May 3rd
2017 Blog
And now for something completely different… and with good reason. I found the above from a rather unusual
source and I do not even remember when I subscribed to it, but I get similar things
like this as well as from other genres. It is because of the nature of this article
that I thought it to be very important to share. This also parallels one of my personal venues
of taking responsibility for my own health care, since 1977—yeah, that far
This particular so-called “food ingredient” is rather ubiquitous in
the food industry. It is found in most
packaged and processed food, not to mention probably one of the most overlooked
of the many other food ingredients, some of which are not even mentioned on the
packages, only because the food industry has their own so-called “watchdog” for
those particular ingredients not mentioned on the ingredient listing, or
disguised as being “natural flavoring”, etc.
Nevertheless, this ingredient is carrageenan,
which might seem to be harmless because it comes from the seaweed known as Irish Moss. It is processed to extract the ingredient
known as carrageenan, which acts as a thickener or emulsifier. There are other ingredients that can perform
the same function(s), but as with any consumer industry—it will be the least
expensive ingredient that will win the day.
If the above is considered the “good
news”, now for the “bad news”…
It is not so well-known that carrageenan is purposely used in animals to induce
both pain and inflammation, as a way
to prepare animals for scientific studies, in the exploration of anti-pain
drugs. It has been revealed in the “Journal of Diabetes Research”, as to
the side effects of carrageenan. After 6
days, animals fed carrageenan developed glucose intolerance, which is an umbrella
term used to describe impaired metabolism involving blood sugar levels. A few years ago, I came upon a report that cholesterol
is not the cause of heart disease, blood clots, etc., but instead this report
stated the true cause of such maladies is “glucose
intolerance”! Readers should be
aware that without cholesterol we would die and it is the liver that produces
about 30 percent of our cholesterol, which is why the “Big Pharma” ads stress that their cholesterol drugs might have a
detrimental effect upon the liver. If
you had not guessed by now, the touting of “cholesterol”
as being the “bad guy” for the lack
of heart health is an outright lie!!!
It is very important for my readers, to understand that doctors are no
better than the education they receive, for it is “Big Pharma” who is the single largest contributor to all medical
schools; so where do you think the bias is going to lie? In view of this last statement; there are
some doctors out there, who have a conscious and adhere to their oath of “Doing no harm.” Personally, I have been quite fortunate to
being treated by such doctors. Just as
an “aside”; it is “Big Pharma” who
now owns the FDA; therefore I see as
“approved by the FDA”, as a warning
label. Yeah, I can expect a snicker or
two from that statement, but as with any joke or quip, they have their basis in
The article continues to exclaim more bad news from these “animal studies” and found intestinal
and systemic inflammation; for we can also lump in heart disease, cancer,
arthritis, pain disorders, etc. For it
is “inflammation” that is the cause
for most of our ills and the very reason why we need “ObamaCare”. Now go back to
the first paragraph, where I state that I had taken responsibility for my own
health care, for this is probably the reason why I am still alive and have
everything I was born with, excepting a few teeth. Yes, I still have my tonsils, which by the
way is a part of our immune system.
If the government were truly interested in our health, they would
provide more education as to taking more responsibility for our health care,
which we used to have during my early school years back in the 60’s. But it is “Big Pharma” along with the FDA, who now holds the reins of our
health care and any talk of “home
remedies” can get those people arrested!
This is the power of “Big Pharma”!!! Therefore, we cannot expect the government to
provide any health care information and not only that, we can be sure that many
of our lawmakers have investments in the pharmaceutical industry… follow the
I do have a small list of items that commonly contain carrageenan, but why should I take all
the romance out of it, so my readers taking time out to read those ingredients
and discover a number of other poisons they include in our so-called “foods”. Oh yes, you can also find this ingredient in organic foods as well.
Carrageenan is found in most ice creams Chocolate milk Chocolate syrups Chocolate bars too.