Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Once Upon a Time…

May 16th 2017 Blog

Once upon a time… the United States was the envy of the world and many people who were down-trodden, poor with no hope, sacrificed everything to reach our shores.  For two centuries this went on; America prospered and that prosperity enriched the world.  But something happened to change all that, but the blame cannot be fixed upon any one specific cause, for the simple reason it was a systemic number of causes, which can be described as either an unwitting conspiracy or a purposeful collusion.  In my book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”  I bought out what happened to change our republic to a democracy and touch on it in this blog on a somewhat daily basis. 

We (as a nation) have allowed so-called “authorities” to make our laws, rules and policies, for which most are contrary to our Constitution and the very reason why I wrote “What Difference Does It Make?!”  It is this same reason I decided to start this blog, as a continuation of that work and my endless research that continues to discover the principals of that book can be directly applied everyday, which is further proof as to the truth of these commentaries I freely share.  Therefore, it is incumbent to me to continue writing here, despite my small audience.  One might suppose that my readers come here to spare them their own research, which is something I can live with.  However, one might consider my book and will discover how I think and perhaps come to the realization that “all is not exactly right with the world”.

There is a reason why Donald Trump was elected to be our president.  Yeah, that’s right “one reason”.  America has lost its way and many have begun to realize this, because we are not the nation we were in times past.  Most of which can be traced to our paranoid government and the so-called “free press” that reports what the government is doing or not doing.  During the Obama Administration, the press would just come short of boot licking and kissing the president’s ring.  The press for the most part gave President Obama a “free pass” for any impropriety.  However, because President Trump is not “Politically Correct”, all bets are off!

The general press has done nothing more than to take every possible opportunity, no matter how small it might be and conjure it up as a sign, to bring about impeachment proceedings.  Press Secretary Sean Spicer said it best when he stated in the White House Press Briefing Room, “If President Trump decides to put Russian dressing on his salad—somehow there is a connection.”  This is the kind of “spin” the press relishes and simply cannot get enough of it.  Such is the same venue, when some traitor in the White House is leaking information to what Oliver North calls, “The Washington Compost”.  I quite agree with that assessment and by the way, this metaphor was brought out not too long after Oliver North took to the air waves after his tenure in the Reagan Administration.

It is this same so-called “newspaper” that is taking information from a White House staffer, who is most likely an Obama leftover and printing it.  This is the interesting part and needs careful consideration when one really thinks about it.  This traitor, who is leaking information, can probably say anything about what goes on in the White House and who is to say this “traitor” is always telling the truth?  All through the Obama Administration there were many lies and if not “lies” there were purposeful omissions.  “You can keep your plan and keep your doctor…”  But what was omitted is “… if you can afford your current plan and doctor.”  This is the government you pay for that takes one third of your paycheck.  A general once stated a long time ago, “The government has to lie in order to protect itself.”

Now I need to ask, has not President Trump been far more honest than many of his predecessors?  Yes, there are times when he speaks out of turn, or makes statements that could be considered outrageous, but he will not lie to us.  His motives are laudable, but like I stated after his election that he will have an upward climb to get things done, which all came to pass and all because of the alligators in the swamp.  Washington D.C. is simply full of itself and in order to understand their thinking, one needs to be an “insider”.  “The Washington Compost” simply panders to those who live and work inside the beltway and they will print anything that comes from the mouth of a White House Staffer, even if it is an outright lie.  That “staffer” can spout off every day of the week and “The Washington Compost” will eat it up and probably salivating when they can view that staffer from their ivory tower windows.  The press will have you believe that President Trump had this meeting with a Russian Foreign Minister that somehow classified information would be provided.  This is simply not so—they exchanged information relating to security and not discussing military operations.

It became necessary for the White House to set the record straight and had the press show up at the White House Press Briefing Room this morning.  The key to knowing the truth from a lie is to be able to back it up.  “The Washington Compost” cannot back up what was passed onto them, only because they cannot reveal their source, without losing that valuable source.  President Trump wasted no time when upon the day of his inauguration; summoned James Comey and asked him to find the White House leak or leakers.  This is precisely the job the FBI was formed to do… investigate Federal employees, not to be a Federal police force!  And even then, James Comey was not doing the job he had sworn an oath to perform.  Yes, a rudimentary investigation was performed, but because Hitlary is a power-hungry individual, who by the way has the power to kill, as proven in Libya.  Need I mention the “social call” by Bill Clinton, who happened to know when and where Attorney General Lynch was going to be, in the midst of an investigation and possible prosecution?  There is no such thing as a coincidence when it comes to politics.  Anything political is planned and has a specific purpose.  President Trump is not “political”, which is the only true complaint by the Washington insiders.  

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.