Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Election Aftermath; Caravan Invasion and Gun Violence

I wonder how many out there understand the hypocrisy of the “Left Wing (nuts)”?  It rather tickles me when those on the “Left”, spout off about the “Rule of Law”; when in fact they break the law whenever it is convenient; or perhaps “Cherry Picking” whatever law(s) suit them for the time being.  What is really going out into “left field”; is when the law means nothing, if it involves identity politics; such as when they declare “Racism”, which seemingly trumps any law, rules, policy, and “political correctness” is paramount.  I stated in a prior blog that “political correctness” has been an incremental stepping in the direction of censorship, for which has effectively put the “First Amendment” on hold.

The latest leftist fiasco has taken place in two counties in Florida; for which a generation has passed, and the hanging chad has become a forgotten issue, as well as the machinery that produced them.  Nevertheless, these two Florida counties are once again plagued with old machinery.  However, such things are no excuse for both incompetence and breaking election laws, but the “Left” can easily excuse both, because every vote counts.  If we have followed the correct news reports about this crime; there were many violations of law and voting ethics that point directly to one “Election Supervisor”, who is grossly overpaid, because she has short-changed 900,000 voters in two counties, in the past 15 years of her tenure.

Why she was not fired the first time for her crimes?  Well… let’s just say; “Birds of a feather flock together.”  Now that Florida is blessed with a Republican governor; Brenda Snipes has submitted her resignation, for which she claims she wants to spend more time with her family.  As laudable as that sounds; I think many of us know better, especially since one of her last remarks; stated a claim of “racism”.  This particular word is the “clarion call” for the entire “Left”, as well as the “MSM”, to stand up and take notice.  Such a declaration defies logic, because a question should arise as to “How can this election fiasco be one of racism”?  This particular election was so very close that a Black man was nearly elected as governor; so how can “racism” be claimed, when the votes were very close to being equal in number for both candidates?  In addition, Brenda Snipes was well aware that she was most certainly to be fired, once Desantis is to take office as governor.  Therefore, in order to “save face”, she decided to resign.  If it were a Democrat that was elected, she would remain in her cushy job.    

Caravan Invasion
Somebody is lying… We have been told by the Demoncrats and the MSM that the people of the “caravans” are all good and poor people.  If that is true, then why are the residences of Tijuana declaring the people of these “caravans” are invaders?  In addition, the Mayor of Tijuana has said, “This is a Tsunami.”  Moreover, the people in these “caravans” are committing crimes.  One might suppose if the MSM is telling the truth—this simply means that everyone in Mexico are lying to us, but when some news organizations have gone to the protests displayed in Tijuana, have discovered from at least one person, on video simply said, “Trump is right, this is an invasion.”  And yet another protestor stated, “These are bad people.”  It seems apparent to me that both the Demoncrats and the MSM need to take a trip to Tijuana to get their story straight. 

I have one question to all those who oppose the ownership of guns.  “Name one gun that lost ‘control’, to get up on its own and discharge.”  As ridiculous as that statement is; it is this premise being used by those who oppose the ownership of any gun.  It matters not what weapon is used; it is the decision maker behind the gun who has decided they are better than those of whom are their targets.  Whenever I first hear of a “live shooter” or a “shooting incident”, involving random victims; my first impression is; “The shooter is on some drug.”  I have yet to find one such shooting incident that [mind altering] drugs were not involved.

Therefore the blame can never be directed at the weapon(s), but it is the mental condition of the shooter.  Before effective mental drugs were invented; these same people who are now on some sort of mental drug, were institutionalized, but many of these facilities have closed their doors because of the easy option of drugging the problem(s).  This of course presupposes that the recipients of these drugs are taking them at the prescribed amount and at the prescribed time.  Just for argument sake; let us say that all recipients of these drugs are taking them as prescribed and not missing one step.  The only possible trigger to set these people off might be the loss of effectiveness of the drugs.  The latter is a distinct possibility because this is true with all drugs, because all drugs do eventually lose their effectiveness and must be re-evaluated.  Unfortunately, we must wait for an active shooter to make them known to the doctors, to get their prescriptions changed, but at the cost of how many lives?  Therefore, we must lock up the potential mass murderers, if we are to stop these kinds of shootings.  

The removal of all guns is not the answer, for two reasons; 1) the Second Amendment and 2) we hear about how many people are killed by guns, but the same people who make these reports, do not say how many people are saved by the ownership of a gun, which by the way is three times the amount of people being killed by guns.  Very few people know why we have the Second Amendment.  This was Thomas Jefferson’s idea, for the simple reason for the people to get control over the potential of a tyrannical government.  “When we cannot get redress in the courts, then that is the time we take up arms.”  Thomas Jefferson.  History has proven time and time again; the confiscation of property always follows the confiscation of guns.  God also backs up this premise.  Now before anyone touts the 5th Commandment; although it is rendered “Thou shalt not kill”; is not properly translated.  The organic Commandment is; “Thou shalt not murder,” which is the deliberate taking of a life, but we are allowed to defend ourselves.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.