George Soros; Shadow Government
It has been recently revealed
that George Soros, billionaire and Communist, illegally funded money to defeat
populists and conservatives, but not in the United States as has been
insinuated. He spent 6 million dollars
back in 2014 to influence the elections for the European Parliament. He used his tax-exempt charity that is
prohibited from making such contributions, but George Soros is similar in
character to another man who would not allow the law to derail his agenda and
his name was J.P. Morgan. Good ’ole J.P.
when given the bad news from his attorneys that he could not do something—J.P
simply hired people who could do his bidding.
J.P., Carnegie and Rockefeller bought an election by propping up James
Garfield, in order to enrich themselves.
So as one can see, political
shenanigans have been going on for time and memorial. Oh yes, George Soros has his hand in American
politics as well, but in a more subtle fashion—by paying unemployed college
graduates to lead protests all over the nation.
Election fraud is more closely scrutinized in the United States, but
that does not mean nothing is going on behind the scenes. Hitlary Clinton sunk her own ship for not
paying attention to the voters.
Hitlary’s aim was to rally her followers and perhaps overwhelm the
polls. Theoretically, it worked and
subsequently won the popular vote, but she ignored “fly-over country”, as well as 3 States that were once Democratic
strongholds, for which she never stepped foot in them during the campaign. My understanding is that at least 40,000
Pennsylvania registered Democrats changed their political venue to Republican!
Another article I picked up
states the “Shadow Government” is
much larger than perceived. In my personal
estimation, it is not necessarily the number of people involved, but how
powerful the positions held are manned and by just picking up the phone can
rally up loyal people who will do anything for them. No doubt those so-called “loyal people” might
have some serious skeletons hiding in their closets. This is how Herbert Hover maintained his
position in the FBI for decades under several presidents.
This “Shadow Government” has been firmly in place at least since the
Eisenhower Administration, for which this particular information was known to
Eisenhower and passed it on to JFK, who was so close to dismantling what I call
“The Matrix”, that it became
necessary to eliminate him. Much more
about this can be found in my book titled, “What
Difference Does It Make?!”
Much of the cost of the United
States Government can be attributed to “The
Matrix” via the bureaucracies and government regulations that were never
legislated, but enforced by policy and edict, at a cost of almost two-trillion
dollars per year. The number of agencies
that exist depends upon who you ask, which ranges from 60 to nearly 500!
You see my friends; this was my
point when I stated in prior blogs that either a democracy or communistic
governments can be corrupted to a much higher degree than one monarch, which is
the very reason for both WWI and WWII—to eliminate the monarchs of Europe. In saying this, I am not espousing crowning a
king, but we need to revert back to our organic Constitution prior to the end
of the Civil War and as they say, the devil is in the details in a book I have
written mentioned above. The key to the
elimination of the bureaucrats is the fact that they do not represent the
electorate, but are a law unto themselves and for the most part do not answer
to any of the 3 organic branches of our government and as I also stated in
prior blogs—I am convinced that these bureaucracies aka, “The Matrix” (Shadow Government) is an undeclared forth branch of
the United States Government.
The bottom line is “Control” and it matters not who may
get hurt in the process of enforcing policies being implemented as if they were
law. There is no “policy” that is equal
in venue to law! “Policy” is a matter of
administrative edicts and only used within the purview of an organization with
by-laws, such as the ethics of government employees. Are “We
the People” government employees? Actually, in a subtle way we are all working for the government, but that is another story. And yes, the details are in the book mentioned above.