Anarchy seems to be the agenda
and goal on many of our college campuses, which is a far cry from the protests
at many colleges during the Vietnam Era.
What is happening now is absolutely insane and is diametrically opposite
of the goals of integration of 50 years ago.
Now the students want “segregation”
brought back, but this time they want White People to be absent on certain days
and take classes on racism. What could
be more racist than the application of “segregation”? The parents of these mindless children, who
are being led by outright “leftists”,
should be outraged, as to how their money is being spent for a so-called, “education”. If this is the agenda of the future, we are
very serious trouble! When the “Baby Boomers” are gone, so will any
semblance of this once proud nation.
It is also very interesting to
take careful note to the recent demands of “illegal
immigrants” who are demanding free health care and legal protection. This is not only laughable, but downright absurd. How can someone who is not supposed to be in
this country in the first place, have the gall to demand anything? It should be unconscionable to allow any
law-breaker benefits, let alone legal protection from immigration officials. The fact that the Federal Government is subsidizing
colleges and this blatant disdain for Federal Law, should be cause to cut off
all subsidies, until such time the administrators of these colleges denounce
the demands from the group known as “Undocumented
Students Initiative or UndoCU"
from their list of 13 demands.
There is absolutely no authority
for this particular organization to appear in the first place, for the simple
reason is that it is subversion of our constitutional government. UndoCU
is attempting to produce or initiate a type of fiat law, which will provide
rights and protections under their administration. If Jeff Sessions is not aware of this
subversion… he ought to be and very quickly alert the FBI, to arrest all those
involved and charge them with “Acts of
Treason”. This will indeed be a “wake-up call” especially for those who
are involved with sanctuary cities. If
there is only one person we can blame for this “outlaw behavior” it is former President Obama and his entire
administration, for empowering liberal groups and also funding them!
You may ask, “Where did this funding coming from?” A very good question and deserves a straight
answer. Hint: the money did not come
from Congress, nor did it come out of Obama’s pocket. The Federal Government has pending lawsuits
all the time, against either corporations and/or individuals. When the Federal Government wins those cases,
the money goes into the United States Treasury.
But somehow, then President Obama was able to divert those funds for his
own purposes, which would also explain how he obtained the 1.3 billion dollars
in cash, in so-called “exchange” for hostages from Iran. In reality, then President Obama was secretly
funding worldwide terrorism.
Look my friends, if one closely
examines the Bill Clinton Administration, the same will discover the loathing
Bill Clinton had for the military, for which was proven when Bill was visiting
Europe and an American confronted him and asked why he allowed 18 of our
military, stationed in Somali, who begged for help, received none and were
killed. Bill Clinton answered this man
with, “That was from a previous administration.” Well guess what folks, this happened under
Bill Clinton’s watch, which simply means it was his absolute responsibility as “Commander
and Chief” of our armed forces to provide whatever was needed to either support
those 18 soldiers or bring them home.
President Obama was no
different. In fact far worse! He firmly disagreed with many of his
generals, in regards to the Middle East, for which he either fired them or they
quit in utter frustration. In addition,
President Obama retired 5 of our aircraft carriers and can be seen docked in
Norfolk… mothballed!
In prior blogs, I have mentioned
a number of times about “The Matrix”,
which is an underground government working within the current government and
has been in existence since at least from 1952 and at the same time the Muslims
have become part of the fabric of our government, for which they finally gained
a leader in the White House and have worked “hand and glove” with the Obama Administration, allowing unfettered
immigration of Muslims; distributing them throughout the nation and financing
them for all their expenses through the Department of Homeland Security, for
which this agency is manned by at least 75 confirmed Muslims. If there ever was “collusion” or a “conspiracy”,
we need not look any further than the Obama Administration. And if you did not already know, Obama is
still hard at work as if he were still President of the United States, for
which we have witnessed some semblance of this when visiting Germany at the
same time as President Trump… coincidence?
I think not, but perhaps Obama needs a European ally, to further his
agenda for the United States.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.