Saturday, November 17, 2018

Deadly Environmental Impact; Ex Post Facto

I sincerely doubt my readers understand anything about the environmental protocol of leaving deadwood on the forest floors.  This particular protocol has been blamed (and rightly so) for the increase in the damage that any type or cause of uncontrolled forest fires; for the simple reason all that deadwood fuels every fire in our Western States.  Guess what folks; it was God who; when He created Adam; charged Adam to dress and keep the “Garden of Eden”, Genesis 2:15.  This simply meant to not only landscape the garden, but also to remove the entire amount of deadwood.  Deadwood has but one purpose; to be used by us human beings to keeping warm and cooking.

Now, before all the “tree huggers” have a conniption fit; I am going to give you one inescapable fact about wood.  Any wood that is either burned or left to rot; puts out the same amount of “carbon dioxide” pound per pound.  This is one particular omission that the environmentalists purposely hide; in order to maintain their narrative of so-called “saving the environment” and keeping their cushy jobs.  If the environmentalists are so concerned about “Carbon”; then I have but one suggestion to solve this problem…make charcoal! 

It was discovered that farmers in South America were making charcoal, to be sequestered in the soil; which by the way increases the effectiveness of fertilizer, and never wears out within one’s lifetime.  We are not talking about “ashes”, because that is an entirely different chemistry.  Charcoal is made by heating wood in a fully enclosed container, with the exception of a small vent; for it is the combination of carbon and oxygen that produces carbon dioxide.  Take away the oxygen and the heated destruction of wood, leaves only carbon behind.  By the way; this method can also be obtained, but more slowly by using direct solar energy.

Another narrative the environmentalist were touting back in the 1990s; was about the “Spotted Owl”; for which they claimed that it takes up to 5000 acres of untouched forest for one “Spotted Owl” to survive.  Again, as above; the environmentalist conveniently left out, when making this particular claim that there are very few natural clearings, within 5000 acres of untouched forest.  It is these few clearings that any owl needs, in order to be able to capture prey.  Therefore, if we want more “Spotted Owls”; we need more clearings, which also means clearing some carefully chosen places for lumbering; which has been done in times past, until the environmentalists got in the way, by filing lawsuits, etc.  

Therefore, if we need to place blame as to the unprecedented death and destruction of Paradise, California; we can put much of the blame upon the protocols of the negligent environmentalists.  We already know that it was a neglected campfire that started this particular fire.  However, it was the un-cleaned up deadwood that provided the fuel, to allow this fire to spread so easily.  When God speaks, He does not mince words; for He provided the proper protocol right at the very beginning; but of course, the arrogance and greed of men are constantly in the way.  This is because men are more proud of their arrogance; than heeding the “word of God”.  Men tend to worship their creations, rather than their creator; for which is quite evident throughout the centuries, of the pagan worship of other deities; whether they be in existence or created by the minds of men.

Ex Post Facto

It is rather laughable, as to the attorneys for the Demoncrats; who have every intention of somehow changing the current election law(s) in the State of Florida; which they hope will turn the tide of the election, in favor of the Demoncrats.  Well, there is one particular problem with that idea; for there is a clause in “Article I, Section 9, Clause 3” To wit: “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.” 

To those who do not know what “ex post facto” means; it is simply a Latin term meaning “after the fact”; these rather arrogant attorneys have the gall, in making an attempt to get the election laws changed; after an election has already taken place, under current Florida law; “ex post facto”.  If anyone is seeking a “constitutional crisis”; here is one right in your face.  Whatever these Demoncratic attorneys have in mind; will never stand up in our Supreme Court; as long as the Supreme Court Justices adhere to the Constitution.  If for no other reason; President Trump wants jurors who will strictly adhere to the “Rule of Law”; which is our Constitution. 

In perhaps simpler terms; one cannot pass a law that becomes “retroactive”, from a prescribed date; for which President Clinton did this back in 1993; with the passage of the “death tax”; that was passed in March of 1993, but became effective as of January 1993; “ex post facto”.  Therefore anyone who died between January and March of 1993, were all liable for the tax.  Probably the only way the then President Clinton got away with it; is because this particular law was administered through the IRS; which by the way has no part in United States Law.  I will not go through the sorted legal quandary that was produced by the 16th Amendment, or the 60,000 IRS Codes; that have enslaved every corporate working American.  As they say; the devil is in the details; for which can be found in my book titled; “What Difference Does It Make?!”

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.