It is virtually impossible to administer universal health
care to every American, on a timely basis.
There is one reason for sure—there are simply not enough doctors to care
for every Tom, Dick and Mary, who call for mere cold symptoms, because this is
what is going to happen when health care is offered for free. Right now, the United States is short by
20,000 doctors; so how can health care be available for everyone? This does not include the many of those who
need to support such a system, such as; nurses; hospital employees; home care
specialists, etc. The result is going to
be “rationed
care”, for which one must get in line, similar to aliens who want to be
American citizens.
Open up any local newspaper to the employment section. What do you see? Pages of display advertising for health care
professionals—there are not enough now; so how can we expect to have government
sponsored health care, when in fact the private sector cannot get enough
employees to carry the current load?
Universal health care has been both tried and failed in
several countries, which is why many foreigners are coming to the United
States, to be cared for on a timely basis, because of a mortality issue. If indeed, the United States does get
universal health care; the quality of care will plummet. Make your appointment, and get ready for the
long line at the doctor’s office, and be thankful if you can get a doctor’s
attention for 5 minutes, because of the daily case load in the waiting room.
The above scenario is the reality of government sponsored
health care. Doctors simply will not
have enough time to listen to your symptoms, and give a proper diagnosis in 5
minutes. Right now, this kind of visit
takes a minimum of 15 minutes! Basically,
human beings are quite lazy, and will run to the doctor at the slightest
sniffle. Personally, I have been doing
my own “health care” since 1977; by doing my own research and
treatment. However, there were times
when some emergencies did occur, and needed professional care. Ever since 1977, I had over 17 different
infections and cured every one of them within 2-3 days—how—with the right
knowledge and without a smidgen of antibiotics.
The right kind of health care is a matter of education; but
that does not mean we all need to attend medical school. There are many basic health rules to follow
and home remedies that will put all those who practice this method in jail, for
practicing medicine without a license—this can only happen if someone tattle-tails
to the so-called, “authorities”. Authority
is a matter of perception, not a matter of law; only because we have a
Constitution that allows us more freedom than is actually practiced. “If people let the government decide what
foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as
sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson
I have been a student of law for more than the past 23
years; for which I have written a book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!”;
comparing “constitutional law” with “contract/administrative law”; for
which the latter is practiced in all local court jurisdictions, for the simple
reason we are deemed as “corporations”, because of the legal
fictions that created these “corporations”, replacing human
beings, and reduced to being warehoused as “human resources” via the “Birth
Certificate” and numbered through the “Social Security System”. Go ahead, and make an attempt to bring the “Constitution”
into a local court, and be quickly cited for contempt, which is automatic jail
time. However, with the right knowledge;
anyone can beat the local courts in less than 30 minutes, and leave with an
inconvenience check in your hand.
Essentially, we are all “Wards of the State”, because no
baby can leave a hospital without a “Social Security Number” and
mandatory vaccinations, for which all vaccinations are not only a fraud, but
will cause future medical problems. I
have a list of all the ingredients used in all vaccinations, and an 8 page
document that puts the entire burden on the administrating doctor of these “vaccinations”,
for which the doctor will at the very least hesitate to sign it, if he/she
signs it at all, and therefore you may not have to take the “vaccinations”.
We do have the absolute right to refuse
any treatment; but beware, there is a movement going on that will force
vaccinations upon everyone, and for those who refuse these particular
vaccinations, will be deemed as a biological hazard, with a strong possibility
of being interned in a FEMA camp.
What really needs to be done is to bring “health
care education” back into the classroom. Too much time is being taken up in the
schools for the indoctrination of future obedient followers of government
edicts, for which “freedom” will quickly fall by the wayside. Yes my readers, we are being lulled to sleep
through the workings of “socialism, political correctness”
and the fluoridation of our water that makes us docile; just as the Nazis did
to the German people. History is the teacher
that can strike down any semblance of socialism. Our Forefathers were aware of every
government tried up to their time; for which they hammered out a “Constitution”
during the hottest time of the year. In
the words of Benjamin Franklin, “You have a republic if you can keep it.” Well… with the current political climate
change taking place; it is not likely to last much longer.
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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.