Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Nationalism; House of Representatives; Political Football and the Washington D.C. Swamp

It seems that President Trump can’t go anywhere without putting up with non-sequitur criticism. According to the definitions; there is very little difference between “Nationalism” and “Patriotism”. This is just another leftist narrative, for which these words will be redefined in the “Politically Correct Lexicon”. Changes in words come with every succeeding young generation; for example: the word “bad” 45 years ago, meant something good; “Oh that is so bad.” The Feminazis 40 years ago, thought that being a “bitch” was hot. President Macron has redefined “Nationalism” as to be unacceptable. I can hardly believe that with an approval rating of 26 percent that even Macron is going to gain any points in the polls, just because of non-sequitur issue of a few words.
However, this particular narrative has taken hold in both the Main Stream Media (MSM) and Hollywood, in the United States, and I am quite sure the Demoncratic House will also be touting this narrative as well…why…because President Trump’s name is attached to those words, for which President Trump will continue to be demonized, despite our thriving economy. The up and coming House this coming January, has already compiled a list of legal maneuvers that will be nothing more than a distraction to the Trump Administration. The allegations will simply have no teeth for that narrative to go beyond the Demoncratic House. All their time will be focused on “The List”, rather than tend to the business of legislating for their constituents.

One can scour Article I, but will not find any precedent to place any undue burden upon the Executive Office; unless it is for a specific “Act of Treason”, which is giving aid and comfort to an enemy. Please, please Bob Mueller; find just one smidgen of aid and comfort that President Trump has given to Russia. In fact, President Trump is on Russia’s hit list, for the current sanctions, and for the arming of the Ukraine. I can see nothing but “gridlock” between the House and the Senate, promulgated by the House’s “list” to getting rid of President Trump. I wonder how long it will take for voters who don’t know one end of the Constitution from the other end, to be dissatisfied with “The List”, and not tending to the business of the nation at large. I can estimate it will take about one year or less for “The List” to fall by the wayside. The House simply cannot uphold “The List”, for a great amount of time, because spending bills must be passed.
Both sides will play “political football” for a while, and then at the 11th hour, before a government shutdown takes place; there may be some crossing of the aisle. Very little legislation will take place in the new session of Congress, for which will open the door for President Trump to put forth more executive orders, to pull up the slack both Houses will be leaving. If we can get the Department of Justice cleaned up; they have the authority to cite the House Demoncrats for “Dereliction of Duty”. If the Department of Justice is also derelict in their duty; then the Supreme Court may have to intervene. This nation simply cannot be sustained by a group of legislatures, who for lack of a better term; protesting the Trump Administration, through legislative acts that cannot be enforced without demonstrable evidence.
It is rather incumbent for any group of discontented political hacks; to prey upon the branches and limbs, which are easier to indict, before going after the trunk of the tree. The “branches and limbs” don’t have the wherewithal to fight to the ninth degree, a legal battle they simply cannot win without enough financial backing. Mueller and company have been doing just that, to anyone even loosely associated with President Trump. It seems the real power in Washington D.C. is an army of attorneys, who have nothing better to do than ruin the lives of people, who are just doing the job they were hired to do, and left hanging out to dry.
I pointed out in prior blogs that President Trump will have an uphill battle to fight in “Draining the Swamp”. “The Swamp”, Mr. President is far larger, deeper and murkier than you one believed. In addition, “The Swamp” is filled with the most unscrupulous and vile creatures you will ever find. Washington D.C.’s make-up is a cesspool of both “greed and power”, that was established long before you built your first building, Mr. President. In order to make any headway within “the Beltway”, one must be just as unscrupulous and vile as those in the opposition. Any sense of morality goes only as far as one decides to enact; and Washington D.C. is not for the squeamish. Washington D.C. has its own rules, and has many pawns that will be forced to take the fall, to protect those who wield the most power.
Despite Hitlary’s loss for her bid for the presidency; she wields more power than President Trump in Washington D.C. Her tentacles go beyond “the Beltway”. During her tenure as Secretary of State, she was a god. Even though she was clearly breaking the law with the ownership of her own server; she has control over the Justice Department and as I stated in a commentary over 3 years ago; Hitlary is immune to prosecution. It should not be too much of a stretch of the imagination that Rosenstein has cowered to Hitlary, and somehow got to Jeff Sessions, who should have prosecuted her. The Mueller investigation is a smoke screen, in order to protect Hitlary.
President Trump has a rather strong constitution in regards to all the disrespect and insults he has endured during his administration. Jim Acosta had his press pass confiscated, for being disrespectful during a White House Press Conference; who came very close to assaulting a female communication intern. President Trump stepped aside from the podium, and came very close to removing Acosta on his own. This little move by President Trump was enough for Acosta to finally give up the microphone. If it were President Andrew Jackson at the podium; he would have step up to Acosta, get into his face and challenge him to a duel. I would not put it past President Trump to grab hold of Acosta and escort his to the door, but I am quite sure the Secret Service probably would have taken over, as a matter of protection for the President. This reminds me of the computer generated incident, where Trump is depicted to body slamming a wrestler. It was my hope this could have come true between President Trump and Jim Acosta. Such an incident might quell some of the disrespect President Trump has been getting from the plethora of so-called “journalists”, SNL and other late night programs.

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.