We have a new and perhaps iconic
word to add to our pop-culture… “covfefe”. This could be accidental, cryptic or an
unknown acronym, at least for the time being.
President Trump added “HAVE FUN!”
at the end of this particular “tweet”,
for which some have by the comments that were made, for the possible usages of
this new word. For example, one posted a
photo of President Clinton at a podium with the following caption; “I did not have covfefe with that woman.” Some have and there could be only one winner
in such a race, as to quickly use “covfefe”
for new email account. And yes, I did
attempt this myself, for which was stated in the two email venues I tried, “This name is already taken.” However, I did use it and added a number
after it… Qapla'! For those who may not
be familiar with the Klingon language, it translates as “success”.
It seems that even our current
President of the United States, could not resist playing with the
pop-culture. And it is not truly
surprising, because President Trump is a prolific “Tweeter”. There is
absolutely no doubt that “covfefe” is
going to continue to be a “buzz word”
for quite some time. I will be on pins
and needles every time I hear a speaker in the news, who will take an
opportunity to “HAVE FUN” with this
new pop-culture word. So now, I will end
this treatise by getting myself a cup of “covfefe”
and go on to another issue.
There seems to be no end in
sight, to the ongoing narrative of a so-called, “Trump/Russian collusion”.
There is one simple truth that cannot be ignored… that there is not one
shred of evidence to support the above narrative, for which at least one reporter
from CNN, has conceded there does exist a media bias against President Trump
and anyone trumpeting conservative values and the “arc of history” as being defined by Barack Obama and Hitlary
Another such incident had also recently taken place
with an interview between CNN host “Alysin
Camerota” and former White House Chief of Staff John Sununu, to
“I don’t see any evidence of collusion. Do
you?” asked Sununu, to which Camerota sheepishly admitted: “No.”
“Ok, then that should end your reporting right there,” Sununu
said. “You should put an exclamation point after your ‘no.'”
Camerota began smiling and stuttering, and
Sununu laid into her. “Can I ask a question? If [Special Prosecutor Robert]
Mueller comes out and says that my version is correct — and yours isn’t — how
much crow are you going to eat?”
It is rather unfortunate that
President Trump has allowed these distractions to defer him from far more
important matters and probably needed that 9 day break from the beltway swamp
of Washington D.C. Now that President
Trump is back on the job of running the nation, it seems a shakeup of his
administration is in order. It might be
overdue, but I believe President Trump is operating the same as any CEO would
and allow some shenanigans to take place, so that those who are against him
have been given sufficient rope to hang themselves.
Another so-called “issue” is climate change. I have already posted a treatise from a
chemist who proved the fallacy of “climate
change”, for which there is also a conflicting report by NOAA, or should I
say “reports”. Buoys were placed to monitor the temperature
of the oceans, but a ship with fallible human beings aboard were also measuring
ocean temperatures and conflict with the data from the buoys, for which the
buoys report no changes that would support the narrative of “climate change”. Human beings, being subject to corruption and
please readers, one must take careful consideration to the fact that this economy
is still on the rocks and these people who are hired, want desperately to keep
their jobs and quite sure they are being well paid.
We can go back to 1995, when all
this began about “climate change”,
which by the way was changed from the original “global warming”, for which we are no longer warming up, for at
least the past 10 years. There were at
that time about 5000 scientists, who were hired by the United States
Government. And the government used extortion
for those same scientists to maintain the government narrative of “global warming”, otherwise they would
be terminated. You see my friends, “global warming” or “climate change” is not real, or more accurately
stated, the impact of whatever change(s) are occurring are not as threatening
as “The Matrix” wants you to
believe. This is all a prelude to a
coming rationing of energy, which will in turn allow people to suffer from a
lack of access to energy, because the prices will skyrocket, in order to quell
the use of energy. Yes, you can have all
the energy you want, but just like when Obama stated you can keep your plan and
your doctor, but purposely left out; “…if
you can afford it.”
However, “climate change” is very real to those in power, in order to maintain
power over the populations and created an unstable element, such as the “Great Depression”, for which everyone’s
comfort zone was threatened, just to be able to eat and therefore would do
anything to fill their stomachs, even to the point of selling out to the
government, for which we did by allowing “We
The People” to lose our individuality to being numbered through the Social
Security Act, on March 9th 1933.
By the way, it was this same time in Nazi Germany that all Jews were
being numbered; coincidence? I think
not, because I warned my readers before that anything political is planned. The Social Security Number follows us from
the cradle to the grave.