Thursday, May 25, 2017

President Trump; A Texas Sheriff; Trump/Russian Connection, etc.

In a previous blog I mentioned that when President Trump returns from his historic trip that he will use his old catch phrase from his program, “The Apprentice”; “You’re fired”, to at least 3 White House staffers.  It was chief White House correspondent Trey Yingst, who tweeted an inside scoop; “Three White House staffers have been identified for leaking classified info. POTUS will fire ‘multiple people’ when he returns to D.C. Michael Caputo, who worked on Trump’s campaign stated, “This has all the markings of a coordinated, silent coup.” Sean Spicer stated; “Somebody is selectively leaking information and facts.  And there’s a reason it’s selective.”  It is quite apparent that all the information that has been leaked is specifically aimed to get President Trump impeached.  We can view it from those who are salivating and frothing at the mouth prior to this latest revelation.

A Texas sheriff, Tracy Murphree made a statement and posted it on Facebook on this past Monday, to wit:

Pay attention to what you see in Manchester England tonight.  Pay attention to what is happening in Europe.  This is what happens when you disarm your citizens.  When you open your borders without proper vetting.  When you allow political correctness to dictate how you respond to an enemy that wants to kill you.  When you allow these radicals to travel to Afghanistan and Iran and simply let them back in.  When you give up your city’s and your neighborhoods to a religious ideology that says you must convert or die.  An ideology that treats women as property, kills gays and women and Christians with complete impunity.  The left tells us we must submit and accept these radical beliefs and bend over backwards to make sure e don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.  The left wants to cater to the very group that would kill every group they claim to support.  Folks this is an enemy hell bent on killing you.  Committed to forcing you to convert or die.  This enemy will strap bombs to their own body and blow themselves up killing children.  I’m sick of it.  You better wake up America.  While you are distracted by the media and the crying of the left, Islamic Jihadist are among us and want to kill you.  What will it take?  This happening at a concert in Dallas or a school in Denton County?  If we don’t do something quick this country will die of political correctness and the fear that someone’s feelings may be hurt.  It may very well be too late for Europe.

It seems that the political left has adopted “Political Correctness” as their religion, which comes with a peculiar mindset that is virtually unmovable, for which I believe such a belief is not far off “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.

Jason Chaffitz has resigned as the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, as well as being a Congressman.  I believe this is the result of all the shenanigans of what is now called “The Deep State”, for which can frustrate all who attempt to tamper, change or shift the power structure of the elites of Washington D.C.  “The Deep State” is not relegated to any one party, but is an entity with a life of its own, for which knows no bounds in regards to law, policy, procedures, politics and mostly not answering to the American Public under any circumstances.  They are the “Hidden Figures”, who truly run (ruin) everything our republic once stood for.  Jason Chaffitz has been replaced as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, by another very competent attorney/prosecutor, Trey Goudy. 

Trey Goudy is not only competent but can also provide some entertainment in the form of witty humor, for which without “truth” there is no humor.  He is nobody’s fool and I am quite sure he is annoyed by the former head of the CIA, John Brennan, by some of the rather cryptic answers received from pointed questions that deserve more clarity.  I firmly believe that John Brennan is one of the many front men or fall guy for “The Deep State”.  In other words, Brennan is expendable, which is why he was allowed the position in the first place and has lied before Congress on one other occasion.  One must remember that John Brennan is an Obama appointee, for which Obama might be slated to be in some very hot water, because of 4th Amendment violations.

The subject is of course, the so-called “Trump/Russian Connection or Collusion”, for which there has been no form of evidence whatsoever, to back up this “narrative” and being staged by many bad actors, which include nearly all demoncrats, only because they need to stick together as a party.  Unfortunately, maintaining the “party line” is a very risky undertaking and could end up becoming “political suicide”.  It seems that the loss of the presidential campaign has mortally wounded the demoncratic party and is very desperate to drive home some issue to get President Trump out of the “Oval Office”.  It is quite pathetic that this is the only issue the demoncrats have, but it was also the only issue of the entire Hitlary campaign!

There are more issues I wanted to write about, but I am being considerate of my readers to keeping my blog to no more than 2 pages.  I simply cannot overstress that this particular blog is based upon a book I have written titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  The contents of this book are timeless, because it covers the actual reasons and causes of everything we are currently experiencing in the news.  The current issues are (believe it or not) truly non-sequitur, but it is the underlining causes of these issues that are only real news one needs to understand, in order to get through all this “political posturing or bullshit” we hear daily.  

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.