Saturday, November 10, 2018

Vote Counting Problems and the Press

All the brouhaha going on in both Florida and Arizona is a striking example of Demoncrats in desperation, to remove the actual winners of this latest election.  They will say and do anything, for the simple reason they are still miffed by the 2016 election of President Trump.  I warned my readers to look out for election fraud, and so here it is in your face.  It is quite incumbent of Broward County, Florida to have problems with elections, and this election is no exception.  There is no doubt that the Broward County election results will end up in court, and could drag on for months. We cannot allow election fraud to go unchecked, and I propose a way to end it. 

First of all, there is to no longer be recounts based upon missing or uncounted ballots, because ballots have in times past mysteriously appeared, or disappeared, beyond the time allotted, for which I understand there is a law in place.  But this law has not stopped Demoncrats to break the law, and cite that people will be disenfranchised; well too bad!  With any job comes responsibility; do the job lawfully or leave!  The second and most important is to make sure when a vote is cast, the voter gets a receipt of who he/she elected.  This method by itself will stop the fraud, if a recount is called for.  Unfortunately, there are forces and people very hard at work to keep the status quo, and allow fraud to take place.  It is no coincidence that the Clintons are involved, because of the people involved who have a connection with them.

This later method would require the use of electronic voting machines; for which I had stated in a prior blog that they can be hacked.  However, every vote record will be recorded electronically and the voter to get a printed receipt, and therefore both the electronic recording and the printed receipt must match!  The way it stands now with electronic voting machines; there are no printed receipts.  The same is true with paper ballots, and this opens the door for election fraud.  We vote based upon the faith that we have competent and honest people on the election boards.  Another point; every ballot should be “time stamped”, this will prevent any ballots to be submitted after the polls close.  This method can be incorporated into the voting machines and also be included on the voter’s receipt. In addition ; it is quite possible that voting machines can be hidden in closets; case and point; Hitlary had a server hidden in her closet.

Another very important point; all voting machines must not be centralized, in terms of being tied together; for the simple reason if they were tied into the Internet, they could be hacked.  This means all voting districts will always be autonomous; and the totals printed out at the time of the polls closing; and all the printouts and electronic recordings brought under guard by some policing authority; personally I would prefer a “Federal Marshall”, to where all the votes are counted.  All absentee votes are to be delivered directly to the same place the vote counting takes place, and time stamped.  All late absentee votes are to be disregarded.  

I am truly disappointed by the lack of comments for any of my blogs.  This is a safe place to spout off, and not be in someone’s face in what should be a quiet and safe public place.  Love me or hate me; all I ask is to be civil and I will respond from this blog, unless someone would rather I answer them privately and provide the venue to do so.  Perhaps I should be rather pleased, because I have covered all the bases of the issues I bring forth?  Nah, that is not entirely possible, even for the most astute; for I am just as vulnerable and fallible as any human. 

As long as President Trump remains in office, there will not be an end to all the character assassinations to him, his family and administration.  No matter what President Trump does, it is deemed as being either evil or racist.  When was the last time North Korea raised its sword?  When was the last foreign sponsored terrorist attack?  Why are any places of “Sanctuary” continuing breaking Federal Law and allowing criminals to run amuck?  Why is the media ignoring “Common Sense”, and taking every opportunity to demonize anything this administration does?  You mean to tell me that this administration has done nothing right at all?  The thriving economy has not been a tattle-tail sign?  There is no way in hell that Obama can take credit, because he has proven to be nothing but a failure in all eight years of his administration, and President Trump turned things around within the first 100 days in office.  How about the incredible unemployment figures that have covered every demographic of workers?  There were only two other administrations that have cut taxes, President Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

What really irks me is when a heinous act takes place and is directly attributed to President Trump.  Okay, you want to play that game; then we can blame Obama for the deaths of 14 in an office building in California and 50 deaths in Orlando, Florida, for which the FBI was informed of the perpetrator well in advance.  In addition, it is my firm belief that Obama told the FBI to stand down when such acts take place, in order to get “gun control” and/or confiscation on the table.  Before one criticizes this assertion; let us take a very close look at the obstructions and stonewalling of the “Justice Department”, throughout the Trump Administration.  One can only conclude that the “Justice Department” has been compromised by corruption.  In addition, it was a man named “Serpico”, who served with the NYC police department back in the 1970s, who stated to a commission, that any corruption cannot be tolerated unless it comes from the top.  In the case stated above; from the very top…

It is a very sorry situation, when a self-righteous, grandstanding journalist aggravates President Trump in the White House, and does not stand down when admonished to wait his turn; had his press card confiscated.  This journalist has shown nothing but disrespect, to both President Trump and to Sandra Huckabee-Sanders in White House Press Room; rightly deserved to have his press card taken from him.  The man simply stepped over the line too many times.  Freedom of the press is paramount as part of our law, but not to the point of becoming adversarial, and/or disruptive.  If Jim Acosta wants the “limelight”, let him take a screen test in Hollywood.  There are college classes available to becoming more tolerant.  Perhaps prospective journalists might benefit to take such a course, in order to be civil when being invited to places like the White House.  Responsible journalism takes discipline, to remove any semblance of bias.  We want responsible and non-bias journalism to take place, for this is one way to keep our government in check.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.