out that threat, until such time the “Press Corps” decides that it is time to take President Trump seriously and revert back to their time honored tradition of being unbiased reporters, without the baseless narratives and bias commentary.     

Friday, May 12, 2017

You see… I told you so

5 stories everyone is ignoring while the media explodes over President Trump’s firing of James Comey.  First I need to pretext the following only because of the somewhat “liberal” source these stories emanated.  Nevertheless, these stories do have validity, but I must voice my objection as to the bias these stories have taken.  In any case, these 5 stories deserve much more attention than a pitiful squabble of political posturing that has overshadowed things of far more value.

The reason why I suspect this article comes from a “liberal source” is because it begins by saying “A power-hungry president…” Now I can see how such a thought can be construed as such, but one must take careful note as to who preceded President Trump, who was as much a “doormat president” as Jimmy Carter and the political pandering all through their terms.  This pandering then becomes a standard, by which someone is judged; who comes along and has a different venue of leadership that is considered offensive.  This kind of thinking is no different than changing bosses and in order to get along; one must make adjustments and be happy they have perhaps a better job.  However, such adjustments are proportional to the individual’s temperament.  One can hardly expect to be a valued employee, if there are nothing but protests and sowing discord among other employees.  I sincerely hope this message is clear.

11.  The Pentagon is seeking a troop increase in Afghanistan after 16 years of repeating that exact mistake.  That being said, I submit that there are only two distinct choices to be made, for which a third alternative will never take place.  A. Increase the amount of troops to overwhelm the enemy or B. A total withdraw and let the 3 different factions duke it out.  Now before jumping to a conclusion, one might seriously consider what is at stake and I am not alluding to any political fallout or keeping the terrorists at bay.  I am speaking strictly from either an economic point of view or a medical one.  I know—a head scratchier.  I firmly believe that very few who read this blog know that this particular region has a product that is environmentally bound and that is the poppy, for which opium comes from, as well as morphine.  Therefore, it could be construed as the reason we are really there is to protect Big Pharma’s interest.  Now do you see how something can be easily twisted?  Most wars are fought for two specific reasons 1) Religion and 2) Economic, which simply means if one nation is not trading goods as they used to, the venue then changes to the trading of bombs.  In this case, it is a complex number of geo-political issues, for which I am ill equipped to comment in an intelligent manner.
22. FDA-approved drugs come with rampant safety hazards.  This is a no-brainier for me, because much of my research has been in the area of health related issues.  All drugs, no matter how laudable they appear to be are simply poisons and all harbor side effects that range from discomfort to death!  As far as I am concerned anything that has “FDA Approved” is a warning label.  Again, I am quite sure that most readers of this blog are not aware that the “FDA” is manned by former executives of “Big Pharma”, in addition to the billions of dollars going to the FDA for the testing of drugs, which is why I stated that “Big Pharma” owns the FDA.  Anyone who is 25 years or younger, will not notice that in at least the past 15 years, the advertising of drugs have proliferated the television industry, such as cigarette TV advertising had back in the late 1950’s through the early 1970’s.  No matter how one slices it, they are all poisons.  Both the FDA and the Agricultural Department, allows poisons in our food, soil and water and then we wonder why we are so sick that requires the use of drugs in the first place!  “Big Pharma’s” unspoken creed; “You have a problem… we have a drug!”
3 3. The Dakota Access Pipeline Has Already Sprung a Leak.  It should read hundreds of leaks!  We can only hope these “leaks” will be resolved before it becomes such a problem that the news simply cannot ignore it.  It seems that “leaks” are not so confined to Washington D.C.  From what I was reading, although there are hundreds of “leaks”, they are not nearly as dangerous as shipping by rail and having those rail cars spilling their contents as in times past, not to mention the usual fires that follow!
44. Cop Sues After Being Fired for NOT Shooting a Suicidal Man.  Is this the new protocol when dealing with suicide?  The man probably could not get the help he needed from the “Suicide Hotline”; the line was busy or the man’s cell phone battery was dead.  I am not making light of the situation, but making a point as to why shooting this man dead was the answer.  There were two cops on the scene; one decided not to shoot, but the other cop did.  Unfortunately, some rather important details were left out of this article.  We do not know if the man was brandishing a gun, even a toy gun is considered a threat, because it is quite difficult to tell the difference, especially when it comes to kill or be killed.  Nevertheless, this suicidal man is dead and it is not a complete surprise he was shot, because if he were brandishing what seemed to be like a real gun and the fact the man was egging the cops to shoot him.  Perhaps we will never know what was tormenting this man and his bitter ending.
55. NSA Continues Warrantless Mass Surveillance of Millions of Americans.  This should be no surprise, if one is as informed as I have been in the past 20 years.  This is not unlike the memo that was sent out from the CIA that goes back to 1967, referring to the assassination of JFK and conspiracy theories, for which 46 percent of Americans back then did not believe the conclusion(s) of the “Warren Commission” that Harvey Oswald acted alone.  My friends, for what is now termed as “The Deep State” or what I prefer as “The Matrix” has been in existence since at least the Eisenhower Administration, for which Eisenhower passed this information to JFK, who publically had in mind to rid this nation from this subversion.  So as one can plainly see “The Matrix” is far more powerful than anyone might want to believe and the very reason why there is a movement going on to have President Trump removed from office, for the simple reason that he has shaken Washington as no one has attempted since JFK!  So do not kid yourself to believe that this NSA spying of Americans did not begin with 9-11.  And as they say, “The Devil is in the details” as explained and expounded in my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”

Thursday, May 11, 2017

What Part of “No” Don’t You Understand?

I am sorry, but I have to shake my head or have a double-take, when I heard the same questions badgering our leadership and spokes-people in regards to the so-called “Russian/Trump Connection”.  When Mike Pence showed up in the Halls of Congress earlier this week, he was confronted by reporters who would rephrase the same question, over and over again, for which Mike Pence had to repeat his answer three times!  In addition, just today, Sandra Huckabee-Sanders during the White House Briefing had to beat that same “Dead Horse” 4 times today!  The Media simply does not get it and are setting themselves up, to becoming as irrelevant as the demoncrats have become in the past 8 years.

Yes, the issue of the firing of James Comey was the platform for which these reporters used to badger anyone who will take their redundant questions.  We have many more troubles that are more or less threatening the existence of our nation and the general media is simply ignoring those impending threats!  Sure, they gave yesterday’s meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister and Rex Tillerson a little airtime, for which there was very little interest as far as the producers of the media were concerned.  And again, as I stated in yesterday’s blog; one reporter could not get off the narrative of the firing of James Comey, in the midst of the so-called, “Russian/Trump Connection”, etc.   

I cannot help to believe that the general media has lowered themselves to the level of “Tabloid News”.  In addition, the demoncrats are simply no different and have also sold themselves out to the pandering of the general media, for which they have flip-flopped their opinion of James Comey, only because it was President Trump who fired him, in the midst of an investigation.  Well guess what folks; that investigation will go on until it reaches a conclusion, no matter who is in charge of the FBI.  The FBI has begun this investigation and will continue doing so, until such time that all avenues of evidence have been exhausted; submit their report and let the Justice Department take it from there.  

Therefore, a “special prosecutor” would be moot while this investigation continues.  A prosecutor is usually not assigned until all the evidence is submitted and a “Grand Jury” is selected to weigh in the evidence, in order to value the merits of the case, prior to going to trial.  This is why the Republicans are resisting assigning a “special prosecutor” but of course the demoncrats must make their case, so as to find any little thing that could provide the basis they need for President Trump’s impeachment.  We simply cannot ignore the “political posturing” that is being overtly displayed by the demoncrats.  The demoncrats have lost the Presidential election and simply cannot get over it and to except the fact that President Trump has done more to “Make America Great Again” as opposed to President Obama apologizing to the entire world for America’s so-called “imperialism”, for which he received an unearned “Nobel Peace Prize”; for the simple reason there is more conflict in the world; more so now then when Obama began his first term.  There is no doubt in my mind that “Nobel Peace Prize” was simply more “political posturing”, from “The Matrix”.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Will the Fun Never End?

It seems that no matter what President Trump does, the demoncrats are utterly compelled to oppose him—this despite the fact that the demoncrats were miffed by FBI Director James Comey, back in late October, for which all the political pundits as well as the media missed the boat to label what Comey had said, as the preverbal “October Surprise”.
In terms of “draining the swamp”; this latest firing has shaken Washington like an earthquake with many aftershocks that will probably continue, all the way into the Senate confirmation hearings of a President Trump replacement, not to mention all the crying and foot dragging of the demoncrats, who will put the replacement’s feet to the fire.

 The media is going to milk this news to the nth degree, in order to fulfill their agenda to take President Trump down.  It is one thing to do your job, but then it becomes a circus, when it is overdone.  There is absolutely no proof whatsoever, to the so-called “allegations” of a Russian/Trump election connection, as expounded by three of the highest ranking intelligence agencies, despite all the brouhaha of the liberal media, who are still salivating to find a way that will prompt a President Trump removal.  
There is no doubt that President Trump is draining the swamp, which can be compared to Elliot Ness breaking up an Al Capone beer operation and does not set well with many Washington insiders, who do not want the swamp drained because it will reveal all their sins that were buried under the murky water, for so many decades.  The alligators of “The Matrix” are not going to sit idly by and allow President Trump to ruin their party, who are drunk with all the blood that has been spilled, in order to maintain the integrity of “The Matrix”.  Therefore we can expect a lot of stonewalling, misinformation and outright lies to prevail.
Appointing a special prosecutor to the so-called “Russian/Trump connection… technically “No”, politically “Yes”, which leaves us with quite a paradox and it will take some careful consideration, for which the Senate has already declared that there will be no special prosecutor appointed.  We cannot even have advanced scheduled visitors, without the media asking if this particular meeting is overshadowed by Comey’s dismissal!  The Russian in response to this query by reporters, by the look on his face, most likely was rather miffed, because the question was irrelevant and uttered some half-a-dozen words in Russian, for which both he and Tillerson turned and walked away.  This meeting is no doubt is in response to President Trump’s stand against anyone who might condone acts of internal terrorism against their own people… meaning Syria.  This meeting is also a prelude to an upcoming meeting with “I’m too sexy for my shirt”… Vladimir Putin, scheduled for this coming July in Moscow.
In addition, President Trump is attempting to undo all the damage created by our former “leading from behind”, Obama Administration.  In terms of our standing as a world power, President Trump has re-established a degree of respect even from our enemies; unlike Hitlary’s “press the reset button” and perhaps should had pressed the Staples “Easy Button” instead.  I suppose I am making light of a serious situation, but it is rather laughable, given all the diplomatic missteps of the entire Obama Administration, who thought an army of attorneys, were better armed and our soldiers were literally disarmed, because of Obama’s policy of the “rules of engagement”, which probably allowed more of our soldiers to be killed, all for the sake of “political correctness”!  Such was the great error of the Vietnam War, for which diplomacy began with the “shape of the negotiating table”, absolutely true!  “Ignorance of history is slander of our times.”  Gustave Flawbert, 1821-1880.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Health Care?

There is a specific reason why I question “health care”, because it is in reality “sick care” or caring for the sick.  If it were truly “health care”, this presupposes that we are already in a healthy state and measures are taken to keep it that way.  This would be the more responsible way for government to provide “health care”, as a matter of prevention, instead of caring for the sick, for that is a doctor's job.  Whenever a government gets involved in people’s lives, the people are reduced to being merely “numbers” and the “Social Security Number” is decisive proof of this. 

To wit: “If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson. 

Again to wit: “Choice in the family is diminished as the power of government increases.  As responsibility is relinquished and rights become privileges, duties of society are dictated by rulers instead of God-given conscience.  Love is neglected and virtue vanquished.” Brother Gregory

And yet again to wit: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force!  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” George Washington 

It is the “business” of “Big Pharma” to so-called “fix a problem”, when we get sick.  However, it is extremely rare when “Big Pharma” has been able to cure anything and remains in business to keep us coming back for more.  One particular systemic problem remains however with any drug… and that is a drug has a general tendency to lose effectiveness after a time, for which promulgates the need for either a change in the administration of that particular drug, or provide a new and improved version and again after a time will need to enter the same cycle.  A very long time ago a college professor stated: “It would be worse for the fishes, but better for human beings, if they take all the drugs and throw them into the sea.”

 The following is my personal quote; “Better to die in the field of adversity than in the hands of government, who give their allegiance to the likes of Big Pharma and Monsanto.”  The proof of this statement comes from our courts forcing children to have chemotherapy and giving absolute immunity to GMO producers for any adverse effects from their crops.  Both venues are poisons!  A nurse stated to me that “chemotherapy” is “Drano” and if any of this chemistry is spilled, one must dress up in an environmental suit in order to clean it up.  I believe I said the following in a prior blog; I was told that death will come from two sources, nature or government.  I believe if one scours history the same will discover that many billions have died through the hands of government either by soldier recruitment or by edict.

Although this latest version of the “American Healthcare Act” has jumped the hurtle in the House of Representatives; it still must go through the Senate, for which will make changes and then remanded back to the House for approval once again.  If this bill does not make it through the House, then a committee will be formed to come up with a general consensus, in order to satisfy all parties involved and then go to the President’s desk.  We can be sure that it may take several weeks if not months before it becomes law, if it does not die in either the House or the Senate.  The fact that this bill just barely squeaked by in the House, is not very comforting.  In my personal opinion, from a medical standpoint; this bill is in “serious condition”.