Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5th 2017 Blog

It cannot be over stressed the way the Demoncrats continue the narrative of a direct relationship with President Trump and the Russians.  In reality, that narrative is not truly the issue—the issue is the distain that is shared by both the media and the Demoncracts—that it is President Trump who is sitting in the Oval Office.  One outstanding proof is the Neil Gorsuch nomination for a seat on the Supreme Court.  It was about 10 years ago that the Demoncrats who voted overwhelmingly, the approval of Neil Gorsuch to be a sitting Federal Judge in the 10th Court Circuit.  What changed?  I am not going to answer this question, for this needs to be answered by the court of public opinion, because what is my particular opinion compared to the many thousands of other opinions?  However, what is more important, is to ask the right question and I dare say that some who are asked, “What Changed”, might not be able to give an answer, only because the specific question does not fit the “Liberal” narrative or agenda.

What question should be asked especially to the media in general; why are they beating a dead horse?  The issue of the Russians specifically interfering with our election process, has already been answered by three high ranking intelligence people in as many agencies, but unfortunately this does not seem good enough, because it does nothing to support the “Liberal” agenda. 

I think it is very important to take careful note that during the Clinton Administration, it was this Administration who “Federalized” our education system.  Whenever anything is “Federalized” it is always going to cost more money for taxpayer, to support another bureaucracy and the very reason why it costs more to educate our children.  In addition, in order to fulfill the “Federal” agenda of what was then called “Goals 2000”, there were many “Liberal” guidelines of policy to adhere to, in order to receive “Federal Funding” for the additional costs that will be incurred.  Some of those policies included, “lying is acceptable behavior when needed” and “the government can do no wrong”, which includes when the government is lying, emphasis mine.

More than 30 years have passed since just these two “policies” have thoroughly indoctrinated our children, who believe the government can do no wrong, only when the “Liberals” are in charge.  And then we wonder why these children who were educated through “Goals 2000”, who are now ranging approximately 20 to 35 years in age, act so precipitately against those who oppose the “Liberal agenda”.   
“The mold of a man stems from the mind of a child.  Educators have known this from time and memorial, so have tyrants,” quoted from the narrator from the old “The Outer Limits” (1963-1966), the episode titled, “The Special One”.  The time has come to step back into history written from the contemporaries of the time for which these historical accounts have taken place and not from the government controlled textbooks that are funneled into the minds of our children, all for the sake of power for those few who not only rule over us, but have made merchandise of those who sit back from their hard days at work and watch more government controlled television programming that include “Liberal” controlled so-called “news”.

If you recall in prior blogs; I stated that the above is probably one main reason why the Roman Empire had fallen and we are a “hair’s breadth” away from this very same fate, because we decided that so-called “social justice” is more important than the truth.  What is the truth?  Truth is where you find it, just like either “water” or “gold”.  “When the legends become fact—print the legend.” Robert Wuhl, actor and educator.  We must not fear, because fear is the “mind killer” and one of the distinct reasons why I published a book titled, “What Difference Does It Make?!” and the very reason why I stated in large bold print the following warning on the title page:

“WARNING: I full well expect this book to be viewed by those of attorney status, which includes judges and also expect they will attempt to get this book banned!” 

The cover of this book alone is going to draw attention, for which aptly describes the contents therein and the overt reason for the title, which happens to be the title I adopted for this particular blog!  I personally do not fear the truth, even to the point of being banned as an author; as was William Guy Carr, back in 1958.  I dare anyone to find any of William Guy Carr’s books in any public library!  For it was William Guy Carr, whose fearlessness inspired me to study law back in 1994 and molded me into the man I am today, which also helped me to cultivate writing skills I never knew I had since 2002.  There is only one thing I will never apologize for and that is “the truth”!

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I recognize those of opposing views, but be warned; any statements made must be backed up with facts and not from social/political venues. It is an absolute fact that the social/political climate is specifically designed to place riffs where none ever existed before; such as Feminism, Homosexuality and Racism, which were all promulgated by the "Powers That Be" to uphold their creed of "order out of chaos", which will eventually end this civilization. Slavery is repugnant to any civilization even if it is benevolent.